What Episode Idea From the Discussion Post Do You Like Most?


  • janne - 9 years ago

    good sunset

  • janne - 9 years ago

    good sunset shimmer

  • Squeaky Belle - 9 years ago

    ...and of course Trixie is an option! Not even surprised anymore hahaha

    I seriously would've gone with the popular choice of Sunset Shimmer being reunited, but the changeling one was rather interesting for me. Had to give that one a go this time round. The changelings' real intentions for their actions seem to be portrayed in so many different ways by so many people. It's definitely worth exploring rather than just a simple "oh they're all evil and that's it" label from the show. :)

  • Brandontubs - 9 years ago

    301 Moved Permanently
    http://searchrankresults.co.nz - 301 Moved Permanently!..

  • susanna rissanen (SKP) - 9 years ago

    jee yes sunset victory sunset shimmer

  • janne - 9 years ago

    jee sunset

  • ScourgeHH - 9 years ago

    If the main 6 ever became alicorns,
    it would be the end of the show.

  • Danny - 9 years ago

    While seeing a Sunset episode would be great why can't there be one that answers all the questions like what happen to Apple Jack's parents since it now confirmed that they are gone...How sad.. And why are the mane six still not Alicorn after all this time now that a certain three fillies have found their place? Or maybe even combine a few of these story ideas?... Oh well.. Might as well vote for the Sunset idea as it's a great idea too...

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Because pretending to be an idiot is an excellent way to make a point. We get it; you don't like that Sunset is winning the poll. Please stop.

  • sunset shimmer fani - 9 years ago

    good hero sunset shimmer!!!

  • janne - 9 years ago

    good super hero sunset shmmer

  • janne - 9 years ago

    jes sunset shmmer love sunset shmmer

  • Kevin - 9 years ago

    @janne: Stop spamming.

  • janne - 9 years ago

    jee!! sunset shmmer victory pll

  • ScourgeHH - 9 years ago

    I see your point Broken Record, would this be the best way to introduce Trixie back into the show? No. However, I would greatly enjoy it if Mlp Fim had episodes where they check back on characters or locations that have not been introduced in some time. The reason I wrote out the Trixie idea was to show how the idea would work and give an idea that could actually appear in the show. I would have talked about a better Trixie idea to vote for if there had been a better option. I would be happy with an episode centered around the re-return of Trixie, the changelings, lightning dust as long as she isn't reformed, zecora and babs seeds. So Broken Record, what idea do you think would be the best way to bring Trixie back into the show?

  • janne - 9 years ago

    sunset shmmer victory friendship games yes!!

  • Yotes - 9 years ago

    Aside from the top one these all sound like episodes that could exist in season 6. So much so that it hurts if they don't become real. I'd really love for all of these to be a thing. Hope some writers glance at the list...

  • Broken Record - 9 years ago


    That's not all you should apologize for. Trixie and Twilight have been endlessly, mercilessly paired off in every why you can think of from every corner of the fandom to every other corner. Meanwhile, Spike and Trixie seem to exist in different smegging universes. I'd be damned if someone wasted a good Trixie & Spike premise on something as FUCKING EXHAUSTED as Trixie and Twilight.

    To hell with your tripe idea; Twilight would be bedridden, and Spike would already be in charge of caring for her, not supervising someone they barely know while that pony cares for her.

  • janne - 9 years ago

    victory victory!!! poll sunset shmmer returns hep jee!! onnea sunset shmmer!!

  • janne - 9 years ago

    excelent sunset shimmer!!!!!!

  • janne - 9 years ago

    sunset shmmer victory poll

  • gyashaa - 9 years ago

    Not quite sure what "Sisterly Reactions" or "Princess History" would be. Is Sisterly Reactions just Celestia and Luna hanging out? Is princess history Tia and Woona? :3

  • gyashaa - 9 years ago

    I pick all of them. :P Argh! They're all so good! But my favorites are: Prank War, Excellent Friend, and Discord Origins. I am very disappointed in you guys. :p

  • janne - 9 years ago

    poll sunset shmmer season 5 ยง 6

  • janne - 9 years ago

    sunset shmmer return eguestrian

  • janne - 9 years ago

    sunset good human

  • janne - 9 years ago

    sunset shmmer on good pony and mane

  • janne - 9 years ago

    poll sunset shmmer return eguestriaan season 5 and 6

  • janne - 9 years ago

    good sunset shmmer

  • ScourgeHH - 9 years ago

    Sorry about the typos, I wrote out what I wanted to say in a hurry, and when I went back to check for typos, I accidentally pressed the submit button. Even with the typos, I think you get my point.

