Do you support the ban of large ammunition clips and "automatic military-type" weapons?


  • Mark - 8 years ago

    Somehow fitting that the poll results seem to reflect the exact opposite of what DeLaney claims are the public sentiment about firearms. Apparently he's just another lying politician; twisting fact and narrative to support his own misguided agenda.

  • ed - 8 years ago

    Kirk, so does that mean that since the founding father's couldn't envision the internet, telephones, that we shouldn't have freedom of speech on such devices? I mean if we really want to do something about this violence then let's sensor freedom of speech on the internet, And on t.v. after all these weren't around back then. I mean after all that is why these thing continue to happen because people now and days get so offended about what other people say or do. And newspapers should stick to writing articles and such with a quail pen.

  • Jason - 8 years ago

    Kirk. Here is an interesting bit of history for you.

  • Vet - 8 years ago

    Kirk, If you are a vet you have forgotten or ignored your oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Further, you do not understand the Bill of Rights. Educate yourself.

  • Jerry - 8 years ago

    Lets discuss what this is all about really. And that is taking away the Constitutional rights of the people in order to give the illusion of government taking care of criminal action.
    In other words, take away rights of the citizen punishing them, instead of going after criminals and terrorists from other ideologies.
    Listen to it explained here;
    Ted Cruz>

  • Neil - 8 years ago

    To Mr Kirk, I own an AR-15 and it has never had the "spray and pray" capability you refer to. I believe you have confused the civilian AR-15 firing the .223 caliber round in single shot SEMI-auto, with its military big brother the M16, which fires the more powerful 5.56 NATO in three possible selectable fire modes...FULL-Auto, Three shot AUTO, and single shot SEMI-auto. This selectable fire mode give the battlefield solder the versatility to lay down whatever fire he deems necessary. As a vet, you would know this and I explain it here for those who are not familiar with these two different platforms/firearms that LOOK similar, but are most definitely NOT THE SAME.
    As for accuracy, the AR-15 is very accurate for hunting and target shooting out beyond 300 yards, if you are that good of a shot.
    You argument about why shouldn't we also be able able to have grenades, satchel charges, and tanks. Well, for stating the obvious, grenades and satchel charges are high explosive, uncontrolled, mass causality devices designed for battlefield use. As for the tank, as long as the owner has the proper permits or disabled guns, you can own a tank if you have enough money to buy and operate it. WW2 tanks are collectors items and many are privately owned here and abroad.
    Finally, I have heard this comment said by many others that "the AR-15 ammo is too powerful for civilian use and has no place in civilian hands because it's an ammo for war." Or some such non sense. There many civilian owned rifles of calibers far more powerful then the .223 caliber of the AR-15, yet only the AR gets demonized. And every type of firearm from the flintlock musket through to today's modern rifles have seen battle at some time in history and are "weapons of war". So, I don't find it hard to surmise that, by you wanting to ban one weapon of war, you are actually using it as a stepping stone to ban ALL "weapons of war"..: guns that is.
    As for me, I am not a vet. I do come from a multi generational military family who has had family members who fought from WW1, WW2, Korea, and finally my dad in Vietnam. I am a life member of the NRA. My dad taught me how to shoot when was 8 and I have enjoyed the shooting sports and meeting many very nice, knowledgable, and patient people who have taught me a thing or two over the years. I hope this helps clear up whatever mis-information you may have had about the AR-15.

  • pete - 8 years ago

    I am a military vet as well, but one that wants to clarify a few things. Access to "military style assault weapons" is highly regulated by the federal government. To own one as a civilian, one must first be able to afford one (approx $10,000), have the proper permits and background checks in place to request said purchase (requiring fingerprints and passport photos), have the chief law enforcement officer in your area sign off on said purchase, pay a $200 tax for the privilege of ownership if approved. Also keep in mind, what you're buying was manufactured before 1984 due to federal law.

    now, if you are talking about a semi-auto AR-15 that LOOKS similar to a military weapon, that is a different story, all you need then is $500-$2,000 for the one you want, and a federal background check to purchase.

