Hand to Hold, Life after NICU has been a huge support for me through my experience at the NICU and coming home with a premie. They give me hope and support and let me know that I am not alone. I had reached out to others and Hand to Hold contacted me immediatly. I will always be part of the and support them as they have supported me.
Beth - 10 years ago
My sons was born at 25wk on September 5 hes still in the NICU @winniepalmerhospital in orlando fl hes a hr away and im lucky to see him 1 a wk we call him our superhero all the time
Cory - 10 years ago
Hand to Hold - wonderful organization
Kristi Unick - 10 years ago
♥ Congenital heart defects affect one out of every 100 births, or 40,000 babies each year.
♥ In the US, twice as many children die from congenital heart defects than from all other forms of childhood cancer. Funding for pediatric cancer is five times higher than funding for congenital heart defects.
I lost my child to a CHD and know so many other parents who have faced this heart break as well. "THERE IS NO CURE FOR CHD". Children's Heart Foundation is the only organization solely committed to Funding Life-Saving Research.
The Children's Heart Foundation hands down is truly one if not the most amazing non-profit charity out there.
Rocio - 10 years ago
Voted for Children's Heart Foundation! AMAZING organization doing GREAT things!
Candice - 10 years ago
I voted for Hand to Hold because not only was I born 12 weeks early but these families deserve the absolute best when it comes to support and care for both their families and their babies! Long stays in the hospital are difficult on everyone but I can only imagine how extra difficult it must be to leave your baby every day in the NICU. Hand to Hold is doing great work!
Thanks for doing this.
Vote for Hand to Hold! They do so much to help NICU families. This is an amazing organization. They've helped us so much!
Hand to Hold, Life after NICU has been a huge support for me through my experience at the NICU and coming home with a premie. They give me hope and support and let me know that I am not alone. I had reached out to others and Hand to Hold contacted me immediatly. I will always be part of the and support them as they have supported me.
My sons was born at 25wk on September 5 hes still in the NICU @winniepalmerhospital in orlando fl hes a hr away and im lucky to see him 1 a wk we call him our superhero all the time
Hand to Hold - wonderful organization
♥ Congenital heart defects affect one out of every 100 births, or 40,000 babies each year.
♥ In the US, twice as many children die from congenital heart defects than from all other forms of childhood cancer. Funding for pediatric cancer is five times higher than funding for congenital heart defects.
I lost my child to a CHD and know so many other parents who have faced this heart break as well. "THERE IS NO CURE FOR CHD". Children's Heart Foundation is the only organization solely committed to Funding Life-Saving Research.
The Children's Heart Foundation hands down is truly one if not the most amazing non-profit charity out there.
Voted for Children's Heart Foundation! AMAZING organization doing GREAT things!
I voted for Hand to Hold because not only was I born 12 weeks early but these families deserve the absolute best when it comes to support and care for both their families and their babies! Long stays in the hospital are difficult on everyone but I can only imagine how extra difficult it must be to leave your baby every day in the NICU. Hand to Hold is doing great work!
Good luck!!
I voted for the Military Kids charity as I am one..
Wishing you all success d
Good luck! :-)
For Jane Dance Bartley.
Go Ben!!
Voted for Children's Heart Foundation -Texas Chapter for Jane!
Another one for Jane!
Center for Child Protection!
God bless!
God bless!
Hearts! Children's Heart Foundation- Texas Chapter
Amazing organization!
This is a great organization.