25 Lok Sabha MPs suspended: Do you think this will help Parliament function?


  • vns - 9 years ago

    Put these hooligans in prison. they are not representing people these members are representing Ms Sonia Gandhi.

  • Gopal - 9 years ago

    Sonia instigations to opposition parties for her selfish gain. All these parties becoming congress paid agents.

  • ganabady - 9 years ago

    parliament is not the place of tug of war.it is the place of debate,act .out of the parliament ,you can fight for everything.let the parliament do its business

  • Manender Sharma - 9 years ago

    The sessions of the parliament are the only place where bills can get passed after proper debates. The same Congress leaders oppose the route of ordinances and then they don't allow the parliament to function.

    They have protested a lot on the Lalitgate and Vyapam and they should carry on doing. But the parliament should function.

    Why don't they file a case in court of law and let the law take its course.

  • Sarvajeet Suman - 9 years ago

    I am not a Political supporter of any specific political party. But I think Indian government is going wrong way. Wait & Watch , Where this dictatorship leads us . By the way, I don't think Indian Democracy will be taking high without removing corrupt politicians. For getting everything right, first you have to be right.

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