    You may also want a history lesson when discussing what the founders had in mind. There were, at the time of the writing of the constitution and bill of rights, 13 shot semi-automatic rifles, as well as repeating machine guns.

    as far as the uses of an AR-15, I use mine for varmint control on the farm as well as fun recreation (target shooting) with the family. Remember that "Well Regulated" in 1700's English means well practiced. AR-15's are also commonly used in 3 gun shooting competitions because of their inherent accuracy. They are also perfectly designed as personal defense weapons (as stated by the federal government itself), especially for women and those that cannot wield larger/heavier firearms.

    In an aside, the doors were locked at Sandy Hook and if Florida law would have allowed concealed carry in the night club, maybe the death toll would not have been so high. We can play the what if game all day long, but the fact is that these attacks happen in gun free zones where law abiding citizens are disarmed and thereby defenseless against these kind of acts. I do not trust my life to an armed security guard. I do not trust that maybe the police will show up in time. I do not trust my life will not be endangered by some religious zealot. I do, however, trust my fellow man to be good, descent, upright, and law abiding. I am just prepared in case they are not.

    and finally, the shooter in Orlando did not use an AR-15.

    As a military vet. I choose to protect myself and my family by any means necessary. I have seen first hand how effective and ineffective the government can be. I choose to let self defense start with SELF.

  • Steven - 8 years ago

    Full auto rifles are banned. No new ones came come to market. The ones that are still out there are heavily regulated, registered and are NOT the AR-15s on store shelves and walls. Those are semi automatic, one trigger pull = one round fired.

    Kirk is either lying about his service or hasn't handled a weapon or been in a gun stote since then. AR-15s are NOT inaccurate, they make great target shooting rifles and they're NOT FULLY AUTOMATIC.

  • Jeremy - 8 years ago

    So much for their claims that 75%+ of americans support the crap he is spewing. This poll alone shows how overwhelmingly americans don't want any gun control.... plain and simple: absolutely none.

  • Kirk - 8 years ago

    I'm a military vet . There is no reason ANY civilian needs access to military style assault weapons with high capacity magazines. That is not what our countries founders could even imagine in our 2nd Amendment right when all they had was black powder guns. The NRA is probably one of the worst lobbyist organizations in our country. They have too much power over our government when it comes to doing whats right. When i served my weapon was for my protection and that of my brothers at arms. The assault rifle's only purpose is killing people. Its a spray and pray weapon. I'm talking about assault rifles. They are not hunting weapons because they are far too inaccurate. They are not target shooting weapons either.

    I have no record i can go get me an AR-15 in less than and hour just like any psycho not on record can. There are not extensive background checks when buying any gun in the U.S. The question that needs to be asked is why do people need access to military type weapons. If they say its ok then why shouldn't i be able to have grenades, satchel charges or even a military tank with live weapons? Tim McVeigh murdered many with diesel and fertilizer .

    We don't need more weapons in this country. We need better security practices. Had the doors been locked during school hours Sandy Hook wouldn't of happened. Had this club in Orlando had armed security this amateur that killed so many wouldn't have made it inside. Had the people rushed this shooter he would of been dead in minute because he couldn't of reloaded fast enough. Imagine if his gun capacity was only 5 rounds.

    We are a society that doesn't want to give up anything and look where that's got us now.

  • Wayne Smith - 8 years ago

    Just another comment on the lawmakers ignorance about automatic weapons. They are not assault weapons, in fact in the correct calibers AR type guns will be legal to hunt deer with in Indiana this year.

  • Dan - 8 years ago

    Your poll shows your ignorance. "Automatic" weapons are very restricted and require extensive background checks. They are also very expensive. 10k$ plus.
    Magazines not clips also. Educate yourselves on the subject.

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