What do you think about the idea of a universal locker-room?


  • Sophia N. - 3 years ago

    Thank you, Stephanie! Very thoughtful of you. Those people have no idea how it is to live as a transgender person, nor do they care. Most even think it's a choice (as if cis people choose to be cis). Fortunately, the world is slowly getting more and more educated and the previous generations who lived being taught these wrong ideals (with some exceptions, of course) will eventually die and (hopefully) give birth to more open-minded, educated generations, all in due time.
    Anyone can get raped or abused anywhere, it doesn't have to be in a locker room, not to mention it's even harder for it to happen in an open-concept area like this. There are also private stalls where anyone can go, instead of being out in public. No one is forced to share the locker room if they feel uncomfortable. This is a very good idea and the world would be a better place if there were more gender-inclusive places like this. Sure, you might find pervs and/or pedos there, but you can learn to identify and report them, and then again, you can use private stalls at any time if you feel uncomfortable around someone.
    I agree with this idea, it's inclusive for everyone

  • Jonas Negmis - 8 years ago

    Just you wait. The actions of the regressive left will cause society to implode because they ignore common sense. Just look at Europe. A complete utter mess. Run over my savages and on the verge of bankruptcy. That's what happens when you ignore logic.

  • Stephanie - 8 years ago

    Transgender people are like everyone else, they're human beings and deserve to be included in society as much as anyone else does. I'm shocked by many of the comments in this thread. I would hope that those people who are against the advancement of rights for transgender people would first educate themselves on what they're talking about, read a book, watch a documentary or talk to and get to know a transgender person. Many transgender people live in the closet, afraid to come out to the world. Those people that come out and try to live their lives in public space often face intense harassment and violence. According to GLAAD, 41% of transgender people attempt suicide at least once in their lives. The average for society is 1.6%. It doesn't sound important as an issue? The cause of those suicide attempts can be laid squarely on the ongoing stigma that they have to deal with. Back in the 50's we had separate washrooms for white and "colored" people. Black men were labelled as sexual predators in posters and so as threats to white women in washrooms. How is this any different? Are we proud of our history of segregation? I find it disgusting, I'm repulsed by our racist history. Transgender people do not choose their identities, they often try to repress their identities and hide them from family, friends and the public due to the stigma in society. Right-wing groups have been stoking the fears of transgender people for their own purposes, that they're men in women's clothing, that they're threats to children. Some of this is fueled by religious conservatism, why God or Jesus would hate transgender people or anyone for that matter is beyond me. The media has portrayed transgender people in movies and television as deceptive or pathetic for decades. Don't believe it, educate yourselves. They're human beings, they just want to live as themselves, they aren't threats. What does it make you if you stigmatize, isolate, harass and brutalize other members of society? Seriously, turn the camera on yourself and ask yourself, What kind of person am I? Think about what you're saying and doing, challenge your beliefs and set a higher moral standard for your actions. I ask you this, are you transgender? Do you have a friend who is transgender? Have you read a book about it, something that really gives you insight into the thoughts and feelings of a transgender person? Or have you just seen conservative representations of them on television, in movies, on the internet? How do you know that you really understand what it's like to be a transgender person in this society? If you don't understand them, how can you be sure your beliefs are well informed? You're forcing other people to hide in the dark, are you sure you understand them enough to be able to do that?Transgender people are human beings, they think, feel, dream, enjoy, work; they're your family members, your friends; they hurt, they feel pain and they feel scared, just like you. What does that say about society if they are shunned, stigmatized, isolated, hated, threatened, humiliated and brutalized? Aren't we better than that? What if it happened to you?

  • AK - 8 years ago

    No. Absolutley No. Because of a minority who doesn't know whether they're a man or a woman (gender neutral) now I have to always use a toilet that has piss all over it all the time. I've been to these. They are SOOOO DIRTY. Women's washrooms were never that dirty ever. Now they always have drops of urine because men sometimes miss or don't care. Why would they care, they stand up. they never have to sit down. It' s just not fair t hat now my daughter and I have to look at drops of piss all the time on the toilet seat because it's "universal" so both men and women use the same toilets. I went in after a teenager boy used it and guess what.....yea. exactly. little drops of yellow everywhere on the seat . And I saw him standing doing it because he didn't lock the door when I opened to go in. This heading to minority groups while ignoring real problems of the world, like homelessness, drugs and crime - has to stop. Gays have all the rights they need to be equal. Now can we move to serious problems in our cities please. Thank you.

  • Jay & Kate - 8 years ago

    I won't use it, neither will my kids. It's a cruel world when you have to teach your kids to stay away from people with video or wondering eyes. Whats next? Will the handicap be offended that they are marked smaller on the bathroom sign-I mean talk about equality. And great there are "traditional" rooms; because we are the minority right? Wake up people; remember how the 1960's-90's were awesome... Well it's you who are dissatisfied with the perfectly fine things and destroying the world of thousand years. It's madness.

  • Christine - 8 years ago

    What a wonderful, forward thinking and inclusive idea for the ymca in yyc. I'm so proud to be part of a community that can look beyond the fear mongering being created recently by the media and small minded individuals.
    This change room with help families and those who need assistance from someone of the opposite gender and make other people exponentially more comfortable because they don't view themselves as belonging to a specific group. I also like how the are still traditional change rooms available for those who don't want/need the use of this universal change room.
    Those who wish to hurt others will always find a way. I would be significantly more worried about sending my child into a change room alone because I was the wrong gender to accompany them than that we were in a universal change room where I could supervise.
    Well done QP ymca!

  • John - 8 years ago

    Total fucking joke. This will only bring sexual predators closer to children. Perverts will look for any chance to steal a glimpse or fondle your child. And how will you know it happened when the sickos say they will kill the parents if they tell.

    I miss the days when our dads would drop us off in front of the colnol Belcher.

    We used to go to town on those weirdos. Cops would just roll on bye.

    Ahh those were the days, and we knew who we were then, girls were girls and men were men...

    Can't wait till Armageddon. We can purge society of all it's filth

  • Abby - 8 years ago

    It's ok for people who fit the transgender description but I wouldn't use it myself or let my children go there. Anyone can be abused or raped in such places.

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