How would you rate Sen. John McCain's speech?


  • Robert - 16 years ago

    I came from a corrupt government in Asia and I saw that from the Republican.They are very dirty and they uses Gods name for their own interest.Shame on you Mc.Cain ,Palin and the rest of the Republicans for using Gods name in vain.You call yourself christian or rather false phropet!!!We need future President Obama to save our beloved country.His plan is way way better than the Republicans continued failed policy.

  • Robert - 16 years ago

    I tried to watch the Republican Convention with Mc.Cain giving the most boring,annoying and full of lies speeches.His POW experience doesn't really make him a good President.Those are circumstances that he had in the past.We need Obama for the real and original changes.Obama's life experience are more closes to the poor and mid level income family unlike Mc.Cain he don't care about the poor american family because he is rich.Mc.Cain doesn't care about our messed up economy or he doesn't understsnd.He agrees of oil drilling but it will take time before we get it.This means while waiting we are still under the oil companies mercy.We need is a "now" solution what future President Obama has said.Mc.Cain has agreed on Bushes failed policy and he wants to continue it.What will happen to us if Mc.Cain is our President?I know Mc.Cain's trying to distance himself to Bush but American citizens knew and not stupid.

  • Adrian I. - 16 years ago

    This country can’t be fixed with a great speech. I was born in a socialist country (Romania) and lived there for 27 years. Believe me, I know. I was fed up with all these great ideas that DOES NOT WORK: rich people are bad, poor people – it’s not their fault, the government needs to help them and so on and so on. Unless you were born with a medical problem I don’t care. You can’t pay your mortgage, I don’t care. You work for minimum wage, I don’t care. Why is this my fault? I came to US with $3000 borrowed from a friend and a pregnant wife back in 1998. I got a job and bought a house in 2001, my wife got a job, then she got ill and had a kidney transplant and the insurance paid for it. She went back to work in 2004. I lost my job twice and always find a new one and never applied for unemployment. We saved more money and purchased a large piece of land as an investment. We make responsible decisions and do not want the government involved. Because everything the government does is actually a service for which we all have to pay. Help with foreclosures? The government takes money from responsible people and give to people who made bad decisions. Free medical insurance? This is the worst lie I ever heard. It’s not free unless you are unemployed and homeless. What makes you think a government bureaucrat will give you better service? His job is secure, he makes good money, he cares more about his morning coffee. I know this, I came legally to US but took me 7 years to get a green card.
    Stand up and be responsible, do something, it’s your life. And it’s a lot easier and way more rewarding to do it yourself instead of whining and waiting for the government to solve your problems. McCain knows this. Palin knows this. Obama doesn't.

  • Bethany - 16 years ago

    John McCain and Sarah Palin would be great for Presidency. They stand for family values, LIFE, and are truly proud to be Americans. They stand firm on their beliefs- such as taking a stand against Murder! I was shocked to discover that 52.5 million abortions have been performed since 1972. You can have an abortion up to 7, 8, or 9 months. I didn't know this. I took it upon my self to check the facts and learn the harsh reality of what is taking place in this great nation. If you are as blinded as I was, check out 'Tiller Induction Method'- where a woman gets induced into labor by a Doctor- who then injects a drug to stop the heartbeat- giving birth to a stillborn. Obama would be supporting this- so he is supporting murder. Where do you draw the line? When did it become okay to perform an abortion at 9 months? I remember when people would argue that at 2 or 3 months- it was just a fetus! Well- what is it at 9 months? It's a baby…. a human. Why would we think of it as anything else? I must say that I draw the line by NOT VOTING FOR OBAMA. I am not rich, I am not privileged, I have to work very hard for every penny I have in a weak economy with high gas and living expenses. And I still believe that John McCain is the President we need for our Nation. And why does everyone blame George Bush for high gas prices, a crumbling housing market and economic failure? I remember witnessing my friends and several others make a bad decision by buying a house way beyond their means-with an interest only loan, and zero down. I guess they took a risk and lost big time! So why expect the government to bail them out? They weren't having problems when they were filling their homes with plasma TV"s, buying Xboxes, and iphones (on credit) or cashing in their equity to make unnecessary upgrades to a poor purchase. I don't believe in relying on the government to bail people out. This is common sense people- 10 years ago- the rich drove Lexuses, BMW and Mercedes- but now anyone can own one with credit. Those who fail to plan for the future- plan to fail. There are people who truly need help and can't get it because of these people. Obama will not fix YOUR problems. In fact, McCain wont even fix these problems either. Only you can fix these problems. If you rely on credit cards, live beyond your means, and continue to buy frivilous things- what is really going to change? Oh wait... I know..... With Obama's plan I will have to pay for your mistakes. Because I already learned the hard way and dug myself out of the hole I created- and now I get to pay for you to get out of your hole- all so you wont learn your lesson and do it all over again. YEAH FOR SOCIALISM. And George Bush offered a stimulus to help with the economy (even though we weren't in a recession)- and Walmart reported a HUGE increase in sales. Hmm... last I checked, Walmart doesn't offer relief in 'pain at the pump' or helps the American people pay off their mortgage. For the record, I don't support George Bush, and I don't blame other people for my poor decisions I have made in life. I believe that America was founded on the idea that people could come here and have a better life. But I don't expect them to come here and force their ideas and policies on me either. We are One Nation-UNDER GOD- with Liberty and Justice for ALL!! I stand by my country, our soldiers, and I have a voice for those who do not- and are growing inside of a woman's womb. I am the voice for that human who does not have a voice- because others consider it to be insignificant. I do not classify all democrats as being crazy or all republicans for being evil. I believe we should have Christmas trees at Seatac Airport, say 'Merry Christmas' without worrying about offending someone and I believe we should be accepting of everyone, courteous and kind towards everyone- but we do not have to accept their lifestyle. Please think for yourself- don't let the media do it for you. God Bless this great Country!

