Should Trump Act More Presidential?


  • Maggie Barker - 8 years ago

    I would suggest that Mr. Trump not get into the name calling and acting like the other candidates. He would do much better to just ignore their bulling behavior, we want to hear he plans for dealing with the budget, how does he stand on education, does he have plans for cleaning up the welfare mess. We know his feelings on illegals and the V.A., let us have more information on his other goals. Thank you.

  • Shaun Kendrick - 8 years ago

    Mr.Trump you are not part of the establishment you are being chosen buy us the American people as president of United States we ask of you just start acting like you and show the GOP but you have tax plan health care plan show me a plan show me what you got please thank you

  • Beverly Turnmire - 8 years ago

    Class......He needs to show his best side. His children carry themselves with class, and he needs to follow suit. His opponents and the media LOVE to egg him on and then ridicule his reaction. DON"T take the bait. We need you and support you...~! Make America Great Again~!

  • Debra S. - 8 years ago

    Yes, I believe "no worries, he's doing fine" but I also believe he should start acting more Presidential. He shouldn't let himself be lowered to others childish behavior...he should be above the fray. He's winning....he should stop worrying and just let the others stew. Keep to his about the country...we need him as a Leader. I wish I could say all this to him so I'll say it here.

  • Misti - 8 years ago

    It's time to be President Entreaty others as mere wannabes. The more he can get Americans to emotionally attached to him like we did with Ronald Reagan the better his chances are going to be,

  • Amy - 8 years ago

    I think it's beyond time to get serious. This is, afterall, a very serious election season. We can't afford to have all this bickering back and forth in the Republican party. Stop with all the silly name calling and discussions that don't amount to a hill of beans. Start talking about the trouble we are in and what they are planning to do about it. I have read the websites of the candidates and know the plans, but these plans need to be reiterated when the candidates speak in these debates or in news conferences etc. I like the Donald, and I like Cruz and I would vote for either of them in the General election. This childish behavior, however, has to stop with ALL of them and they need to work together to get a Republican in the WH.

  • Cheryl - 8 years ago

    My husband and I have been supporters of Trump's since the beginning but have really been wavering recently due to his comments and nastiness. Rubio and Cruz are doing their best to make the worst in Trump to come out and are succeeding. I feel he would do wonders for America and get our country back on the right path but he needs to let comments bounce off of and start acting like a Commander in Chief, put himself above them. Would he hire anyone in his organization who acts the way he does? He needs to draw voters to his side not push them away. So YES start acting like a President!!

  • BarbT - 8 years ago

    Donald doesn't have the nomination locked up yet and he needs every vote. The media exaggerates every word he says and he could lose people who are on the fence if he's not careful.

    While it's true we are not voting for Pastor-in-chief, Trump must comport himself more seriously as we've seen at his two recent press conferences, which projected the image of a future President Trump giving a State of the Union address. He was very impressive. I wouldn't want him to stop using humor, if appropriate, but it's time he dialed it back and began showing the world his presidential side more often.

  • Gerald Warner - 8 years ago

    Trump needs to apologize for his remarks and then move forward with his plan all along. If the GOP does pick someone instead of letting the voters then Trump should run as an Independent because he is getting not only the smart Rep's. but many Dem's are changing sides and most important waking up the 70% that never vote making it a landslide victory. There is another persin waiting in the wings if Trump decided not to run.

  • Kathy McKenzie - 8 years ago

    Plse spread the word that Ohio's primary GOP ballot is purposely confusing. Kasich has rigged it in his favor. Go to FB site Ohioans Against John Kasich. I live in Ohio and all the things he is saying on the campaign trail are lies. There is proof. Now with the ballot mess that he created, he is trying to make the election go to a brokered convention. Help get the word to the other candidates.

  • Lynne Suidinski - 8 years ago

    I believe Trump needs to act more "presidential" in HOW he responds, but not in his message. If he can get above the pettiness and insults, it would make his opponents look like the fools they are. He also needs to stop appearing to be flip-flopping on some issues. While I agree that he may need to rethink a few of his stances, mainly because they would be impossible to implement, he needs to have a definitive plan and relate it effectively. I think he can shut down Cruz and Rubio without lowering himself to their levels, and I hope he goes after Hilary with both barrels, bringing out the emails and Benghazi to the forefront, not to mention all the other issues with her.

  • J Myers - 8 years ago

    The behavior of Cruz, Rubio and Trump during the March 3rd debate was atrocious and very off putting. I have been in favor of Trump since late last year, but his reckless statements and bizarre behavior have me questioning if he has the temperament to be our POTUS.
    John Kasich was the only one on stage that acted presidential and gave common sense answers for the few questions he was given.
    If Mr. Trump wants to gain more voters outside his base, especially if/when Kasich and Rubio drop out, he needs to be above the behavior we have seen to date.

  • Bruce Hevner - 8 years ago

    What he NEEDS to do is stand there and take it,, then instead of responding,, switch the topic to one that promotes HIM. He needs to keep directing the dialog to HIS topics instead of letting the others hijack it. But that's not in his demeanor. Beginning to worry that the negative ads are taking their toll on the undecideds. If it end up being Cruz v/s Billary,,, I'm voting for Gary Johnson,,,,

  • Patti Bythe - 8 years ago

    No one GOP candidate can handle Donald Trump one on one !! They pull the double up bullying tactics! He has to act the way he does to fit in the immaturity of the Candidates he has to deal with. He will be a strong no nonsense President, That cares about the United States & its people.