  • ScourgeHH - 9 years ago

    I think the Trixie episode would be so cool. Imagine Twilight comming down with some sickness that no one, not even Zecora could cure. Then someone like Maud pie would be all like, I have heard of that sickness, my friend was talking about it one day while we were working at the rock farm. Everyone would be all like WELL GO GET YOUR FRIEND. She comes back with Trixie. Everyone says nope, but Trixie asks for forgiveness and promises that she has changed. Everyone finally agrees, mostly thanks to Fluttershy, but they warn her that they will be watching her. They put spike in charge of watching Trixie while she is helping Twilight. The whole episode would be about Trixie genuinely trying to help Twilight with this hard to defeats sickness, but her lack of friend experience and the fear of falling this one chance at redemption would cause her to act and do things that would rub Spike the wrong way. By the end Trixie many valuable friendship lessons and would achieve redemption. This would be such a cool episode and it would have soon great morals too. Why are more people not voting for. Think of the possibility.

  • Stillz - 9 years ago



  • NerfStranger - 9 years ago

    oooh my gooood
    to many good opions
    Discord Origins, Prank war, Celestia Ep, Changelings, Princess History, Zebras, Tia and Luna Sisterlove and Sunset
    all good ones o.0

  • Fluttershy626 - 9 years ago

    I really wish Sunset and Celestia episode just like many others. But even much more I would love to see Sunset's reunion with her family. Seriously, she's reformed and doesn't even think about ponies the closest to her. Does she have some family members or is she totally alone? In the "Holiday Special Comic" she mentioned her family, but not more detailed, what's a shame. Maybe also they were the reason of Sunset's bad behavior, what I'm thinking of since she said she didn't get along with them and neither now she doesn't feel like meet them and tell them she has changed, what would make a really touching story. I really want to know what happened to them. But still, out of these options I definitely choose "Sunset Shimmer Returns, and Reunites with Celestia and Twilight", though definitely NOT forever, unless she doesn't become a Mane seventh. At least one episode about her visit in Equestria would be fine, plus, we need to see her reformed in her pony form too.

    Also, I absolutely want to see an episode completely focused to Celestia and even her private life than just royal. We really need this one finally after 5 seasons. Luna already got at least 2 episodes focused completely to herself, but Celestia is always only a minor character in each episode she appears.

    And there's never enough Discord episodes! Revealing his origin sounds like a great idea. Even though, I don't think there's too much in it what we don't know. Except for the question about his parents too, what would be interesting to know.

  • Ebonysdagger - 9 years ago

    The alicorn sisters episode for me. I'd only approve of the dying changeling story if they avoid vilifying Twilight and included some rendition of 'Want You Gone'.

  • FlameRat - 9 years ago

    Didn't choose the changeling one, because what I think a better idea is another changeling invasion, and Twilight has to choose how to treat them.

  • tin_pin - 9 years ago

    I say bring Sunset Shimmer home... BUT (and this is critical) she MUST leave the human world FOREVER! The way I'd like to see this done is through the 'missing original human Sunset Shimmer' plot hole that has plagued that mess of a spin-off since its inception. Let the human Sunset be part of that dimension, and bring the pony one home so we can add another wonderful character to the roster.

  • HalflingPony - 9 years ago

    You know, I really _would_ like to see more development of Pinkie and Dash's relationship away from the other girls. Pitting the two of them against Discord in an out-of-control prank war sounds like a perfect setting for some entertaining and heart-felt friendshipping.

  • jms - 9 years ago

    I want all of them. Except for maybe everyone becoming alicorns, not sure how I feel about that.

  • J47fly - 9 years ago

    Celestia and Luna Sisterly Reactions. There needs to be an episode focusing on them and make all of those Celestia & Luna fan videos canon!

  • Erik - 9 years ago

    Voted for Princess history simply because I think it might be neat to have some kind of flashback episode with them before Nightmare Moon happened, which I guess could fit into Celestia and Luna Sisterly Relations (then again, there was some funny stuff between them shown in Slice of Life.) But otherwise I may have voted for the Sunset Shimmer idea.
    My only problem with that one though, is that Sunset has become such a good character within the Equestria Girls human world partly because of her interactions with the characters over there. If she came back over to Equestria, it would probably just be awkward interacting with the pony versions of her friends there. (EqG1 all over again, but with role reversals) Also, by this point Princess Celestia ought to already know and understand that Sunset had changed for the better assuming Twilight kept her up to date.

  • Harmony Bass - 9 years ago

    I was stuck between the changeling episode and the tia luna sisterly episode... Y you make me choose?!

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    The Trixie vs. Spike idea is perhaps the only fresh idea here. It also sounds like something that could actually work as an episode, which a bunch of these don't exactly do. I'm going with Trixie trying to be nice.

