Choose one — Pa. budget compromise or Senate Bill 76?


  • Calvin montgomery - 7 years ago

    Their should never be a tax that can take a home from any Pennsylvanian.Its estimated that over 10,000 people will lose their home because of the school property tax in 2017.Write your State Senator and tell them to support SB76.My senator C.Bartolotta was for it last year but is against it now.I hear she is in the back pocket of special interests now.Its terrible she don't care about the thousands losing their homes.

  • Jay e. Dubbs - 8 years ago

    Why is the psea. So powerfully. I'm on a fixed income. My school property tax is 5500.00. It. Takes 3. Months of my social security check to pay tax . Is this fare.

  • Jeffrey Stout - 8 years ago


    The school property taxes NEED to be removed from ALL owners of real estate. If we spread the tax out to a much broader base of people, the schools will inherently spend less money as they will no longer be able to take you me home to cover their careless spending. Also, last time I checked less taxes creates more jobs, which creates more income tax, which further offsets these inflated school system spending habits. Please do not discount the NEW jobs and companies wanting to open and stay in PA. Capitalism handles itself, the government doesn't do anything except create DEBT!!!!!

  • Jeff nolf - 8 years ago

    How about starting to conserve. School board salaries are way too high. These kids today aren't getting an education ., they're being pushed into poverty as an increased tax on the backs of the taxpayers. Start cutting some political salaries. The amount of corruption in politics is disgusting. No one needs to earn over $100,000 a year ., especially at the taxpayers expense. I'm not sure how Tom Wolf got elected ., but it's clear to me that he has absolutely no idea how to balance or budget anything. He needs to go. Let's start there. !!!!

  • Glenda P. Knaub - 8 years ago

    Are you listening in Harrisburg or are you so corrupted you don t remember who you work for? You receive enough tax money live within your money you take in now.Stop the madness

  • D Hippauf - 8 years ago

    Tax the gas drillers. Tax the pipelines.

  • Mark Connors - 8 years ago

    OMG, SB76, and it's supporters are so misguided and so duped by a dangerously simplistic approach to the complex issues of taxation and school funding. I'll try to keep this short:

    - Yes, the school property tax system needs some reform
    - The complete elimination of property taxes is a HUGE giveaway to large landholders and commercial interests; Home Depot, Mount Airy Casino, Walmart, Real Estate Developers, etc etc etc currently pay a LOT of property taxes; That loss of revenue would have to be made up by who ? people who earn a living (income tax) and have to buy things to survive (sales tax). Why does no one take exception with this boondoggle - those companies are not going to move away if they have to keep paying property taxes, but they sure will be thrilled if you hand them millions in property tax relief.
    - TARGETED property tax relief if how you address the most egregious problems with property taxation. People on fixed incomes, the elderly, low-income homeowners, farmers are the mosts often cited examples of problems with excessive property taxes - so give THEM relief, not everyone (the wealthy and corporations such as those listed above)
    - Almost all successful, and fair systems of taxation rely on a mix of taxes on wealth (property), income and consumption (sales tax)
    - Income and sales taxes are not as stable as wealth taxes, so if the economy tanks, so does tax revenue

    And for the answer to the need for additional state revenue ? A severance tax on Marcellus shale-gas. Every other state that allows fracking has it, why not us ? Gas exploration jobs cannot move elsewhere; gas reserves are a geographically-dependent resource.

  • Ramona Bolton - 8 years ago

    We need the school property tax eliminated totally in otder for me to remsin in my home. A rebate is not enough. Remember the rebate from gambling proceeds. It didn't even make a dent in the tax. Please work on another bill dince this one didn't pass. What's it going to take to give us relief.

  • R Prieber - 8 years ago

    House bill 76 is the only viable option. I'm not rich , I'm retired on a small pension. My house is worth $1700, 000, and my school tax yearly is over $3000. Is there anything fair about that?

  • Brian Calderone - 8 years ago

    The ONLY viable Solution remains the Property Tax Independence Act (SB/HB76).
    If only 25 of our state senators and lt governor were NOT bought and paid for by the PSEA and other union thug orgs.

  • Brian Calderone - 8 years ago

    If Wolf had not stolen the idea of 100% fully funding public schools by shifting from Pennsylvania's 3.8 million properties owners to Pa's 10+ million workers and 30+ million shoppers from the PCTA (Pennsylvania Coalition of Taxpayers Associations) and then corrupted it by proposing to raise the sales and income tax higher than any governor in the past 40 yrs., without any meaningful school property tax reform, Wolf sealed his fate as another One Term Tom.
    Wolf is the chief executive of Pennsylvania yet can't propose a budget his own Democrats are willing to sign on for much less the Republicans.

  • l. p. DeAcosta - 8 years ago

    First off these school district boards have become to corrupt by outside influence,they are wasting our money at an alarming rate, they are what has become the debt makers.NEXT the state must resolve this budget impasse,and now not later,or lose your office seats.Try with either reducing the school property tax first by drastically reducing or eliminating it on our senior citizens,these are the ones really hurting.I think if we proceed ing this manner you will have a higher success .

  • Steve DiDONATO - 8 years ago

    Sell off the turnpike and Plcb systems
    Our government is inept and not able to run them efficiently

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