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Do you agree with the governor's decision to give bonuses to his staff? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,274

  • John - 9 years ago

    No pay raised for elected and appointed official. These people who are in this position knew that the money shall be use for more important reasons like fixing the roads, repairing Astumbo fire station even buying generators for GPA, so many things to mention. The appointed and elected officials should know that they work for the people and the money that their getting should be sufficient enough to do what they are expected to do. They all know how much money was being offered for them to do the job. Please do not be greedy. You all work for the people of Guam not for you.

  • Ellie Cruz - 9 years ago

    I think it is a joke that right after winning the election and being a "lame duck" Governor that he feels the need to pay his staff not only a bonus, but a raise. Most of those staffers are either retired government or private sector employees racking over $150,000 a year from all their sources of income.

    What about the hard working permanent government employees who "actually" do all the work in the respective agencies. It's ok to only compensate the Directors and politic appointees. I think it is a shame for him to tarnish his legacy after all the good things his administration has done.

  • KENPACHI ZARAKI - 9 years ago

    Sooo rigged

  • knowit - 9 years ago

    another rigged poll/

  • Brad Hewitt - 9 years ago

    The right answer for the poll is a big fat NO. But the staff of the Lt. Governor, who are on the average getting paid between $50,000-$75,000 to clean the streets, paint bus stops, walk his dog, cover the stories on where the Lt. Governor is during the day (which is typically at some buy me drinkee bar), organize a ribbon cutting event, rig polls such as this, do his work for him (which really is elementary), and essentially fill his chalice with water all day and call him Governor within their confines so he it will feed his enormous ego. Yes ladies and gentlemen, your taxpayer dollars are being spent on staff such as these, and while your kids lack resources in schools, our streets aren't safe, and GMH is dying, these people got rewards. So ask yourself the they deserve it?

  • Esteves - 9 years ago

    Staffers in Adelup spend day voting on these polls and discrediting individuals or senators that question the actions of the administration. Is this why they are rewarded? Lets not fool ourselves. This administration and the puppets in Adelup only have one message, and it has to deal with tax refunds. There is nothing else for them to take claim on, and even with the refunds, money had to be borrowed to pay the debt, thus creating greater debt. Yes, there are some wonderful and hard working employees in Adelup, but the kids and political junkies they hire don't deserve any rewards, they don't even deserve to be being paid by taxpayers. This is so disgusting. Anyone look at the Lt. Governors office?

  • basta umbre - 9 years ago

    Gov is a businessman, he should know better. Private business give bonuses when employees work hard to get out of a budget hole and have disposable income to do so. Govguam cant afford it, its a no brainer. GMH owes vendors, our roads suck, but its ok I guess to give his staff bonuses because they matter more. Forget the kids, forget public safety, forget education, forget our retirees, forget our island people...Come on, a bunch of his staff wont lasts in the private sector. No priorities and they should all be ashamed of themselves. lets not forget who pays for all it, WE DO as tax payors. SMH

  • V - 9 years ago

    967 Voted "yes"?! Yeah, right.

  • Baynum Ethic Violation - 9 years ago

    I agree with a Mr. Esteves testimony. Andre Baynum must be brought in for questioning regarding an ethical violation: He is a Teacher a Government employee that took his personal activities and brought it to the job to further his agenda using students, is unprofessional.

    Students at Simon Sanchez were instructed to engage themselves in his personal political agenda and to read a script guided by the educator. The format of the questions and media push are all clear signs of Social Engineering, which many subjectively argue was not in any lesson plan plan prior to giving this assignment. Were parents of these students made aware prior that their children will be engaging in Andre Baynum's personal and highly political and controversial agenda.

    I call on the DOE Superintendent to fully investigate this educator . This is clearly and ethical violation and he should be properly disciplined. I also want to know if parents of these students were fully informed that their educator was instructing them to take part in this controversial & political activity.

  • LB - 9 years ago

    Teachers and staff at all the public schools should get bonuses. Not the governors staff! They all got jobs because they campaign for him!

  • Islander 2 - 9 years ago

    Rampant corruption and greedy self serving bunch of people in the Calvo Adminstartion and that's including Calvo himself . Recind all pay raises and let the people vote to decide if they get an pay raise or not ! It's not your money Governor ! It's the people's money ! This administration does not work for the people they work for their selfish agenda . Tao Tao RECIND their PAYRAISE Hao ! Thanx a lot Gov Guam !

  • Mark - 9 years ago

    I voted no
    Obviously this poll is rigged. Watch out for propaganda.

  • Lani - 9 years ago

    This poll is rigged. Anytime the government is involved theres bound to be corruption.

  • Astumbo Parent - 9 years ago

    SAD!! What about the entry levels and mid to 3/4 career folks.. tsk tsk tsk

  • Sungi - 9 years ago

    No. Public Service.

  • Nick T. - 9 years ago

    Greedy pay raises and bonuses.... Should be Indicted....

  • John S. DelRosario Jr. - 9 years ago

    In the first place, public sector employees are often better paid than those in private industries. A bonus at the expense of the productive sector (employees) of the economy?

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