President Obama Declined To Join Other World Leaders In The "Peace March" Held Over The Weekend. Was This Improper?


  • Jude - 9 years ago

    den- I loved your comments ! You forgot to mention that he has a halo. Soo nice to all- including those who want to destroy us. Sad to say he has just enough time left to totally gut the constitution & leave us as a socialist wasteland. Guess all the folks coming over our southern border might end up with no one to support them. Guess he won't then get their votes. Maybe an Obama phone might help . Socialism works until there is no one left to pay for it.

  • den - 9 years ago

    I think he was leading a call to it was going to Rev Wrights he doesn't know The Reverend....he was dissing the Israeli prime he was meeting with he was meeting with the he was convicting a cop for doing his it was because he just came back from vacation and was recovering from the down time (and Golf) he could not send help to Bengazi he wasn't told about itno.. no it was because it wasn't about him. Not to worry in 2 years they will air brush him into the pictures and he was there. You can keep your plan and your doctor. He killed Osama... What a great President.

  • ElvisLeftTheBldg - 9 years ago

    Wrong. He was showing his solidarity with the NBA champs.

  • KP - 9 years ago

    It was because he was GOLFING!

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