Do you agree with Virginia's new concealed carry law banning permits from 25 states with more lax gun requirements?


  • Robert Swain - 8 years ago

    This will not change the laws governing CCW in North Carolina. The North Carolina state government is largely Republican conservative that understands our constitution and the rights of the citizens to bare arms under our second amendment rights. The N.C. government should not and will not punish people of another state that unfortunately is governed by idealistic self serving socialistic politicians. We are to date still a free state governed for the people and by the people.

  • C staylor - 8 years ago

    What does this mean for va residents traveling to NC? Will NC still recognize VA cwp?

  • Robert Swain - 8 years ago

    What is the Virginia State Atty. General and Governor going to do about all of the felons and illegal gun owners that commit crimes daily in the Common Wealth of Virginia. This shows the ignorance of the liberals in their endeavors to erode away at the rights of American Citizens. North Carolina Citizens with CCW permits go through an extensive back ground check in all aspects of their mental, criminal and physical well being. I myself have had a permit for six years and travel extensively to Va.,due to the close proximity. However this will end now, I will shop strictly in N.C. and many other Carolina residents have stated the same. Virginia keep your liberal agenda and anti gun policy open the door for more crime against visitors and put up large bill boards announcing visitors are open prey for all criminals, they are forbid to carry guns.

  • Terry Veach - 8 years ago

    The Second Amendment provides that "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This includes every state in the United States, even the socialist/communist infested District of Columbia!

  • Kay Enoch - 8 years ago

    Criminals get guns by whatever means possible...laws don't matter to them. The ones of us who learn proper gun use and get our permits are the ones being punished. It's gotten to the point where we have to self-arm to protect our homes, loved ones, as well as ourselves when we walk out our front doors these days. The laws need to change so that the criminals are punished, NOT the law-abiding citizen. What has happened to our country where the criminals have more rights than the victims?!? I'm so sick and tired of the ignorant lawmakers and their idiotic "laws." They need to get their heads out of their behinds and use their brains for something more than how to penalize the good citizens...and fill their pockets with our money! I think that's the only reason they're in politics anyway...$$$$. Idiots!

  • Andy Stevens - 8 years ago

    The politicians in Virginia attempting to push a liberal agenda of gun control by fiat in order to reward their paymasters (Bloomberg, et al) will not succeed.

    As Director of Local Government affairs for here in North Carolina I can tell you we are Expanding Gun Rights across our State. Concealed Carry has been lawful in North Carolina for over 20 years now, and Permits holders have proven themselves to be safe, sane, and sober. As in Virginia, no mass incidents of mayhem can be attributed to those who carry, including those from other states with whom North Carolina shares reciprocity.

    The number of those choosing to protect themselves and their loved ones are growing by leaps and bounds. These "out of the mainstream" politicians who unilaterally decree such restrictions will find themselves out of office soon.

    They have stirred a hornet's nest and this action WILL BE revoked and repealed.

  • Floyd Mobley - 8 years ago

    Wrong, every non felon should have the right to carry a gun for self defense!.Criminals don"T care about any permit, the law is discriminatory and denies equal protection of the law and a person right to self defense.
    This kind of Democrat-ed infusion into Bill of Rights in typical of Obama's lust to ignore the Constitution to create a totalitarian Govt.

  • John Edwards Jones - 8 years ago

    If the Virginia State Attorney General, Mark Herring, really wanted to accomplish something productive and actually make a difference in his quest to end gun violence, he would use laws that already exist and raid all of the gangs that exist in Virginia and take away all of the illegal firearms the gangsters are in possession of. Imposing onerous limits on the rights of legal gun owners just to pander to a wealthy New York anti gun business mogul, Michael Bloomberg and a anti gun rights President, Barrack Obama will accomplish zero results to end gun violence and serve only to alienate honest, law abiding citizens.

  • Dan Simmering - 8 years ago

    Since when does the executive branch have the ability to add, remove, or amend laws? That is the role of the legislative branch, not the executive. We the people need to remind our elected officials that the original design of separation of powers still exists even though they don't don't feel like following it. Must be hard for them to follow though since our federal governments executive branch creates laws nearly all the time.

  • Tom Riley - 8 years ago

    I live close to Virginia state line and bring revinue to VA., i have attended CC class in both states and Carolina would not recognize VA.because of no range requirements to show ability to safely handle a firearm. Now due to AGHerring takeing a chunk of our 2nd amendment away from law abiding cit. Its time for a change, my little bit of revinue into VA. Stopped. If we all voice our concernes, just maybe we can open his eyes to see what a mistake he made, you can't stop the bad guys by tieing up the good guys hands.

  • A.J. - 8 years ago

    Let's keep granting illegal's and real criminals, amnesty and special privileges all the while making it harder and harder for honest, hard working tax payers to live... What a sick country we live in!

