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  • Dorothy Eubanks - 8 years ago

    There are not enough positive superlatives to do justice to Ioan Gruffudd's talent and skill as an actor. And if there was ever a more perfect match of actor to role, none exists to match Ioan's perfection as he was Dr. Henry Morgan in FOREVER. If you just read the storyline of Forever where there is a man who is immortal---wait!!---immortal? Playing the role of an immortal who lives and works in present-day New York City, who also plays out memories of the 230-something years he has been living, takes a lot of believing! So, you have to have an actor who can make it real and believable, as the series' creator , Matt Miller, surely discovered. Ioan Gruffudd made Dr. Morgan come alive and made him real and believable with a huge splash of debonair, humor and charm thrown in as well.Only the finest of actors possess this level of skill, ability, and natural-born talent. When the series was abruptly canceled for no apparent good reason, millions of fans who had become addicted to the intelligence, perfect melding of cast, adroit writing, family-friendly show and its star, were astounded and sprang to action to bring the show back to the TV screen. Ioan's talented magic made a 237-year-old man real. You can't get any better than that!

  • Lori W - 8 years ago

    Christian Kane from The Librarians is such a broad range actor, not to mention his other multi talents!! He makes his character so believable that you feel like you know the person personally. Whether from his movies to his past tv shows, he's a must watch!!

  • Chris Smith - 8 years ago

    This category was easy to vote for - Ioan Gruffudd all the way. He made the character Henry Morgan come to life in Forever. Outstanding actor and he deserves recognition for his hard work!!

  • Christine Schauer - 8 years ago

    Ioan alias Dr. Henry Morgan pulled me from the beginning in its spell. I could not get enough and am unfortunately very disappointed that it was canceled after only one season. He may very well Dr. Henry Morgan implement. I felt right with him. His pain when he was happy, his fear that someone his secret. I hope that we will soon see more of Forever and Dr. Henry Morgan. And wish Ioan wholeheartedly that he had the award for getting wonderful acting.

    For the German Fans:
    Ioan alias Dr. Henry Morgan hat mich von Anfang an in seinem Bann gezogen. Ich konnte nicht genug kriegen und bin leider sehr enttäuscht das sie nach nur einer Staffel abgesetzt wurde. Er kann sehr gut Dr. Henry Morgan umsetzen. Ich fühlte richtig mit ihm. Seinen Schmerz, wenn er glücklich war, seine Angst das jemand sein Geheimnis. Ich hoffe das wir bald mehr von Forever und Dr. Henry Morgan sehen werden. Und wünsche Ioan von ganzen Herzen das er die Auszeichnung für seien wunderbare Schauspielkunst bekommt.

  • N. Leyer - 8 years ago

    Ioan Gruffudd deserves the vote. His work in Forever made for one of the best sci-fi/fantasy shows I've seen!

  • I. H. Stevenson - 8 years ago

    Ioan Gruffudd has done an outstanding job of acting in many roles, Hornblower for one, but his Dr. Henry Morgan in "Forever" is spot on. Would love to see more of both.

  • Maranda Henley - 8 years ago

    If ever an actor deserved an award for his long, hard work, it's Ioan Gruffudd. I can't say enough about how phenomenal he is as Dr. Henry Morgan. As a Cymruphile, I was thrilled to see such a beautifully talented Welsh actor on my screen in a role that showcased this gift of the awen so well and as a character with a very Welsh name. Why he doesn't get more and better roles is simply shameful of those in Hollywood who so blatantly snub him! His talents are a level above the rest, and his gem acting deserves to shine in a proper setting. Well liked by his colleagues, duly appreciated by his fans, but under acknowledged by the industry, Ioan Gruffudd is truly worthy of such an accolade.

  • MaryAnn Dumond - 8 years ago

    VeroniqueGeysbregts's comment cannot be improved on. She stated it perfectly. loan Gruffudd shines in whatever role he takes on. He has so many loyal followers of his many movies and TV projects; but, his wonderful portrayal of Dr. Henry Morgan in "FOREVER" is his most memorable character, to date, for me. Hopefully, we will see much more of him in the future, and SOON. His talents are second to none.

  • VeroniqueGeysbregts - 8 years ago

    Casting Ioan Gruffudd as the main character in Forever was definitely a stroke of genius.

    Dr Henry Morgan could easily have been perceived as weird, arrogant, cut off from his emotions and – let’s face it – a bit of a show-off. But Ioan Gruffudd managed to make Henry win the viewer’s hearts from the very first episode. His performance made Henry a classy, compassionate, loving man with a strong sense of morality and an emotional vulnerability that shines through in his actions and the dilemmas he faces. And yes ladies, his pleasant appearance and lovely accent are a nice bonus!

    This talented actor truly deserves 1st place for what he himself called "the role of a lifetime". The fact that he himself is so passionate about the role defiitely shines through in his performance!

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