Should Easton schools require student uniforms?


  • 12 face student at EAHS - 9 years ago

    This personally won't matter to me because I'm graduating this year but I do have a little sister in 8th grade and I don't want her to have to wear a stupid uniform...she is finally wearing she wants and can express herself and finding who she is but uniforms will strip her of that. Plus, you ever think that most families can't afford them? And how hot they will get in the warmer weather? We're too poor to even fix the broken clocks and ac. Plus, this is PUBLIC school. If they wanted to wear uniforms they would've went to private school. If you enforce this there will be MAJOR havoc. And more problems then there are now with the students. I feel like uniforms will try to be like a coverup to how crappy this school actually is.

  • 7th grade student - 9 years ago

    i get how most people say it wont let people express themselves and i totoally agree eve if you give us uniforms it wont stop bullying because people are picked on not because of your clothes or shoes but your personality if your anoying your not gonna have alot of friends and wight get bullied and if you act comfortable with everyone they wont care the point is uniforms wont help at all

  • Missy - 9 years ago

    Did Easton area school ever think some parents don't have the money to buy uniforms and from what I hear and see there are better ways this money can be use like hiring a few extra bus drivers on my daughters bus there's 3 kids per seat kids hanging off the seats these kids are getting bigger not smaller and students sit on the floor of the bus

  • eams student - 9 years ago

    No we should not have uniforms because it is stupid asf and the teachers are saying it is going to stop bullying well no it's not people will still get bullied from how they look and their shoes so shut the Fuck up and don't give us uniforms

  • Tammy - 9 years ago

    They need to enforce the dress code they already have in place changing to uniforms isn't the answer and a added expense that pArents don't need wee spend enough on things our kids need. Still isn't going to make a difference kids want to be mean they will or fight they will uniforms or not I oppose the uniform idea

  • Brian miller - 9 years ago

    No uniforms they did not need them it will not stop bulling so shut up

  • Concered parent - 9 years ago

    I do not think that having uniforms is going to decrease bullying. Actually, I think it ia going to make things worse. I have had this discussion with a few people that tried to boost the idea on me saying it will be cost affective if the school does it because it will make school shopping easier. Well, for those who have multiple children in the district that still will have to buy their children "non school" clothes as well, I personally don't think it's fair. Kids get picked on because of race, gender, where they live, who they are friends with, what activity either they are in or not, etc. Tackling the bully problem is bigger than sticking this latest bandaid on it.

  • Person - 9 years ago

    No uniforms. Ppl only bully because bad things happen to them. Or they are jealous So that's their personal life yeah they take it to school with them but we should just ignore it. School is a place to learn not to worry about what we wear. Our parents send us there for an education and a social life.

  • 12th Grade Student At EAHS - 9 years ago

    Uniforms won't stop bullying, we will see kids outside of school without their uniforms, so what's that solving ? We Live In A World where people tell us to be honest and tell the truth, & don't lie, but when we tell the truth, we're being bullies.. Uniforms or not, kids will always find a way to be a "bully", call someone names , say something wrong about what they're wearing, or the way they smell. There's way much more things in easton that needs to be fixed & Y'all Keep Saying Easton is broke when evidently Y'all not..

  • Anon student - 9 years ago

    Honestly , this is an horrible idea. How can U tell is to "be ourselves" when we all will Look the same. & like many of people have said , either way , WE WILL BE JUDGED!! And if students have to follow dress code. So do teachers. I've seen teachers with the shortest dresses that are even sleeveless ! Therefore , they should also follow the uniform policy. I mean Out of Everyone , teachers are the biggest Hipocrites. & yeah there are some disgusting boys in this school , but not everyone will get distracted by what girls wear. & this school is sexist for crying out lied !! All the of the dress code is obviously addressed to the girls & only girls. Either you have rules for boys also , or no rules at all.

  • 10th grade student - 9 years ago

    I think it's a great idea for uniforms.. Not only do they take away and lessen bullying... But it's easy to be able to wake up in the morning and not have to think of what to buy. You can save your money and or get clothes that are "inappropriate" for school. VOTE YES!!!!

