Is 1.6 km too far for elementary school kids to walk to a bus stop?


  • Noah - 9 years ago

    For anyone who voted NDP their children should have to walk all the way to school not just to the bus stop. All the while dragging an anvil behind them. I guess this is one problem you can't solve with unicorns & pixie dust. Oh well maybe the fiscal genius Joe Ceci could find some waste in his bloated govt. & reallocate that money to fund our school system adequately. NOT !!

  • Jenine - 9 years ago

    Elementary school has the widest range of ages of all the types of schools Calgary offers. Certainly you wouldn't compare what a 11 year old Grade 6 student could do to a 6 year old Grade 1 student. Their abilities will differ greatly, so this survey is a bit lacking. Personally, I think a Grade 5 or 6 student could walk 1.6km to school, weather permitting. I do not think a Grade K,1,2,3 or 4 student could walk that far, even in the best of weather conditions (which our city rarely has!). I am speaking as the mother of a Grade 2 student and a pre K age child.

  • Adam - 9 years ago

    Back in my day....... 2 miles........Both ways........Snow........ Uphill.........

    Put your kids in the nearest community school. Eliminates the 300 dollars for the bus and keeps them off the bus. Win win

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