Does the fact the passenger was impaired change how you view the situation?


  • Magpie - 9 years ago

    Did all the negotiations with the natives? Are you serious? Do you know the meaning of the word negotiate? Coming to a country, deciding they had discovered it even though people were already inhabiting the land and ripping their land, freedom, way of life away is not negotiation it is theft.

    My biggest query in all of this is why do people tend to blame others for their misfortune? What difference does it make who settled this place centuries ago? We have the country we have and no amount of trying to determine who was at fault in their actions and who was right will ever "solve" this. It is an exercise in futility and a lot of wasted time (in the taking over of the Americas the only right people were the native peoples who tried to defend their land and way of life and were vilified for it).

    Yes the passenger's actions were shocking and horrible. But is happens all the time. We express shock and outrage and then forget all about it until it comes up again in another video someone shot. And we express rage. And forget........

    I cannot even figure out why I am posting. Have never commented before. Do not normally even read the comments. But in this case I was curious to see what people had to say. And to the individual who is espousing the glory of the Europeans setting up the infrastructure here..... Sometimes ignorance speaks the loudest and sends others towards a truth they could not see before. So I am hoping that the people who come across your words recognise how skewed your "facts" are. I hope you find some enlightenment in your path through this life as it feels you are lost in darkness.

  • Andrew - 9 years ago

    Durry, what does the racial make-up of the military have to do with treating everyone (regardless of race) with respect and dignity? You're losing sight of the actual issue here, which is that all people, regardless of race, deserve to be treated equal.

  • Durry - 9 years ago

    Yes Jerry, I'm sure your parents are greatful to the Europeans who first came here to settle this country, did all the negotstiations with the Natives, built the original infrastructure and defended the country when it was under attack to destroy the values they brought with them to this country.
    For without the work they did, your parents would not have been able to build a business here.

    But like in my earlier post, I note that in our military, it's still those of European decent that seem to be doing most of the heavy lifting. But it's guys like you who expect others to do the heavy lifting for you and then you prefer to NOT recognize the work others have done just so you can prosper and live in comfort.

  • Jerry - 9 years ago

    Hey Durry:I am the son of immigrants.My father built up a very successful business by himself.Both my parents were very proud of being Canadians,as am I.I live in a country where we are all immigrants(except the original inhabitants) or descended from them-that includes yourself.
    This driver is trying to make a living for himself and his family,and I cannot care about his origins.Nor should you.
    Your being drunk is no excuse
    Remember the Latin saying "In Vino Veritas"Your drunken state brought out all the hatred you seem to have for persons-CANADIANS-who are not white Europeans

  • Tel - 9 years ago

    Durry your a jackass. Immigration from around the world is what has made Canada the great place that it is. You seem to like the European or dare I say the white? immigrants. I would like to invite you to leave this country you seem to feel abused by. To the issue of "booting" the passenger out. The cabbie has an obligation to get his/her fare safely to their destination. His fare could have been hurt or worse if he was just dumped on the side of the road. The cabbie did the correct thing and he was horribly abused by the passenger and now by persons like yourself Durry. So how about we let this play out in the system now that it is dealing with it instead of trying to bury it.

  • SHARON - 9 years ago

    In the seventy's when I travelled and lived in the middle east the oil company gave us a rule book. Keep yourself covered up ,respect the country, follow all the countries rules. I counted the days until I would return to freedom.

  • Jason - 9 years ago


    you honestly think if the cabbie stopped the car and asked the man to get out, that he would just say "oh, ok, bye"? holy christ, you are super ignorant and borderline racist. what color is the sky in your world, cause you are obviously not even on the same planet as the rest of society.

  • Ralph - 9 years ago

    So, we'll excuse this racist and offensive behaviour just because the guy had too much to drink?

    Getting drunk was a choice that the passenger made.

    As for those who say there was no crime committed; we'll wait and see what comes out of the new investigation into the old investigation.

    Commenters like Durry live in a make believe world. This is a new Canada and we will not tolerate racist behaviour ... and we are prepared to do something about it.

  • Durry - 9 years ago

    A.C., this is a minor workplace issue. The cabbie had a number of options available to him to deal with this issue.
    But like most immigrants from third world countries, they always look to Europeans to look after them.
    It's time he stopped crying and acted like a real man.