  • Gary Moeller - 8 years ago

    The action by the AG is in collusion with a corrupt carpet-bagger known as our governor. The governor was the bag-man for Hillary before getting Bloomberg to buy his election to our statehouse. Now the AG is trying to emulate the governor by doing his bidding and colluding with the State Police to misinterpret current law. Therefore, it is our duty to get both of them out of office since neither seem to want to do the bidding of their constituents.
    In addition, I wish to point out that their logic is gravely flawed. It is not the permit holder one has to worry about concerning crime, but the persons who don't follow the law at all and commit crime after crime! This has been proven over and over again. When anti-gun liberals continue to do the same things over and over again and expect a different outcome, that is the definition of insanity!

  • Allen Bryant - 8 years ago

    The Attorney General, as in the past, is politicizing his position rather than supporting VA residents. He has not shown any foundation supporting this decision. No police organization, including the State Police, have voiced any concern over our permitting process and the States with which we reciprocate!! Out of state carry has not shown itself to be a problem in this state. Reciprocity is a problem for traveling individuals when traveling in and through other states.....and he is exacerbating that problem. He is a Democrat first and not a supportive individual of our second amendment rights.

  • Jason - 8 years ago

    I don't understand how or why we citizens of VA don't petition the state bar to disbarr this Attorney General. The job requires that he defend the laws of VA, not make policies based on his political position. This is not the first time he has imposed his liberal position on us citizens without any recourse. I believe not long ago we as a state voted against allowing same sex marriage and he almost immediately made a public statrment that he would not.enforce our decision, instead he sided with the federal (liberal) position and circumvented the Democratic majority of his state, allowing same sex marriage.

  • Jim Haggerty - 8 years ago

    This issue on the conceal carry is simply political bantering and chest pumping at its usual cowardly masking. There is no true reason that even if this were the case of substandard issue of conceal carry by other states , that this action will improve safety for Virginias citizens. Has the AG and his cronies investigated how many of the daily Norfolk and Virginia Beach shootings are done by conceal carry shooters? If they want to make the citizens safe why not increase police staffing? Why not enforce the laws already on the books here in Virginia? Why not stop cutting deals with criminals and hold each accountable for their crimes? Surely they must thin we are not smart enough to see that this is just another issue to draw attention away from the fact that they can not govern with any reasonable sense of intelligence. What's say we actually pass a working budget on time. What's say we bring more industry to Virginia and help to keep it here. What's say we work on building up the military and keep them here. Just a few issues and if they cant handle that then how about focus on homeless and healthcare without flashing a few that they help and showing the thousands that they don't?

  • Wayne Six - 8 years ago

    Here you go... what the left won't tell you...

  • Larry Kunkle - 8 years ago

    Virginia needs to stop trying to twist the laws and start obeying the 2ed amendment

  • T. King - 8 years ago

    Just another chance to place blame on everyday citizens that want to express their constitutional rights of self protection. Virginia is a Democratic run state using a dirty trick to adhere to the party line, "gun control". Once again, his party takes an executive action against the citizens because they feel that we, the American public are too dumb or weak to stand up for our rights. There are other states using the exact same tactics against the people. There are no statistics that show his actions are warranted. The gun violence in his state is being done with non registered guns, so he attacks those that wish to be legal. Dumb, dumb dumb!!! Shame on him. I intend to request all 25 states no longer respect Virginia conceal weapon permits. The ramifications of which are broad. Time for the voters to speak up and put this guy on the curb next election. Time for action.....stand up and contact the Va. politicians and those of the other state affected.

  • Wayne Six - 8 years ago

    I see the media keeps referring to the lax requirements of the other 25 states, yet NO ONE is providing any semblance of proof of Herring's assertions. The liberal media is buying the story without questioning the merits if the AG's office. Is that truth in advertising, or do we have another case of tail wagging the dog? You do realize that in VA one can pay $25 to take an online "concealed carry class" and that meets the VA requirements. In TN and OH, as an example, you are required to attend a class AND successfully prove that you can handle the firearm at the range. Soooooo, whose more stringent? EVERY state is required to complete the federal requirements PRIOR to issuance of a concealed permit. Someone is lying. Why aren't THOSE questions being asked? And answered.

  • J.Gentry - 8 years ago

    Virginia AG Herring is putting the lives of the most law-abiding group of citizens (CHP holders) at risk with this disgusting political move. I guess the New York billionaire Bloomberg said now is the time to jump...and his bought and paid for Virginia Democrat politicians are asking "yes sir-how high"

  • Alan Rose - 8 years ago

    1. It is NOT a new law. It is the raping of an existing law.
    2. All those things listed are things that FEDERAL LAW ALREADY PROHIBITS of folks looking to buy a gun.

  • Lewis Preas - 8 years ago

    The inner cities are destroying themselves with illegal gun violence and the AGO decides to punish responsible gun owners.

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