  • Paul - 16 years ago

    I was inspired by John McCain last night. I believe he is the only candidate to have earned the right to be president. When it comes to change, Obama only wants to change George Bush's policies, where John McCain wants to change the politics in Washington. I'm tired of hearing the 90% voted with Bush statement. Afterall, Obama voted his party line 95% of the time.

  • john - 16 years ago

    wow! 50% of SeattleTimes readers give it a good mark. Amazing considering the Pac NW is one of the most leftist areas in the west coast. Voting in ugly hags like Gregoire, even with dead votes, Seattle is a liberal cesspool of leftist socialists. I'm just shocked how many people in leftist seattle liked his speech! And yea, I'm sure the nimwit Gregoire with the help of the dead will win again.

  • Don Dubya - 16 years ago

    2 weeks ago I was ready to sit this one out. John McCains personal journey to this point has stirred me and at one point last night I sat weeping in my chair as I thought of this mans sacrifice for this country. We will be reminded every time we see him try to salute a fellow veteran or the flag of this great country. I really wanted to vote for Obama. I wanted to be part of a movement that would make racism a part of our past. I loved the fact that he was able to deliver a speech flawlessly and inspire his audience. I would have no problem voting for any black American if I thought he (or she) could do the job. I think Obama is capable of leading this country, I'm just not sure the destination he seeks is where I want to go. McCains choice of Palin gave me the opportunity again share in an historic election and his speech last night convinced me that his destination is where I want to be. If his patriotism is politics of the past, count me in. Obama is going to have to satisfactorily answer the questions about Bill Ayers and why his 20 year pastor hates his country and thinks I as a white man is the problem before he gets my vote back.

  • Tarn - 16 years ago

    Speeches and oratory skills don't win wars and improve the economy. He was very inspirational especially when he recalled "they broke me" point in his life. He'll make a great president. His cabinet will represent me better than Obama's cabinet.

  • John Patrick Smith - 16 years ago

    John McCain was right to link both the Republican and Democrat parties to the corrupt morals of Washington politicians.

    These same party politicians also share a bankruptcy of ideas for how to fix their criminal fiscal mismanagement.

    For too long the U.S. Congress has financed its deficit spending with economic policies and legislation that promoted lenient credit and lax oversight to encourage U.S. consumer borrowing in order to produce economic expansion.

    This economic house of cards has come tumbling down following the dot-com market bubble burst and sub-prime housing collapse.

    As a result of this wealth meltdown, U.S. consumers can no longer finance their debts and Congress is desperate to find revenues to keep the U.S. out of bankruptcy.

    It's time to limit Congressional terms. Will either John McCain or Barack Obama support a constitutional amendment to limit Congressional terms to a combined total of not more than eighteen (18) years?

  • Lowell Pelkey - 16 years ago

    John McCain is the only candidate with a proven track record of reaching across the aisle and (generally) voting conscience over party. This alone qualifies him uniquely for the office of the Presidency.

    I've been following politics closely for my entire adult life, more than 20 years, and I've never been as inspired by any candidate for any office as I am after watching McCain speak tonight.

    America needs less manufactured, committee-approved, party-line canned speeches, less teleprompter eloquence, fewer non-debates waged in serial 5-second arguments, and more people like John McCain, who I truly believe will roll up his sleeves and get to work from day 1.

    I've waited a long time to pull the lever for him; I'm absolutely convinced he's the best man for the job.

    I respect him for not even MENTIONING abortion tonight. The GOP has been beholden to the Christian right-wing far too long. It's flat obvious that the majority of us don't buy into the extremes of either party's platforms- we're a common sense people who are PLAIN SICK of watching little to nothing get done while government gets ever bigger and ever more ineffective.

    I'm a lifelong atheist, a divorced single father, a 55-hr/wk warehouse manager/blue collar skilled laborer; I commute approx 500 miles/wk and 2-3 hours/day to & from work in typically horrendous traffic (until this year in the same American-made mid-size pickup truck I've fixed myself for the last 13 yrs); I'm reluctantly pro-choice, proudly pro-family; I'm consistently unimpressed with the quality of education available to my son in the public schools here; I'm for all common-sense and economically viable environmental safegaurds (though I still do not believe in global warming!); I'm pro-nuclear power (the all-of-the-above approach is absolutely the best and probably the only viable one); I'm sick of bloated, irresponsible, wasteful, corrupt gov't...


  • Ignorance is Bliss - 16 years ago

    McCain is certainly many things, but he is NOT change. He completely denies the fact that he has supported the Bush administration 90% of the time over the last 8 years while claiming to "change Washington" (not to mention he's trying to use Barack Obama's original slogan). It is ridiculous and insulting to the American people to make a speech with such exclamations with no plan or substantive words to back it up. how are you going to change anything when you still support the worst administration in our nation's history?

    McCain is nothing more than an out of touch and out of line liar whose dramatically fallen off the deep end.

    Yes, 8 years ago I would have voted for him. Yes he has many years of old washington experience, but he is no longer a person fit for the white house. His tactics are old and his his message is corrupt.

    Please take the time to think about his administration would have not only on America, but on the world. Bush has wrapped the rope around out neck, and McCain will kick the chair from our feet. America is doomed if McCain is elected.

    America please don't make the same mistake again.

  • Patrick Magee - 16 years ago

    A true American hero well prepared from experience to be our next president. It is encouraging that our country can produce a man of substance at this time of great need. I really didn't get why he has a chance or why I should vote for him until tonight. Awesome speech from an awesome American.

  • Vote for McCain - 16 years ago

    There is now hope! - Well done Sen John McCain

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