  • A. Colette Thordarson - 9 years ago

    First of all, Durry if you look closely, the man was approx. 12 inches from the cabdrivers face, workplace or anywhere else WHO would sit or stand there and tolerate this? I give the cabdriver kudos for sitting still, till this man calmed down. IDK if this happened last week or 2 yrs ago, this type of behaviour is inexcusable anywhere! Drunk or sober. I have sat and had someone belittle me and Ill tell you first hand, I would have rather been slapped then endure this verbal assault, it took me years to get over it. All this man was trying to do was his job...get the passenger safely to his destination, and because..through no fault of the cabdriver, there was no place for food, this arse threw a child-like tantrum. the money part was probably paid to replace or repair the equipment (camera in the cab), that was damaged at the end, which of course would go to the company. 900.00 who paid this? buy off or what. and Yes, I sure do agree this man should have been charged...verbal abuse is just as damaging as being physically your job cops and judges I'm sick of watching schmoo like this go by unaccountable. God or Allah bless you cab driver!

  • Durry - 9 years ago

    Jacquie, Canada was settled and built by Europeans. All laws, governments etc and systems were put in by them.
    Immigrants did not start coming here until after WW11 when all the infrastructure was in place. Before this most immigrants could not handle the wilderness of this country. They needed the Europeans to pave the way for them.
    Today, all the immigrants have to do is to help maintain the country, it's already built.
    But I note many of them have difficulty doing this as I note there are very few visible minorities in our military. Once again those of European decent have to do the heavy lifting.
    Today, an immigrant comes here, unpacks his bags and says, ok, everything here also belongs to me, all I have to do is pay my share of the utilities. Is this fair?

  • Jacquie - 9 years ago

    Jesse, I like to say alcohol is your brave juice, it allows you to say things you wouldn't say when you are sober. . Durry, our Country is still being built and that includes being built by immigrants and those that were born here. If it wasn't for immigrants past and present Canada wouldn't be the Country it is today. A Canadian is a Canadian, whether you were born here or not; we should all appreciate our Canadian citizenship.
    If we don't want to end up like the US, where racism is rampant, we should not tolerate this type of behaviour.
    Hopefully there will be a thorough investigation and the public will get the truth about everyone's actions in this case

  • Durry - 9 years ago

    It's no big deal, just a bit of workplace verbal abuse. He could have stopped and asked him to leave but he didn't. Everybody knows how to handle awkward workplace situations but this driver abviously chose to deal with it his own way.

    The Cab driver should grow up and stop his constant crying.

    Furthermore, he should learn Canadian history and learn who settled and built this country and be appreciative of what he was given when he got his Canadian citizenship.

  • Katrina - 9 years ago

    Absolutely Not! Drunkeness is not an acceptable excuse for bad behavior, nor for breaking the law. People have to take responsibility for their actions! This includes the choice to drink or use drugs!
    This man broke the law! He damaged property, assaulted, someone, & spewed racist rankings, which break our hate crimes laws! He should be charged!

  • Tom - 9 years ago

    Being intoxicated is not a legitimate defence for cultural ignorance !! Comment made there is more to this story yes, it's not a isolated case of cultural ignorance and the person who made the comment there is more this story, is missing the real point, prejudice, cultural ignorance, stereotyping,judgmental, conceded,hatred that the real story !!! It is sad he is one of many with this same ignorance, unfortunately !!! God help our society with idiots like this and those who believe in this these beliefs . Disgraceful !!!

  • Noah - 9 years ago

    There is a lot more to this story than what is being reported. First it happened two years ago. Global somehow " obtained " the tape ? From who ? What was the motivation ? The RCMP gave him 900.00 CASH but the cab company got 9,000.00 somehow for damages. The company should have given all the money to the driver as they didn't suffer any damages. He was given a letter by the RCMP but never opened it ? Really ? A lot of this is simply not believable. That said I am not condoning what the passenger did. But I think the reason no charges were laid at the time is because there was no crime committed. Hurling racial slurs at someone is reprehensible and extremely ignorant but to make the leap to a hate crime is a stretch. It's the flavour of the day for social media types to pile on every time an incident like this happens lately and demand public shaming and a criminal sentence just shy of the death penalty. We can be assured these trolls have the virtues of an angel as they go about their daily lives. The fact is this guy is an asshole. He got in a cab and acted like one. For that he apparently lost his well paying job - a financial loss far greater than any fine a court would have imposed. Get over it people. If we charged every drunk who acted like this in public the prisons would be full and the streets would be empty.

  • John - 9 years ago

    Being drunk isn't much of an excuse, but most drunks are obnoxious. What is almost as disturbing is the mob mentality of the social media commenters. Everyone seems to want to pile on with their own vitriol. Supposedly they are sober. I have to wonder what they are like after a few too many,

  • Jesse - 9 years ago

    Alcohol reduces your capacity to filter your true feelings - the guy is a scumbag - quit trying to excuse the perp

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