Which Pony/Brony Music Do You Like Most?


  • klstixbro - 9 years ago

    Other: reserved entirely for the fantastic style in which SoGreatandPowerful produces his wonderful works.

  • Supersaw Hoover - 9 years ago

    pony harsh noise wall is where it's at

  • HalflingPony - 9 years ago

    My biggest problem in trying to answer this poll is that my response changes entirely from day to day and sometimes multiple times over the course of the day! I really like EDM, but I get tired of listening to it after a couple of hours. Some of my favourite songs in this fandom are metal, but the genre literally gives me a headache if I listen to too much of it. Symphonic is my go-to style if I'm doing work that requires heavy concentration, but if I can afford to zone out, then I'd rather be listening to something harder.

    What I *really* think I like best is the truly unique songs that combine elements of multiple genres in the same piece. If you can give me a track with heavy electric instrumentation that evokes the style of old big band music, or a swinging pop tune interspersed with tight rap segments, I'm all in.

    So yeah- "other", I guess.

  • Chadbeats - 9 years ago

    Other: Ska should be the only choice. :p

  • The Dude - 9 years ago

    I answered other, because I like it all. I know that's such a neutral answer, but I've never listened to one genre. I like what's good

  • Spade McTrowel - 9 years ago

    Had to choose other, mostly because I like the original songs done in the show's style. Something that belongs in a musical.

  • Thomas - 9 years ago

    Needs an all of the above choice! :D

  • Smithers - 9 years ago

    Maybe I should have read the other comments and included the replies in one, but nevermind. DoublePost here we go.

    Lofty Withers: I am completely in favour of your inclusion of a Symphonic/Metal pairing, as my previous comment shows.

    Brony15: I agree entirely on two points. 1) brony music has so much variety (including styles similar to Ingram's own) that I can't believe anyone could dislike all of it unless they objected _because_ it was about ponies. 2) 'Lullaby for a Princess' is an amazing song (although I slightly prefer Ponyphonic's prequel piece 'The Moon Rises').

    Various commenters: There should totally be a category for "vocal splicing" (which I've previously thought of as the "cut-and-paste" genre) that SoGreatAndPowerful and PinkiePieSwear have done so well.

  • Smithers - 9 years ago

    It's a shame I had to choose between Rock/Metal and Classical/Orchestral, since what I love most of all is orchestral metal (e.g. The L-Train's Moonrise or outside the fandom, S&M by Metallica and the San Francisco Symphony).

    I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that Electronic/Dubstep is running away with this, since so much brony music falls in this category; for me, dubstep is the genre that I listen to only because it's pony, whereas for most of the others I enjoy both pony and non-pony music of that style.

  • Matt - 9 years ago

    This poll is almost as pre-determined as the last one. Can we have one that all the bronies won't be so biased towards for once?

  • PlunderSteed - 9 years ago

    Metal all the things! I've never really been a big fan of electronic or dubstep. It seems that anyone with no knowledge or skill can just click around for a few hours and end up with something that sounds halfway cool. I look at this kind of music as junk food: Twinkies are fun for a bit, but will never compare to a good New York strip. Sure, there are a number of electronic music artists with real talent, but they are the minority.

    A lot of people consider metal fans to be kind of snobbish, which is understandable. When dealing with real instruments, there's not much to hide behind. Either you can rock out, or you can't.

  • Brony15 - 9 years ago

    >"I've tried listening to brony music, and every time, without fail, the cringing hurts too much. Even the CMC's talent show concert was less awkward than anything I've heard from bronies."

    What? O.O

    You definitely didn't listen to a really great music/songs.

    My favorite is "Lullaby for a Princess": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4tyvJJzSDk

  • Hat - 9 years ago

    My tastes go across genres but I selected orchestral. I would like to see some more funk, following the example of Warbalist - Pinkie Pie's Funk Floor, and electroswing, for example Yourenigma - Remember How - (We Met in Fillydelphia).

  • Rockpath5 - 9 years ago


  • HydrusBeta - 9 years ago

    I listen to different genres of music for different occasions; I find that some genres do better at eliciting certain emotions than others. Lively dubstep is what I listen to the most, because it keeps me energized while I work on art an animations.

  • DeadRise4Ponies - 9 years ago

    I'm a huge fan of the rock genre but the Electronic/dub step songs has grown on me so i choose other

  • name - 9 years ago

    I've tried listening to brony music, and every time, without fail, the cringing hurts too much. Even the CMC's talent show concert was less awkward than anything I've heard from bronies.

    At least there's good visual pony art out there.

  • sandal - 9 years ago

    we could always use more folk and bluegrass in the fandom

  • PrincessGlitterBloom - 9 years ago

    SGAP, soo other? There's a ton of indie music for pony why isn't that an option, isn't that kind of like FiW music too?

  • Dirty Blue - 9 years ago

    I messed up in the last comment, I saw 111 votes and my brain wen 11%. It's actually 2% right now. Point still stands.

    I miss Lulz...

  • Dirty Blue - 9 years ago

    "Rap/Hip-Hop - 11%"

    *sigh* Remember when Lulz and MicTheMic were the biggest names in pone?

  • Tradley - 9 years ago

    Dubstep is vastly overrated.

  • tater tot - 9 years ago

    And another one I can't answer on account of that fact that I don't care for and therefore won't listen to "brony music."

  • CinemaChick - 9 years ago

    I like vocal splicing music, like sogreatandpowerful's music and "Sunshine and Celery Stalks". Wish that was an option!

  • Heather Trails - 9 years ago

    I like Acoustic and Rock, but I don't like Country and Metal... soooo... I chose Other.

  • Anonymous - 9 years ago

    Other: SGaP

  • Lofty Withers - 9 years ago

    The pairings are wrong. It should be Symphonic/Metal and Classic/Rock.

  • WhiteyWubs - 9 years ago

    My favorite genre is rock&metal, but the fandom makes the finest electro musics I've ever heard. :D

  • Sypher Dex - 9 years ago

    I like pretty much all of these genres. But I think my absolute favorite is rock/metal, because its a bit more rare than most of the others up there.

  • Fluttershy - 9 years ago


  • Tavilicious - 9 years ago

    I am admittedly never much of a fan of a lot of the 'Electronica'-typed music. Adding a variety of high pitched tones and low-decibel 'wubs' to a song really does not do very much for myself, other then adding to concerns of eventually developing tinnitus :D

    I do like and enjoy a very wide range of music genres otherwise, though of course classical is always near and dear to my heart! Thus being my selection for this poll.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    I picked Other, as in, All of the Above! I've even been warming up to rap and dubstep.

  • PinkieBrony - 9 years ago

    The music I like the most is the music from the show. since none of these options clearly include that type of music I am forced to choose other.

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