POLL: Who won the 4th GOP debate?


  • Rob - 8 years ago

    Unbelievable! How is everyone still trying to black out Rand Paul? The guy is currently in second place in this poll, and you threw him at the bottom of the list!

  • Leanne - 8 years ago

    Say what you mean, mean what you say, It's all black & white. There's no shades of gray. Trump is direct & honest.

  • Leanne Brennan - 8 years ago

    Say what you mean, mean what you say, It's all black & white. There's no shades of gray. Trump is direct & honest.

  • Joe - 8 years ago

    Talk about competency, I give that to Donald Trump. Nothing convinces me more than what he has done in building a mighty multi billion dollar business. A world class business man. Imagine if he brings these skills to the White House Notice in the 4th debate he was composed, steady and only spoke when asked. "Less talk and all action"

  • Greg - 8 years ago

    Trump makes no political sense at all. The guy is clearly outclassed here. No clue when it comes to foreign policy. What's he gonna do? Bully all the other countries? We be looking at World War III here folks. Reminds me of "Biff"; does make some funny faces though, a real character. Marco Rubio appears to be the most "presidential" ready.

  • Pony - 8 years ago

    One positive is that everyone posting here, knows that a sincere or un-sincere Trump will beat out a no-good, lying, liberalistic, Anti-American Hillary! That is what we need focus on more than dividing our votes within party.

  • Ted - 8 years ago

    Trump won hands down speaks the truth. mexico and our open border is the biggest threat to our national security most of its people hate the usa. If the are smuggling millions pounds of drugs of course they will do anything for money seal our border now before its to late

  • val - 8 years ago

    Trump won speaks from heart loves america Trump 2016

  • val - 8 years ago

    Trump won hands down speaks the truth mexico and our open border is the biggest threat to our national security most of its people hate the usa. If the are smuggling of pounds of drugs of course they will do anything for money there are some good but not many seal our border now before its to late

  • kpm nair - 8 years ago

    Will these polls translate to votes for nomination and election victory in 2016?

  • Scott - 8 years ago

    RAND PAUL is the only candidate in the race that is not a Zionist Rothchild NWO puppet , they're all RINO's ! Rand is the only candidate with common sense , that has specifically detailed plans of action for his countless solutions to the problems this country ( if you still call it a country , as we haven't been a sovereign country since the act of 1871 which led to the Rothchild / Morgan Chase central banking cabal to take over the country via the Federal reserve. http://theunjustmedia.com/Banking%20&%20Federal%20Reserve/The%20united%20states%20Of%20America%20%20is%20a%20corporation%20owned%20by%20fore.htm )
    So ... Ya he has detailed solutions to the problems every FIX what's been broken or stolen out from under this country we love and call America ,or the USA , or the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ! Problems every other candidate on the stage was involved in supporting and aiding and the problems to begin with. Look at Ted Cruz he's in bed with Wall Street and the Rothchild banking cartel literally , as his wife is a top level executive with Goldman Sachs , the Bush administrations financial adviser, who's dutys included ....... Directing the absolute THEFT that was called the Bush bank bailouts that lead to even more theft with his distant 12th cousin Obama's bank bailouts ! Another of her duties while with the Bush administration and a member of the CFR was to write up the detailed plans for the " North American Union" who's if you're not aware of is a part of "Agenda 21" which G.Bush senior pushed on America for his elite NEW WORLD ORDER, one world oligarchy. So the North American Union desolves of our northern and southern borders between Canada and Mexico ,making us one country or nation or union technically just like the EU European Union forced onto many countries that voted against it . This of course only happens after the Central banking cartel finally extracts enough power , wealth, land and natural resources from the earth through our hyperinflated fiat currency, that they finally collapse our economy. That's when Asher in the new currency it's already ready to print which you can Google pictures of ,it's called the Amero. http://www.cfr.org/canada/building-north-american-community/p8102

    Donald Chump I mean Trump ..... Well The fact that so many people support this moron shows just how ignorant the majority of American voters are. The man inherited his entire fortune, and he's claimed bankruptcy four times! He talks bad about China getting a raw deal on us which is true but then he outsources his business to them. He has no detailed plans of action for any of the BS that comes out of his big mouth ! He's put here by the lamestream corporate owned media as a distraction and an illusion for Republicans to throw away another election to the Democrats or if you want to be technical another new world order CFR member has already been hand-picked and selected Hillary ClI nton. They did the same thing with Mitt Romney in the last election , he was never meant to win in the first place, he was meant to prevent Rand's father RON PAUL From winning the presidency! Stand with Rand ! Get on the RandWagon! Grow some balls and stop being a victim of deception and corruption by our phony puppet politricks !

