Should flu vaccines be mandatory for Maryland children in licensed day care and preschool facilities?


  • Lisa Smith - 9 years ago

    Is this Nazi Germany? Mandatory medical treatments for CHILDREN!? Are we discussing adding to the overreaching powers of a money manipulated government or is this poll simply attempting to increase its ratings by igniting the publics passions to a clearly distorted topic?

  • Joy Stuart - 9 years ago

    My mom died after instantly going into respiratory arrest at the doctors office 5 mins after a flu shot. n I promise you she would never has taken it if she was told that 29 other people had died of extreme reactions while it was being tested. One in a million sure, that is a very low risk but to the One Millionth person it is all that mattered. You want to get it go ahead but lets not act like it's ebola it's flu.
    Have never had a flu shot and I work with in the medical field and an immunocompromised and have never in 41 years ever had a single flu.

  • Anne Marie Reggie - 9 years ago

    Oh good God. If you want to get the flu shot, get it. If you don't, don't. Many get it and get sick anyway cuz it doesn't attack all strains. Many don't get it and are healthy. It's about informed consent. Make your own choices for your health (including proactive choices that keep your immune system strong, like getting enough sleep, exercise, est as pure as you can, wash your hands--and keep the government out of it. Geez!

  • Laura Wiggs - 9 years ago

    I have never had a flu shot in 41 years and I've had the flu twice. Perhaps I've been brainwashed by the CDC's own assessment of the effectiveness of these Oh-So-Important vaccines. A whopping 19%. Just in case your like to do some actual fact-checking of your own, here's the link...

  • David Hoffman - 9 years ago

    I've been getting flue shots for 20 yrs.. & the only thing that ever happened, was that I never have had the flu We need to stop letting A few brain washed people control the many!

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