  • Pissed off 11th grader. - 9 years ago

    Honestly this is all bull. How bout instead of worrying about this we give better sex education classes and teach student and teachers to stop objectifying the girls. I'm a female and I'm tired of feeling like my body is something I need to hide. If I wanted to wear uniforms I would go to private school people seem to forget this is PUBLIC SCHOOL. Honestly yall think kids act out now hahaha try this out tell me how it goes for yah cause I no dam well us the students will not put up with this! #freewill

  • 10th grader at EAHS class of 2018 - 9 years ago

    Uniforms aren't the biggest issue here. We have broken air conditioning and broken clocks. Maybe try to fix those things first before considering to give us uniforms. Uniforms will only cause us to act out even more in rebellion against the uniforms. I've been in the Easton school district my whole life. We've never had to worry about uniforms so why are we changing that now? Plus not all families have millions of dollars to give away for a uniform. We all should be able to wear what we want to school without a problem. I will honestly say that I refuse to wear a uniform and I will make a petition against it. And I'm sure every student in Easd will sign it. Easton really needs to worry about other things other than uniforms.

  • A parent - 9 years ago

    Uniforms are a good idea because it's one less thing to bully each other about. Plus maybe if some of these kids learn how to properly dress the others might focus on learning and not what body part they want to touch. And then some of these kids might know how to spell properly.

  • Student - 9 years ago

    This dress code rule it so dumb like we should be able to express the way we dress and plus we are not even a catholic school so why uniforms? We go to school to get an education not be told what to and what not to wear like this is the dumbest thing I ever head like you guys ha e it done it in the past and you have a lot more to worry about than dress code like money wise you can't pay your a/c bill hotter than ever in the school you already go us wearing ID so let's no push it

  • Anonymous - 9 years ago

    "Oh my god it's a shoulder I'm going to fail my quiz now!" Said no guy ever. School dress code tells girls they're not respected unless covered up. It makes us feel insecure when we can't wear what we want to school. We go to school to learn and that's it. Not to be told what to wear and what not to wear. Literally all girls can wear now is jeans and a simple t-shirt. And leggings are all girls wear now a days and no guy ever has ever said they are to distracting. Get it together Easton, and no uniforms

  • student - 9 years ago

    I disagree with the idea of uniforms for easton. Some familys wont be able to afford them and the overall idea of uniforms is pointless, your not going to make things better nor worse. If parents want their child to wear a uniform go to a catholic or private school where they have them. And doesnt easton have bigger problems to worry about ..

  • none - 9 years ago

    If we have to wear uniforms why cant the teachers do the same? Honestly makes no sense.... Some teachers even be wearing mega short dresses or tight ones even.

  • your never gonna know - 9 years ago

    uniforms are going to be so fucking stupid bc im
    gonna be able to say WHAT ARE THOSE to peoples shoes , & plus no one is going to do it . I REFUSE TO WEARING FUCKING UNIFORMS . this is bull shit bc we should be able to wear whatever we want . damn its not a big deal what people wear ! AND UNIFORMS ARE EXSPENISVE !! like you think people have that kind of money . HELL NO !

  • 8th grade - 9 years ago

    This is kinda dumb because when it gets cold or hot we're going to be freezing or hot so it's stupied

  • Mom of two - 9 years ago

    I don't think uniforms are good idea. It doesn't allow the child to express themselves through clothing and jewelry. This will cause more problems. I get it. No leggings or tight shirts, I get it. But please allow the children to express themselves. Maybe make the district dress code stricter, but not uniforms. You have to let your child express yourself! We are not a private school. Some parents don't have enough money for uniforms. Please allow the children to express & be theirselves. It's already hard enough to find a plain white t-shirt that has nothing on it for my daughter in gym class! Please allow the children to express themselves. Thank you to the school board for supporting.

  • Unknown again! - 9 years ago


  • Unknown - 9 years ago


  • Mother of 2 - 9 years ago

    How about air conditioning first in ALL our schools? Those uniforms may get a bit warm when it's 87 degrees in the classroom.

  • 9th grader - 9 years ago

    what's the point of uniforms? kids will just find something else to make fun of if we get them.

  • Easton student - 9 years ago

    the staff is always telling us to express ourselves and the way we do that is by wearing certain clothes. Uniforms aren't right.