  • Della - 8 years ago

    I do wish Trump would NOT lower his standards like those that do - I would like to see more about the issues instead of falling for the baiting of Trump by the others. Yeah I know it's hard But I also know he can do it. Trump has gotten where he is Not by playing games and He doesn't Need to play games at this time running for President = We all are tired of the games Washington Plays = It is time to stop the game playing if we are to Protect America and Her People, otherwise it will be no different than what is happening now and She (America) will fail = AND We do not want that.

  • Ray - 8 years ago

    My family and friends will be voting for # Trump.
    If he doesn't win the primaries, we will not vote for anyone else.
    We saw the set up the two frauds and the media did against # Trump.
    It's a shame the rest of you can't see it.
    We're not voting for a preacher--We're voting for an honest--tell it like it is--president.

  • Burt Norris - 8 years ago

    Let's not forget it was Rubio who got into the gutter first. Trump simply responded. Another reason I like him. He hits back.

  • Kathryn - 8 years ago

    Rubio was just as vile, but I do wish DJT would not respond to this kind of nonsense. They know they can push his buttons and he lets them. It's time to get down to business and all of them need to cut this out.

  • Peggy - 8 years ago

    Ted Cruz is a fraud, and Rubio also.
    Wake up America--there was fraud at the polls.
    The American people are easy fooled.
    Ted Cruz or Rubio will not close the borders.

  • Cheryl Damico - 8 years ago

    It's getting serious. He has the momentum and his die-hard supporters. It is time to grow his base with those yet undecided. This is about women and children too! No more rowdy behavior.

  • Susan - 8 years ago

    I wish Trump had simply pointed out how vulgar, UN-presidential, undignified, desperate, petty, personal & inappropriate Rubio's "small hands" jab was. Instead, Trump took Rubio's bait, stooped to his level and went even lower by elaborating on it's meaning and telling the world that his organ's size is "not a problem". I was glad to hear Rubio hurt his own campaign with his remarks but I winced when Trump responded in kind, instead of diminishing Rubio and then focusing on our country's REAL issues.
    On most issues, I have agreed with Trump since he entered the race and I sincerely wanted him to make America great again. However, I was very disappointed with his response to Rubio's insult.
    Trump blew a perfect opportunity to help Rubio self-destruct...all due to EGO.
    One other thing Trump should say more often: "God Bless America". JMHO.

  • Sue McKenzie - 8 years ago

    I was disenchanted after last Thursday's debate. I am ready for Mr. Trump to act 'more presidential'. I don't need to know why I shouldn't vote for someone; I need to know why I should vote for YOU! So far you have my vote, Mr. Trump, but anymore debates like the last one and I may reconsider. Please ignore Rubio and don't let him bait you. Just laugh off his comments and discuss the important things.

  • Rose Moerschel - 8 years ago

    If Donald would take the same stance Kasich did at the last debate and not name call he would sore in the polls and not alienate anyone. We are tired of all the bickering and back stabbing going on. If he would rise above that and show America that he means business and not let them bait him he would get a lot more voters coming over to his side by showing the other candidates for who they really are.

  • Bev - 8 years ago

    It is time for Donald Trump to take the Presidency with DIGNITY. No more stooping to the level of bashing other candidates. Give us his plan in plain English, and stand with pride. Time to STOP acting like a bully and do this with class. If he says he is a Christian, he better act like one NOW! No more the world the class of Ronald Reagan and he will have it in the bag!

  • Wendy Slafka - 8 years ago

    All the powers of darkness and global elites, media, liberals, etc. are arrayed against DT. There is a reason for this. He is not a part of them. He needs to go directly at them and state his vision for our country and its SOVEREIGNTY. These people are out to change America forever by dragging us into turmoil, by attacking our borders, language and culture. Stay strong and don't be swayed against Donald Trump. Stand with him in prayer and support.

  • Jeff Adzima - 8 years ago

    Listen up; just about every stronghold politician and superpac on the planet are trying to take DT down. It's time now to put the pedal to the metal and show the world that we got this!

  • Jim Platt - 8 years ago

    Trump needs to talk to all the American people about his vision. What will America look like in four years not for just his supporters, but for all Americans.

  • Doreen - 8 years ago

    Please be careful because the others just want to bait you so you'll look bad! Don't change your views because that's what the people are voting for! Build the wall! Stop illegal imagration! Get our jobs back! You have my vote!!!

  • Drema - 8 years ago

    I think he needs to act more serious at this point, stop wasting time with the bickering, people want answers to how he'll fix the problems in America! He's got our vote!!

  • Ruth - 8 years ago

    leave the mud slinging on their side and talk like 7 year olds are listening grown-up talk

  • David Maatman - 8 years ago

    Time to stop playing with the "JV Team". They are a distraction

  • Frank Sciberras - 8 years ago

    I am sure Mr TRUMP will make a great president Europe is waiting ,we need to get all this liberal BS out of the way and back to basics.



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