Do you think B.C. should remain on one time all year long?


  • Tom - 6 years ago

    I agree that we should not change our clocks twice a year, BUT, the time should remain on Daylight Savings Time all year. I am not in favour of Pacific Standard Time for the entire year.

  • Ed Skretka - 9 years ago

    Great, I never liked the idea as it does nothing except create confusion twice each year. Where can I vote?

  • Murray - 9 years ago

    Actually, Saskatchewan stays on DST year round. It's located in the Mountain time zone but observes Central time through the winter. It actually just doesn't fall back.

  • Sylvia Walsh - 9 years ago

    I never quite understood where this time-change idea originated in the first place! I have often commented on this crazy idea, when friends reminded me, by "Don't forget to turn your clock back!" Just a few days ago, the reminders came in once again. This time I really got annoyed, becauseII thought about the disruption to school children's sleeping patterns. Why is it necessary for young kids to get up an hour earlier now? especially for those kids who may travel nearly an hour to their school? Nobody seems to have a rational explanation for this time-change rule. Lets get rid of it! IT MAKES NO SENSE1

  • Ron Gibson - 9 years ago

    The idea of children walking to school in the dark doesn't compare to the statistical significance that is the 20% increase in risk of crashing when time change occurs. Either way, there will be at least one day where kids walk in the dark to school - or close to it... even with time change in place. The benefits of more sunlight is better for public health as the most likely time for someone to be outside is later in the day, after school or work inside of a building, etc.

    The wintertime daylight ripoff needs to stop. 90% of people agree and if you disagree... well, you're wrong.

  • Wes Johnson - 9 years ago

    Let's stay on Daylight Saving Time all year around !!!!! Why on earth do we set the clocks back in the winter time , when the days are shorter anyway???? We want more light later in the day as opposed to first thing in morning! The bonus wo

  • Karen - 9 years ago

    With dst it is much safer for the children hat have to walk a kilometer or more to get to bus pickup sites for school buses. Some of the kids have to walk on main highways while people are rushing to get to work. That is such a dangerous situation, but if it is light in the mornings, it is still daylight when they are dropped off after school. We have to consider their safety, above our own inconveniences.

  • Mari W - 9 years ago

    I agree with E. Schroedter :D

  • W.G - 9 years ago

    Yippee!!!finely there is hope.After all those years I am still not used to these changes

  • Virginia - 9 years ago

    I'm in favor of keeping DST all year - the sun goes down so early in the winter - it's nice to keep the light longer. The long sunny evenings are lovely in summer. But either way, one time and no changes would be a relief.

  • E. Schroedter - 9 years ago

    I have never been a fan of changing the time back and forth. Having said that, I would logically leave the time on Standard Time, not DST. Why tamper with the natural order of things? This is the way the World turns! Don't like the early dark evenings in the winter? Move to Hawaii! 'Nuff said. E.S.

  • Anna Williams - 9 years ago

    YES!!! Best thing I have heard in years!! Nothing confusing about leaving the time the way it is!
    Thank you for starting the petition!

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