  • 8th grade student - 9 years ago

    I think it is a horrible idea to make students wear uniforms . some family's don't have as much as others and if they have more than one kid they are going to have to buy quite a few uniforms . i don't understand why there is even a dress code .. kids should be able to wear what they want and express themselves , I mean what's wrong with ripped jeans and a tank top ? that should be the least of the districts worries .

  • eighth grader - 9 years ago

    uniforms isn't a good idea because it takes away kids freedom to express who they are. you tell us to be ourselves but then u try to take away one of the only ways we can do that. the dress code is already ridiculous enough with all the "no leggings" and "no showing your shoulder" (btw it's quite obvious that all of that is directed towards girls which is even more ridiculous) policy. we do not need uniforms because our dress code isn't strict enough. the whole "distraction" stuff is so ridiculous. if people aren't mature enough to look at someone's shoulders, then someone needs to address that problem! not tell us we can't show our shoulders! we will still be bullied even if we have uniforms and that's not gonna change. kids are mean like that and getting uniforms is only gonna cause more problems

  • eighth grader - 9 years ago

    uniforms isn't a good idea because it takes away kids freedom to express who they are. you tell us to be ourselves but then u try to take away one of the only ways we can do that. the dress code is already ridiculous enough with all the "no leggings" and "no showing your shoulder" (btw it's quite obvious that all of that is directed towards girls which is even more ridiculous) policy. we do not need uniforms because our dress code isn't strict enough. the whole "distraction" stuff is so ridiculous. if people aren't mature enough to look at someone's shoulders, then someone needs to address that problem! not tell us we can't show our shoulders! we will still be bullied even if we have uniforms and that's not gonna change. kids are mean like that and getting uniforms is only gonna cause more problems

  • 9th Grader - 9 years ago


  • Claire - 9 years ago

    Making these children wear uniforms isn't gonna change anything. Requiring uniforms only because normal clothes now are "too distracting" is ridiculous. Worry about getting air conditioning in all the school first before you even think about a uniform. Uniforms should be the least of your problems. I feel every school in the district should make every student vote on if they agree on the uniform policy or not. They are the ones that would have to wear it so the vote should be up to them

  • A student - 9 years ago

    I don't think parents/teachers understand that are clothing is a way to express our selves and by giving us uniforms you are taking that away. I do understand why the district wants to give us uniforms . they shouldn't take that away from us are right to be ourselves and there are enough rules about dress code.

  • eighth grade student - 9 years ago

    I strongly disagree with this. I am in eighth grade at EAMS and I would hate to have a uniform. You tell us to 'be ourselves' and 'express individuality', but how will we do that if we're all wearing the same exact thing? Most kids in our school express themselves through what they wear (i.e., band shirts, Nike clothes, etc.) and no one would like it. I can assure you that no child that attends EASD wants a uniform.

  • Olivia - 9 years ago

    I don't agree with the policy because no matter where you go, someone's always gonna judge you! Even with uniforms, if someone doesn't look good in them they're STILL gonna get made fun of! Easton Area School District, PLEASE STOP WORRYING ABOUT UNIFORMS AND WORRY ABOUT AIR CONDITIONING IN THE HIGH SCHOOL!!

  • Gena s - 9 years ago

    I would whole heartedly agree with uniform policy if we were not talkinf about Easton School district as a whole. As the city of easton has a higher rate of low income familys, my concern is parets with many kids may end up sharing uniforms, or passing the handme downs, to other siblings, as well as laudry issues, a parent caan have their child/children wear theier uniform many times with out washing as no one would nottice. Im woundering how this policy will effect the children, there will be no need for back to school clothes, will the parents bother to purchase clothing, out side of the uniform? The school is already doing a feeding program dispite many parents inthe area having welfare Food benifits.

  • Supportive mom - 9 years ago

    While I applaud the board's discussion of an issue brought forth by parents, I believe there are other, more pressing items for the board to address first. In my opinion, air conditioning all schools, revisiting the number of half-days (there are too many), and providing more current technology in elementary schools should be completed first before any discussion of uniforms, an idea that not all parents, me included, support.

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