Should there be a legal minimum age to ride on a motorcycle?


  • David - 5 years ago

    Stop trying to take away our freedoms. Leave other people alone and worry about your own life. Why try to ruin a fun experience between a daughter and her father? Because you, as a third-party observer with no intimate knowledge of the case, see something that could be misconstrued as harmful, you immediately want to tear it down? Somehow, people who claim to want to do good always end up doing evil instead.

  • Norma Berube - 9 years ago

    Lets leave other countries out of this. This is child endangerment. Don't care 2 shits about what a mother has done with her 5 children. Doing it doesn't make it right. Use common sense. Why endanger your child. Anyone who thinks this is ok doesn't care much about their child or children

  • Mark Edwards - 9 years ago

    Stop it people just stop it . We are not in charge of everyone ... PLEASE lets worry about Rape / Murder / Government waste / huge tax bills and why . Just leave each other alone and let people enjoy this very short time we are on this planet... PLEASE !!!!!!!! PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!! You do not own anyone.

  • ward kisko - 9 years ago

    All of my children rode on the back of my bikes starting at the age of five, all were safe on the bike and rode with helmets and jeans and jackets with proper foot wear, there is available at most bike shops a harness for use with kids, I believe the harness attaches to the driver and includes foot pegs for the child...riding with your kids is fine as long as common sense is used.....more regulations are not required or wanted

  • Roxanne - 9 years ago

    This made me cringe, both as a parent and as a rider!!! Probably should be a minimum age, as in no toddlers! Follow the laws of other locales: feet solidly on the footpegs and ALL SAFETY GEAR. NO shorts and teeshirts!!!
    I took both my sons with me many times... but followed the above guidelines.

  • Bob - 9 years ago

    go to mexico, this is very common. Never seen an incident there. Just relax, let people be.

  • Satnam - 9 years ago

    The driver is probably insured with AMA.
    AMA would rather pay for medical bills than cover for protective riding gear (except for helmet).
    So really is there a problem with what is captured on video, his insurance company like most motorcycle insurance companies advocate riding without gear except for a helmet.

  • Al Stein - 9 years ago

    Lucky Kid, never much had my Dad around, although when I did, Wow it really had meaning and had no choice but to "hang-on"
    seeing no problem, no hurt nor no wrong.... maybe those whom are thinking they are right.... can be simply wrong (just to give 1 day with my Dad) is somthing that is no problem, can make no one hurt and what a great adventure for the young one, maube tje creep whom is making nothing from this.... simply is lacking attention???

  • Noah - 9 years ago

    Hey Josh loud pipes are mostly just really annoying. Every 5 minutes all night long some asshole cracks the throttle wide open going past my house. It's not for safety at 3 am it's because they weren't weaned properly. If they are meant to save the lives of people like you they are definitely not a good idea. As for the poll question it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if a child's arms can barely reach around the operators waist they are likely to fall off. So yes there should be a minimum age or height to ride as a passenger and yes you are still a flipping idiot.

  • Robert - 9 years ago

    There are so many things in this I see that are detrimental to the safety of that child. Endangerment. This is just plain wrong.

  • Jesse - 9 years ago

    Take a trip to Asia bubble dwellers

  • Charlene Adams - 9 years ago

    In BC their is a law that says children can not ride on a motorcycle until their feet can reach the foot pegs. Maybe Alberta needs a law think this too

  • Josh Thorsen - 9 years ago

    everyone who votes yes has probably never been on a motorcycle of any kind. I agree children should have proper gear including jeans, leather jacket and a helmet that does fit. On the bike they should have there feet touching the pegs and a backrest. And the person operating the bike should be doing so in a safe matter. I have road motorcycles a lot in my life and I have found unless you are being completely stupid idiot it is the operators of cars and trucks that create accidents. Remember loud pipes save lives.

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