Do you believe expiration dates on food packages?

1 Comment

  • Ralph - 8 years ago

    I don't just throw food away because of the expire or any other date because no one knows how really fresh food is when purchased. About the only true fresh food in my opinion is canned food because from the garden to the table the product may go into so many processes that by the time it reaches the consumer it is not fresh. Food to be canned should normally go directly from the producer to the cannery thus eliminating undo delays. I often have relied on canned food for better freshness and I am doing so even more today. There is no great problem in identifying spoiled can food. If top of can is swollen, can is
    leaking or rusty then pitch it. In all the years using canned food I may have pitched a half dozen cans. I just don't waste any food regardless if it is meat or vegetables. Of course everything can't be bought in cans but I have my method of making sure food at our house is kept fresh until it is eaten and thusly I will offer that I am 80 years old and my wife is 74 and we are extremely healthy thank GOD because He makes it happen by putting in my spirit what I should and should not do regarding our food and other means of staying healthy. GOD is the reason my wife and I are so blessed. Everyone has to make their on decisions on when to pitch food and when not to but I am seek divine help for my wife and I and receive it. One last point before I close. Eating the way we do I hardly ever experience a day when I get fatigued and I can do a lot of work in a day if I need too. Another blessing from GOD

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