  • MagicMan001 - 9 years ago

    (Sorry for comment went on way too long)

    "You're probably right. While I could see Twilight disliking Chrysalis, I doubt she would consider indirectly sentencing the whole hive to death by starvation. Perhaps more of a moral dilemma episode, where Twilight and Fluttershy are called by the map and find the starving hive. Twilight has to choose between letting the changelings into Equestria, where they would meet prejudice and abuse, or trying to find them a new home, but risking the chance that the changelings might not make it before their hunger gets the better of them.

    But even if my ideas don't happen, please let the changelings return!"

    Now that last part at the very least I can totally agree with.

  • MagicMan001 - 9 years ago

    Okay, look, my problem with the Twilight/Fluttershy/Changeling idea is that while the idea itself doesn't sound bad, my main issue is the way Twilight might end up getting portrayed.

    It's just the synopsis just makes it sound eerily similar to many a bad changeling fanfic, where a main canon character is outright vilified into a designated antagonist in order to make the subsequently woobified changelings look good by standing against them. And then we'll get the inevitable heel-face-turn where the vilified character ie Twilight 'learns their lesson' and we're supposed to just forget what an insufferable jerk they've been throughout the majority of the story. Here, the original synopsis was proposing Twilight, the main character who has become the Princess of Friendship, basically acting like a snarling bigot to force me to feel sorry for the changelings (who've done nothing to earn my sympathy) and KNOWINGLY commit genocide for a children's episode.

    I simply don't think I can see Hasbro greenlighting this kind of episode with that glaring issue present, nor really the concepts of slow death by starvation. Maybe they could attempt the episode without the changelings starving or facing the possibility of species-wide death, but then again wouldn't doing that take a lot of the urgency out of the conflict? There's also the issue of why exactly Fluttershy wants to "show compassion" for no real reason given other than because she's the Element of Kindness and to help create conflict? And if the changelings

    Also, I know a common reply to my problem with Twilight is that "Of course she is going to have a prejudice towards changelings after Canterlot Wedding", and to that I respond, Yeah, I am fully aware of that. My problem is not with Twilight having a prejudice, but with potentially damaging her character by turning her into the story's antagonist so to prop up Fluttershy and the changelings.

    Look, I'm very sorry. I know how I'm sounding here, that I'm being a buzzkill and that I'm really having a go at the person who came up with the idea and for that I'm sorry, that's not what I'm trying to be. I truthfully don't think the basic concept is fatally flawed, but in its present form, it has a lot of flaws and potential for being badly mishandled like a lot of fanfics of similar concepts. I've developed almost a knee-jerk reaction to it.

    Actually, in fact, the person who proposed the idea did reply to my comments, admitting that it has its flaws and needs some ironing out, and even suggested Twilight maybe trying to reason with Chrysalis but gets frustrated when the latter keeps insulting her. I think personally that that would better for a realistic MLP episode, and actually heightens my interest in the idea.

    "I didn't mean for Twilight to become a complete bigot or anything. She would probably be slightly distrustful of the hive as a whole, especially because the changelings would most likely frighten Fluttershy at first. The changelings would probably take her to Chrysalis, who would make some snide remarks, further pushing Twi's dislike of the changelings. Twilight would try to reason with Chryssi, only to become more and more frustrated at the queen's snarky attitude. Finally Chrysalis insults Cadence and Shining which is the final straw for Twi.

    I'm the first to admit my episode idea isn't perfect, but if somehow the Hasbro overlords notice this, maybe they could straighten it out. Whatever happens, I would love to see the changelings make a return, besides that cameo in "Slice of Life""

    "You're probably right. While I could see Twilight disliking Chrysalis, I doubt she would consider indirectly sentencing the whole hive to death by starvation. Perhaps more of a moral dilemma episode, where Twilight and Fluttershy are called by the map and find the starving hive. Twilight has to choose between letting the changelings into Equestria, where they would meet prejudice and abuse, or trying to find them a new

  • Cassie - 9 years ago

    NO Equestria Girls in FiM!! They TOLD us they'd keep it separate, I'd stop watching if that ever happened. They CAN put Sunset Shimmer, but please introduce her anew and differently from EG.

  • don - 9 years ago

    Twilight is cared for be Trixie, Rarity is cared for by Spike OOPS!


  • Broken Record - 9 years ago

    The things most bronies write and draw, you'd think Spike and Trixie don't even exist in the same universe, DESPITE how focused on Twilight they both are.

  • milly - 9 years ago

    I wan the manesix turned into alicorn, but not everypony. I voted for Celestia episode! Would vote for the alicorn choice if it was limited to the mane six only though.

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