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Who won the Republican presidential debate? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 13,357

  • Dj - 8 years ago

    A vote for CRUZ is a vote for "THE BUSH CRIME FAMILY. " so pic your vote carefully there's a lot of nazis out there sometimes there wearing camo from other nazi's

  • Dj - 8 years ago

    Just remember what I said rep30% dems 30% down when trump wins the nomination he'll have a 60% advantage eff Cruz he's a joke in liar no good product of the bush family bush senior that is look it up his wife works for Goldman and sacks do your homework he is a bush nazi scum not trump rubio is just a nobody so when he wins and he will scuz bucket hillary used toilet paper in the bowl flushing down she won't have a chance

  • Ab Lincoln - 8 years ago

    Trump is a "choke artist" He has been a Washington insider and Democrat supporter for years. Just because he says he is going to build a wall, people believe him. He is flexible, i'll give him that. Cruz beats him every time in a debate; WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

  • Ann - 8 years ago

    Obviously, this is site that has been set up by Trump. He was terrible in debate. He couldn't even answer the policy questions like the other three candidates. And, when he did, his answers would scare a communist, much less An American citizen. Who is paying to have all this go Trump's way. No one in my whole town thought he won.

  • Dale Morse - 8 years ago

    One man and 3 boys. Trump won hands down! Well done CNN. very good moderation. I was impressed!

  • Dj - 8 years ago

    What we all need to take away from all of this is,if the statistics are correct that the Republican Party is bringing 30% more votes and the dems are 30% under and this trend stays this way CRUZ is wrong about trump because when TRUMP WINS and he will he'll have a 60% lead over hillary just from the simple statistics hillary needs to go to prison!Bill Clinton is so discussing he needs to go to prison too.

  • Yolanda Gonzalez - 8 years ago

    Can someone please find substance and knowledge of policies in Trump's answers, He just says what people want to here, and non of Trump's supporters listen to the debates twice. That is whem you will find he is empty, no knowledge to fix the problems. If I was on the debate I could say the same things and everybody knows, but where is his plan and solutions?
    By the way he was bulling with personal attacks the past months, nasty, does any body remember? But as all bullies he can not take a dose of his own medicine. What about his control to talk to other leaders as a president?
    And since the beginning he says he has to be the president, or maybe "the emperor"?

  • Michael Belisaro - 8 years ago

    Dad, Please go to bed and quit posting on these political websites. You're Drunk again!

  • Esperanza Belisario - 8 years ago

    Wow! How can people be so blind. Because of people like Trump we have corruption in politics and in buisness in general. He says so to your face and you are so ... (you fill in thevword) Trump will say uneducated that can not see it. Look at what is happenning in Venezuela and other latin countries. People got tired of the conventional parties and voted for the new guy in the block. Now the country is broke, full of corruption and crime. Trump is way too arrogant to be the president of the best country in the world. You can not negociate great deals insulting your way. The fact that he is winning only says too me that the quality of the american people has gone down. He is racist, a feminist and uses the system to jis advantage to make money . He has no substance or.knolwledge of the problems of this country and still he is winning . Rember this. The day Donald Trump wins will be the saddest day of this country history.

  • anne childress - 8 years ago

    Donald Trump is out next President by VOTING FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE. He is fabulous. He is brilliant. It was like watching 3 boys next to a man's man. Donald Trump is the ONLY candidate that can and will win the Presidency. Hillary is scared...they fake those think for one minute that she would be afraid to run against anyone but TRUMP? WRONG. He is our man. God bless him...

  • Pett eff Cruz - 8 years ago

    Trump won hands down Cruz is ok but can't trust a lire if anyone gets the chance tell rubio it's not just his hands I think are small it's also his brains what an idiot total where's Waldo,Duffy dumbo ears from David pett in Provo utah tell hillary she's a sack of crap and I'm sure without a doubt bills jammed cigars up her battered twat what a joke go to prison hillary from David pett Provo utah BITCH big lol

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