Poll: Who won the Republican Presidential debate?


  • Rick Starr - 8 years ago

    If you're interested in seeing what happens when you put career politicians in office who have their own personal agendas, look no farther than NY. NY politicians couldn't care less about its people or the state. NY is run by corrupt politicians who make back door deals and practice cronyism and nepotism at the highest levels. The house and assembly leaders were both indicted and the gov is under official investigation. Our once great country deserves better than going backwards with professional politicians. The choice is yours. Just saying

  • stan - 8 years ago

    Can't you see how passionate and intelligent Trump is on foreign policy Cindy?
    And as far as Carson goes, have you forgotten the type of liar that man is? Ten months ago, he was the leader in the GOP race according to the polls.
    Then came the horrific story about him being at West Point. Or have you forgotten about that and his other lies?
    Since then, he's fallen off the face of the race and there's no recuperating.
    Forget about it.
    Trump's life is in the media - in his books.
    Say hello to our next Commander In Chief - Mr. Donald Trump!

  • RLMiller - 8 years ago

    Last night was a disgrace. Rafael continues to lie, Rubio said he grew up in the Reagan era, he was only 8 or 9. Kasich did try to stay out of the fight, Bush is just a loser, Carson is a nice guy but I could not vote for him. This was a complete assasination attempt on Trump, he fought back. But if you watched he actually brought up good points. He brought up our jobs leaving the US, he brought up the economy, he discussed immigration and so on. All of the other candidates used their time to attack #Trump. I did not hear any real discussion from any of them... Just attacks... if people did not see what was going on, then there simply is no hope for a republican candidate. Bend over and Kiss Hillary's ass because that is where we are.

  • mlimberg - 8 years ago

    TRUMP 2016.....

    Now more than ever!

    Trump was the only one on stage that has the American people at heart. The only one to mention the jobs companies are sending to Mexico.... look at what happened to Carrier.... I'll never buy another Carrier product.

    Trump knows how to bring back the jobs. It will be a huge win-win for employers-employees.

  • Earl - 8 years ago

    I thought red-faced Trump was gonna have a massive coronary on stage. Blood pressure must have been off the scale.

  • zugde - 8 years ago

    Guys, that's it, he lost me totally. till now I was a strong supporter and a volunteer for Mr Trump and his campaign, getting pulled with the excitement and noise from taking an outsider... anti establishment movement..., but with this debate he got me - and all of my friends watching him live - total.... , HE LOST MY VOTE!

  • Bev - 8 years ago


  • Bev - 8 years ago

    Tereeeessssa Your Statement callng him stupid has such ignorance! I actually thint the stupidity come from those who refuse to listen to so many important and Crucial isues that he menton, of which makes a whole lot of sence. He was the first person that mentioned a whole lot of Topics and everyone was so glad for the ideas, Jumping on the Band Wagon. Maybe that's why they could not wait to here the issues he was running on. You should listen well to facts, and analyze it. Sir President Donald Trump is very on task with what's happening and what will happen to the Precious or Once Respected Country that USA. Be smart and think about what's best for your Country. Everything else is all Politics emptiness and people who will not deliver and love there Country enough to want the best for it. WAKE UP !!! it's different now, Somebody who cares, like the Sir Donald Trump!!
    IT took a Concerned man with guts to put it out there to fight to bring back a great Country, it's time to wake up and make sure we cdon't fall apart. Not giving over the Sucess of our Country to Cowards who just want an Experience of the White House! It's time to be sensible before it's too late. No more time for games baby. Time to make sure things Run Right. Have you heard this Phrase "" IF I had known I would have done things differently, that's too late ! Use good judgement and act differently! Have a before plan not an " If I had known!" THINK ABOUT IT girl!!!; Vote Right, Take time out to think and evaluate !!!!!! You'll be right on!!!, the right track towards the Election!! YOU'LL BE GLAD THAT YOU DID!!!!

  • Jerry Politics - 8 years ago

    Honestly, can't anyone see into the Washington corruption and the political rhetoric we face? Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio all have flaws! There is no perfect candidate. As conservatives we all would love the moral behavior of Ben Carson. As an american we would all love the brilliant business mind of Donald Trump. In terms of protecting our rights, and standing for the constitution we love Ted Cruz. As for family values and principles Marco Rubio is where it's at. We the voters will never have a perfect candidate. (Certainly Jeb Busch is not the answer!!)

    Where am I going with all this?

    We don't have a perfect candidate and never will...but I can assure you all our candidates are 100% more honest and trustworthy than Hillary Clinton. And that ladies and gentlemen is the reason we vote. To keep a liberal democrat like Hillary Clinton out of the White House!

  • Love Theresa - 8 years ago

    I love you Theresa

  • Ele - 8 years ago

    Trump not stupid.only attach when he's attached.
    Its about time a citizen of the united States gets the opporuinty to run.
    Go Trump!!"
    Get rid of all the the Washington idiots.

