Should homeopathic remedies be used as alternatives to vaccines?

1 Comment

  • Sheila - 5 years ago

    There’s such a thing as a Homeopathic Vaccine Alternatives. Supposed "vaccinations" are NOT intended to prevent, treat, or cure to any greater extent that homeopathic methods are. That's why the Vaccination Injury Fund exists - and payouts from that have increased thought the 2000's. Some people actually get the disease from the vaccination. And, if the stuff in it really is all "dead" then why aren't they putting it in simply saline solution? And, people who've been vaccinated can and DO STILL get the disease. And just because there's a lack of data, doesn't mean homeopathies don't work - it just means the people pushing vaccinations are better researchers actually getting the money and getting to do the work involved with supposedly "proving" things. And, I can say that because I've seen homeopathies miraculously work on me. Freud called that research "Introspection." And, because I'm the one who knows it to be true, I've NO doubt it can be proven - in other words, it's not true just for me! The evidence behind homeopathies I've seen to be no less strong than that vaccinations work - but homeopathies are FAR FAR SAFER! The evidence behind vaccinations is that a portion of people are protected against disease, a portion of people still get the disease (& maybe they wouldn't have if their immune system hadn't been weakened by the superfluous stuff in the "vaccination"), and a portion of people are injured by the shot beyond simply getting the disease and beyond Sirva (injury from HOW the shot was given). Yeah - some evidence! The research Dr. Wakefield did in 1998 was NOT fraudulent. Read his book . Yeah, human history has no evidence of people going after other people with false accusations that successfully get the other person to pay for a crime they didn't commit. Yes, I mean that sarcastically. Dr. Wakefield's research has got no more scientific weaknesses than ANY "research" that's been done that "supposedly refutes" the connection of vaccinations to autism. I suppose there's people so senseless to say that vaccinations do not cause epilepsy - even though vaccinations most certainly DO cause that. If you truly believe thimerosal to be so abundantly safe, try dropping a little mercury thermometer in the Mall of America, watch it break, and see what happens! Autism is due to neurological damage or a "different wiring of the brain" that was passed on genetically - or I suppose a mutation can also happen. The same is true for blindness - it is due to neurological damage or a "different wiring of the brain" that was passed on genetically - or I suppose a mutation can also happen. And, guess what the obvious is? Mercury CAN cause blindness - the NIH (National Institutes of Health) says so - no great leap of faith to realize mercury CAN and DOES CAUSE anything imaginable that is a result of the neurological damage mercury most definitely is capable of doing. The reason so many people stay away from vaccinations is because the general public is gaining the ability to think objectively, weigh evidence, and make reasoned judgments.There is no excuse to not doubt the efficacy of vaccines. Really there isn't. A 7th or 8th grader can find absurd holes in the "studies" supposedly showing no connection between autism and vaccinations.

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