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Do you think that Guam should legalize gay marriage? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,373

  • becrhodes - 9 years ago

    This is an obvious duh and a personal duh. I of course would love to be able to legally marry on the island I proudly call my home. However even if I wasnt gay I still couldn't see why it shouldn't be legalized. What is wrong with letting people declare their love the same way everyone else does. Come on Guam. Be on the right side of history.

  • leelee - 9 years ago

    Yes they should make it legal.... Why not when everwhere is doing it.... God said love thy neighbor.... If a person really loves there partner, I say why not....

  • leelee - 9 years ago

    Yes they should make it legal.... Why not when everwhere is doing it.... God said love thy neighbor.... If a person really loves there partner, I say why not....

  • Desiree santos - 9 years ago

    My vote is yes why shouldn't we wait

  • Tammie - 9 years ago

    we should be the one to decide who we marry not the law...i support gay marriage 100%, although i am straight....there is no reason why they should be denied.

  • Franz49 - 9 years ago

    Let the lord judge me! And not no human being! We R not asking for a handout! Only fairness!!!

  • Vivian - 9 years ago

    If they can legalize marijuana to help people in pain .. Then why not same sex marriage .. It's for people in love .. it's just as painful knowing they can't make it legal .. it is what it is .. They are just as human .. as anyone of us .. so why not !!! with all the stuff I hear going on in the Catholic Church who are we to judge ... I'm catholic and not gay .. I know some wonderful couples who are married and normal to me ...

  • Frances - 9 years ago

    Why does everyone feel the need to judge, yet make excuses for themselves? I am Catholic, and a lesbian. Only one can judge and that is God. So stop with all the BS about it being and sin. You want to voice your opinion? By and lol means vote and say your against us getting married. But for everything else STFU. Love is Love.

  • Frances - 9 years ago

    Why does everyone feel the need to judge, yet make excuses for themselves? I am Catholic, and a lesbian. Only one can judge and that is God. So stop with all the BS about it being and sin. You want to voice your opinion? By and lol means vote and say your against us getting married. But for everything else STFU. Love is Love.

  • Marie - 9 years ago

    Love holds no boundaries is what I have tattooed across my chest and yes I am catholic and yes I am a sinner and yes I have been forgiven because I called upon the Lord. I have been in a relationship with man for I have seven wonderful children and I have been with women as well whom want what a woman wants and I am happy. Don't get me wrong every relationship has its flaws and every relationship has its moments but it comes down to appreciating one another with the love, respect, trust, and loyalty to one another as a couple weather you are in a same sex relationship. God does not hate, he forgives and he gave us all the sense of being as humans so, if you think about it he has formed equality and preservation no one should judge a couple because the Lord didn't judge you, he died for you!

  • greg - 9 years ago

    No. It's not right. No matter how you define it. It's act of sin. Nowhere in the bible does it condone the act. Not one passage, not one verse nor chapter. It's an act of depravity and perversion with filth and vile.
    Im sure it is also causes mental depression , bipolar disorder and other
    chemical imbalance to the brain. To include physical damages to human body by their vile acts . Which could cause an increase and influx on the medical field.
    Not to mention the increase of these sodomites coming into this island and turning this place into a modern day Sodom and Gamorrah. Remember, Lot's wife was a sympathizer who looked back to her city. She had deep felt sorrow for those she had loved and left behind and was punished.
    She was turned into a pilar of salt.
    This not a civil rights act but an act to pervert the minds of people into believing enacted a law that condones the depravity. No matter how you put it. "WHEN YOU SERVE A TAKI SANDWICH WITH A SMILE, IT'S STILL A TAKI SANSWHICH".....

  • Ryan - 9 years ago

    If you believe you are stopping them for God read up on Leviticus and youll know how why we are all going to hell. If you need help translating or you do not have a bible in your home even though you are comfortable with blaming it for your misplaced hatred this URL will help.

    Homosexuals are just as human as any of us. They were made by god like everyone else. They dont spring up from the ground or come from volcanos. They are human and they deserve the chance to be happy. As long as they are not hurting anyone they should be free to do what ever they want. My gay friends have assured me that there is no human sacrifices during gay weddings contrary to claims by the catholic church.
    P.s Alot of priest molest alterboys, maybe the catholic church should reevaluate thier priorities.

  • phantom - 9 years ago

    If equality is what's being sought for the LBGT community, then it should be same for people who want to marry whatever/whoever they want. That includes marrying a dog, cat, pig, deer, video game character, brother, sister, cousin, etc. Love is love right?

  • isabelle - 9 years ago

    I vote YES ! why should it matter if the same sex marries eachother . it shouldn't matter at all . we want them happy not sad . so stop your bullshit & legalize it !

  • Francine - 9 years ago

    Love is love, accept it. If you don't like it, turn away. People have their reasons for being in a same sex relationship. Why worry about how they have sex or have babies, that's nobodys business but the the couple themselves.

  • Chloe - 9 years ago

    Same sex marriage AND equality ! Why should there be a law holding back two people who obviously love each other. I vote YES.

  • Serum - 9 years ago

    It depends for me. Is it just for same sex marriage? Or is it for equality? Or both? I'm sorry, but I do not want my son and daughter to be learning about how to have sex with the same sex in health class.

  • Ciara - 9 years ago

    Yesssssss all the way ! Follow your hearts & leave the bs behind.

  • Ben - 9 years ago

    Who are we to say one individual can't marry another individual? The fact that they have the same sex organ shouldn't hinder putting a ring on their finger. They love each other. They are allowed to live forever together. A ring and a wedding will give them closure.

  • Joe - 9 years ago

    Marriage is an insitutional of Catholic Religion. Therefore I am against it for same sex marriage.You cannot be marry if you cannot consumated the marriage vows... Question is how can same sex accomplished that...

  • camille&tiarra - 9 years ago

    We deserve the right to marry as much as any other couple anywhere. Equality for all #loveislove

  • Delani - 9 years ago

    Why not!! We are all human being, aint no one tell anyone to wait for nobody when we want to be in a relationship or when we get married. Opposite sex or not, we all follow our own hearts. No one should be judged or treated differently because they love who yhey want. I say we dont need to wait for no one to decide weather or not a human being shouldnt or should be married because they love the same gender. Give them the same treatment every straight human being has.

  • brenda - 9 years ago

    why not we are all human we just love differently ................I say let them love & marry whom ever they want :)

  • jake - 9 years ago

    Equality for all is what matters! Love has no boundaries!

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