Looking at these numbers I am not likely to get my wish, which is first and foremost . . . not high school, and worse, high school romance. I went through high school. It was boring then and very rarely am I convinced to reevaluate that opinion (there is Boy Meets World, but that's probably it . . . well, I guess there was Sabrina the Teenage Witch, but I think her high school was still boring. It was just Sabrina that wasn't). I adore dragons, so that's my first choice and space pirates are awesome (fan of Tenchi). I will read it regardless, because I love the webcomic and if I love the webcomic that means I can trust the author and artist to make even a subject that bores me interesting.
Looking at these numbers I am not likely to get my wish, which is first and foremost . . . not high school, and worse, high school romance. I went through high school. It was boring then and very rarely am I convinced to reevaluate that opinion (there is Boy Meets World, but that's probably it . . . well, I guess there was Sabrina the Teenage Witch, but I think her high school was still boring. It was just Sabrina that wasn't). I adore dragons, so that's my first choice and space pirates are awesome (fan of Tenchi). I will read it regardless, because I love the webcomic and if I love the webcomic that means I can trust the author and artist to make even a subject that bores me interesting.