What are your chief concerns with hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking?" (Select two)

Select up to 2 answers.


  • Louis J Savini - 9 years ago

    Fracking can be done without causing any of the problems mentioned. check on a local company that has the equipment that reuses the water and contains no chemicals in the process. the company located in Stuart, Florida is ECHOSPHERE.

  • Drew Martin - 9 years ago

    How could someone not be concerned about their water quality. Are they from another planet?

  • Bonnie - 9 years ago

    This poll should not upset anyone. You can vote multiple times - and I tested it. So the results do not reflect people's feelings on the subject. Not a very good poll LOL.

    Fracking should NOT be allowed in the state of Florida - we have enough attacks on the environment and don't need this additional one. It isn't safe - end of story.

  • carolina shay - 9 years ago

    For those that want more information on this, I suggest you check FRACK U on facebook. Be informed!

  • carolina shay - 9 years ago

    It's very disheartening to see that the majority of poll voters have no concerns whatsoever. I venture to say that perhaps this is the first time they've heard anything about it. For those people, as well as for Matt & Carole Nelson, I suggest you read a bit more about fracking, I suggest you look into what's happening in PA, and in TX. I suggest that you check out a documentary by the name of GASLAND. Then, I would like to hear your opinion.

    This is an insidious industry that can not be trusted to regulate itself. It's fed by it's own greed, and the greed of those that lease their land, only to find out that they've given their health, and in essence, their lives away. This is an industry that, thanks to Dick Cheney, was given a free pass from the "clean water act", it's called the Halliburton loophole. And Carole, a company that threatens to sue Doctors if they tell patients what they've been poisoned with (fracking water), is not, in my opinion, a company that would regulate itself.

    This is a dangerous process from beginning to end. The potential contamination of our aquifer, then the disposal of the contaminated bi-products which are HIGHLY TOXIC, and did you happen to know that they need millions of gallons of water to inject into the ground, clean water that they then fill with carcinogenic chemicals, water resources that are precious yet they don't think twice about mixing it with chemicals to extract gas/oil?

    So not only are we competing with these companies for a precious resource such as clean water, but then we will allow them to pollute the little water left behind, the land, and as cherry on top, leave us with a life threatening disease?

    I say NO THANK YOU!

  • Barry L Elder - 9 years ago

    To Carole Nelson: The company has no idea what they are doing other than following some engineer's recommendation. Water supply contamination is taking place where ever "fracking" is taking place.
    To Matt: You are a dreamer. Do you really think that the investors are going to allow the drillers to regulate themselves out of business in respect for the general public?! Hasn't happened yet! Only greed has happened.

  • Carole Nelson - 9 years ago

    Not really concerned, am sure the company knows what it is doing

  • Matt - 9 years ago

    Fracking presents very little risk to the environment and community, in cases where operations are managed and monitored responsibly. The oil/gas industry regulators and companies need to maintain a good balance of regulatory requirements to allow safe fracking operations to continue.

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