  • Tony - 8 years ago

    Nobody wants another Bush in the White House, especially Jeb! He is looking more & more pathetic & should drop out. Trump may not have said anything new in this debate, but he doesn't have to...all he has to do is reiterate that he is "self-funding his campaign" & will take no money from donors. And, that he will (try) to repair the lopsided trade agreements America now has with Japan, China, etc! Nobody WON this debate but Trump is still the winner!

  • cozzimike - 8 years ago

    Bush get out already you're hurting the party and embarrassing yourself, and the fact that you only have superpack money giving you a lifeline just shows if you didn't have money behind you you would have been out a long time ago and it's even more embarrassing that there was already to Bush president did you really think the country is going to last another bush for a smart guy it was a pretty dumb move even run in the first place DMN drop out and back the winner Donald Trump get over yourself and support Rubio for Vice President or Ted Cruz your time has come and gone... in fear arena you take too much advantage that you're a woman and you interrupt everybody and if you were president during world war 3 because obviously you don't think diplomacy matters so please do us all a favor and drop out... kacak nice guy good governor for Ohio why don't you just stay in Ohio cuz you sound like a Democrat buddy and you won't make a good president so the faster you drop out the better for the party you won't make a good president so the sooner you drop out the better for the party back Trump, Rubio, or Cruz,

  • cozzimike - 8 years ago

    Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, & Christy should be the only ones on the stage from now on PERIOD!!!

  • Naomi Blue - 8 years ago

    I don't understand how Kasich got anything over zero in any poll? He really needs to drop out of the race.

  • michelle - 8 years ago

    Trump all the way! Go Trump 2016!

  • Kelly - 8 years ago

    John Kasich is straightforward and caring. He will cut taxes for all Americans and all American businesses! He will reduce useless beaurocracy in Washington and balance the budget so our government does not spend more than we have. The other candidates are talking about things they cannot do!! We cannot elect someone who just says what we want to hear, but cannot possibly get these things done. Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Carly Fiorina are good talkers without feasible plans to actually correct issues. They want the power of the job, but John Kasich is the one who wants to help and protect all of us every day. He is smart with dignity and humility. JOHN KASICH FOR PRESIDENT!

  • Chris - 8 years ago

    Trump "sounds" sincere because he says the same thing over and over with no depth of topic. How many times do we need to hear about Ted Cruz's Cuban father? John Kascich sounds presidential. If Trump doesnt stop being so forthcoming about China and Mexico, we'll be led to a foreign policy nightmare. Ben Carson has the drive of Droopy Dog....

  • scott - 8 years ago

    Unbelievable how many people thought Trump won the debate. He said nothing of any substance on any topic.

  • suzette - 8 years ago

    Trump is THE only candidate who is self funded, has the mind set and skills to Make America Great Again. Better than Before! #Trump

  • Mike - 8 years ago

    Who are you people, the people who really think Trump is "sincere" and a "doer?" He's applying for a job he's not qualified for, and being a sincere racist without knowledge necessary to run the country doesn't make sincerity a good quality.
    Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and John Kascich seemed to be the only ones with the correct knowledge to effectively express policies and debate the other candidates on contrasting views. Paul is ultimately the winner in my view because of the way he could talk about fiscal policy. That moment he was speaking one on one with the Wall Street moderator before one of the breaks was good stuff.

  • Marie - 8 years ago

    I agree! Everyone except Trump was so rehearsed! He was the only one who was naturally sincere!

  • Gray - 8 years ago

    Politicians are all talk talk talk...politicians are good at it.. They are good debaters..and people are fascinated with their promises..remember obama is a good in talking.. So what happen now to america who was fascinated with obamas the way he talks... . I do believe Trump will do the Job 100% .. Trump is a doer! He will make america great again

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