Would you rather see a deficit or cuts to front-line workers?

1 Comment

  • Noah - 9 years ago

    As usual another stupid loaded question for which there is no good answer. Running deficits to take us to a combined debt of almost 50 billion by 2019 is monetary suicide so that answer is definitely NO. Cutting front line services is just as bad and so that is also NO. But of course no one is proposing such a cut to front line services so why even ask. What was and is needed are cuts to upper management in the government through attrition & early retirement. Each ministry should have examined their operations to find cost savings through better practices and procedures to provide a more efficient system that would ultimately save tax dollars from being wasted. But of course if you are the NDP you know that there are no inefficiencies to be found so why look. Especially because that would take time & effort and time is something you don't have when you are running around Western Canada campaigning for your federal NDP cousins. This from a group so devoid of talent that they were forced to pick Joe Ceci as Finance Minister. So Rachel Rae has 31/2 more years to fundamentally destroy the economic foundations that built this province while we all go along for the ride. This gang of academics, union stewards and professional protesters couldn't run a KoolAid stand.

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