  • Cindy Senna - 8 years ago

    I do not know what debate you all were watching, but Dr. Ben Carson was the ABSOLUTE winner tonight. He was the ONLY respectable man up there who answered the QUESTIONS instead of picking fights with the others. Go to BenCarson.com and read his policies. Do not fall for the "entertainment" of fighting and name calling.

  • Jonathan - 8 years ago

    n 2000, 19 months before Sept. 11, 2001, Donald Trump wrote extensively of the terrorism threat the United States was facing.

    Trump, who at the time was considering a presidential bid on the Reform Party ticket, went so far as to say that an attack on a major U.S. city was not just a probability, but an inevitability.

    "I really am convinced we're in danger of the sort of terrorist attacks that will make the bombing of the Trade Center look like kids playing with firecrackers," wrote Trump in his 2000 book, The America We Deserve. "No sensible analyst rejects this possibility, and plenty of them, like me, are not wondering if but when it will happen."

    Trump even mentions Osama bin Laden by name, in a criticism of an American foreign policy that too quickly jumps from one crisis to the next.

    "One day we're told that a shadowy figure with no fixed address named Osama bin-Laden is public enemy number one, and U.S. jetfighters lay waste to his camp in Afghanistan," The Donald wrote. "He escapes back under some rock, and a few news cycles later it's on to a new enemy and new crisis."

    Trump started a full-on war with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Friday, when he suggested Bush's older brother and former President George W. Bush is to blame for the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

    Jeb Bush took to Twitter to defend his brother, calling Trump's attack "pathetic," and told CNN's Jake Tapper on Sunday that Trump talks about foreign policy like he's still on his reality show, The Apprentice.

    Four years before The Apprentice ever aired, Trump devoted an entire section of his book to keeping America safe from terrorism, arguing our ignorance of the threats we faced from terrorism was the biggest threat to national security.

    "I may be making waves, but that's all right," wrote Trump. "Making waves is usually what you need to do to rock the boat, and our national-security boat definitely needs rocking. Let's point fingers. The biggest threat to our security is ourselves, because we've become arrogant. Dangerously arrogant. It's time for a realistic view of the world and our place in it. Do we truly understand the threats we face? And let me give a warning: You won't hear a lot of what follows from candidates in this campaign, because what I've got to say is definitely not happy talk. There are forces to be worried about, people and programs to take action against. Now."

    "We face a different problem when we talk about the individual fanatics who want to harm us," The Donald continued, discussing the threat from individual terrorist organizations that despised American culture.

    Trump said such people were determined to attack us.

    "We can kid ourselves all we want by mocking their references to the Great Satan, but also keep in mind that there is no greater destiny for many people than to deal the Great Satan a major kick in the teeth," he wrote, adding they despised the U.S. support for Israel.

    "Our teenage boys fantasize about Cindy Crawford; young terrorists fantasize about turning an American city (and themselves) into charcoal," Trump wrote.

    Trump predicted a major attack on an American city that would involved weapons of mass destruction, writing, "Yet it's time to get down to the hard business of preparing for what I believe is the real possibility that somewhere, sometime, a weapon of mass destruction will be carried into a major American city and detonated."

    Trump added that even if the U.S. mobilized, the country probably wouldn't be able to stop most attacks. Trump said many people would willingly sign up for a suicide mission in America, and that the many U.S. military incursions create more terrorists who want to harm us.

    "Whatever their motives — fanaticism, revenge — suffice it to say that plenty of people would stand in line for a crack at a suicide mission within America," Trump wrote. "In fact the number of potential attackers grows every day. Our various military adventures — some of wh

  • Cindy Senna - 8 years ago

    I do not know what debate you all were watching, but Dr. Ben Carson was the ABSOLUTE winner tonight. He was the ONLY respectable man up there who answered the QUESTIONS instead of picking fights with the others. Go to BenCarson.com and read his policies. Do not fall for the "entertainment" of fighting and name calling.

  • Cherri - 8 years ago

    It was way too short. The moderators were the worst, but I could I have watched at least another hour of the clowns ripping each other apart.

  • Dexter - 8 years ago

    Donald got it handed to him tonight!!! Bringing up 9/11 like that was so unprofessional and childish. Trump is desperate and is beginning to show it. Rubio on the other hand is convincing me he could win. I bet you about 1000 of Trumps votes in this poll are people who are completely ignorant about politics and are following the crowd. Cruz and Rubio should be the top two in my opinion

  • liza - 8 years ago

    Trump offered no specifics whatsoever. Are republicans that dumb to go for such empty promises? He didn't even answer the questions, they were all deflected with canned, off-subject responses. Kasich was the only adult in the room, the rest squabbled too much. I think Sanders would make an excellent vp or secretary of state.

  • IMALREADYHERE - 8 years ago

    You need to do some more research, because D.T. is actually a very good man. Oh, and I guess your out of luck, if they cannot fix stupid.

  • Dave - 8 years ago

    Let's have another poll. Out of all the people who responded, who actually watched the entire debate?

  • Theresa - 8 years ago

    If anyone thinks Trump won this debate, They are as stupid as Trump is... You can't fix stupid!!! He was awful and I could never vote for him in any situation!

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