Do you think Hillary Clinton should be criminally prosecuted for her use of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State?


  • James Battles - 8 years ago

    Nixon did far less as far as infractions of the law is concerned and he was forced to resign, conspiracy, obstruction of justus and perjury to name just a few. Now we KNOW hillary has done al of these and even more. Yet we are going to be electing her into that same position of POTUS ? My, my, my how the world has changed over the last 40 years. Would we elect Richard Nixon again?

  • RunningWolf - 8 years ago

    The ancestors told me in my sleep journey that the evil ones are losing grip. Soon we will be in a golden age of information and abundant love. Wars and money will be a silly thing of the past. The wave of awakening cannot be stopped.

  • Arnold Gregory - 8 years ago

    Of course she should be held accountable. Comley stated in very plain unequivocal terms that she did things that were illegal. If anyone else does them they won't get off so easy. If she is not bound by our laws then no one is. The government is completely illegitimate. If she cared about the US republic she would step down.

  • Buck Farak - 8 years ago


    And Beat HER like a PINIATA..!!!

  • Buck Farak - 8 years ago

    BUCK YOU, BR..!

    Send the Hag to Jail..!!!

  • LenLewinsky - 8 years ago

    Hillary and Bill should have been put in prison decades ago. There is a trail of murders and ''alleged'' suicides of people that crossed the Clintons!

  • Harry Rectom - 8 years ago

    Y'all keep saying she should be prosecuted for this email bullcrap. Thing is, EVERY Secritary of State,since the induction of E-mail, has used personal private server all the way back to Colin Powell. Even he has said he did the exact same thing and she has done nothing illegal. There was no actual policies in place, just recommendations that were for a poor working system. Only now, after this which hunt, was official policy written. If she is to be prosecuted, EVERY Secretary of State since Colin Powell need to be brought up on the same charges. The only reason that y'all are saying she needs to be prosecuted,is because you don't like Hillary and you are Trump sheep. It wouldn't matter if she crapped rainbows, you'd say she should be jailed for that.

  • Marie West - 8 years ago

    FIRST : Hillary Clinton being connected to the government offices knew how important it is to go by the laws and rules of the government. You are expected to do the very best job. She chose ( her self) to be the one to LIE, CHEAT, and Except Illegal contributions from foreign countries, but the most unforgivable to not send HELP to the men in BENGHAZI she let them DIE with out any help from our Country. They were there protecting this country. She took an oath to do this job! She failed 100% in not doing the job this country and we the people gave her to do. We trusted her to take care of our men in combat to be there for them and help them to accomplish their orders for our Country. Hillary turned her back on those men and our Country. She needs to pay for what she did!!! The Clinton's are NOT ABOVE THE LAW!!!

  • Kristen - 8 years ago

    Donna, yes we Do ALL make mistakes. However, MY mistakes are leaving the coffee pot on, forgetting someones birthday, accidentally offending someone, etc. MY mistakes however, DO NOT risk the safety of my entire country. So don't compare me to that woman. The point is, Do we want a president that is known for making several "mistakes" that jeopardize our country? I'd say no.

  • Kendall Falk - 8 years ago

    Keeps this in mind before reading: Homosapiens must follow the path of evolution. When one individual becomes aware that their reality should change, so shall a million more.Then a domino effect will occur and the people will take what is rightfully theirs.
    Remember, this earth is our earth. It belongs to nobody else but us. Remember also that if we don't like the way it is run we are allowed to change it. We are allowed to stand up and say no, I don't want this.
    Remember that as a human species we need to say no to toxins in our food. We need to remember to live off the land. We need to take care of our planet.
    Why the establishment will be unsuccessful and where we are going as a civilization.
    The reason why I am writing this blog post is because of the sheer importance it holds. For those of you who suggest I should have a blog for these statements is not a bad idea I just prefer to do it this way.
    So let's get on with it shall we?
    For a long time now people have been continuously living in a very strange reality one that doesn't make sense at all. Often times you'll find yourself wondering what went wrong. This issue extends far into our past times when we were docile humans. It was a different age, a different place.
    This generation and as I mentioned before "awareness" is spreading like wildfire throughout the country. Yes I talked about this in a previous blog post. There are far too many individuals who have a greater awareness nearly twice or three times the amount as before. Why is this happening?
    Well it's not just the fact that we are tired, we're all tired of this. Yet ineherently within us, built into us is this desire for "evolution construct".. and it goes hand in hand with "revolutions and new breakthroughs within the human race. This, time period is our breakthrough. This is when we will see the dark fade away, new challenges arise but together we will face all of them as a co conscious people. Our bodies, our minds, and our spirits are trying to tell us...
    Hey, there is a consciousness shift happening here. We need to explore space, are there others out there? What can we do to "really" fix this planet... Hey my food is making me sick who's responsible? Why does tv seem so fake? How can we fix the economy? These questions as common as they were in the past, are not only being asked again but they come with a new kind of "fire" a fire that doesn't burn out.. and this type of passion is what is taking the world by a storm..
    There will be some people who just can't handle this type of reality especially when we meet our brothers and sisters from space. Once that occurs all of the matrix framework surrounding the comfort zone will crash very hard..
    Believe me it's happening.
    Many conspiracy theorists will say that the establishment is the "illuminati". First we need to talk about what the illuminati really is. The illuminati, was a group formed in 1776 by a man named Adam Weishaupt. Over time this group broke into many different ones such as the "Trilateral commission, Club of Rome, Bilderbergs, etc.. This is not to say that either of these organizations are "evil" per say but rather to point out the deep and profound connections within some of them. These groups operate on "levels" , layers of information. Historically the illuminati is called "The Bavarian Illuminati"... Too many people misuse the term and will slap it on freemasons, templars, even our government.
    Our government is also made up of different branches of course. Though there are of course dark areas, and this in particular is what I refer to as "the establishment. Though these people do not have our best interest at heart, they will often murder, conduct horrendous satanic rituals and the likes.. These type of sociopaths are extremely dangerous individuals. They are power corrupt, money masters... They are not "just billionaires, they are lairs, thieves, and they need to be told "NO"..
    Today much of our society is fully con

  • Kendall - 8 years ago

    It is quite clear that Hillary Clinton has lied several times. In assessing this information and viewing comeys' case of testifying, I have come to the conclusion that after hearing him speak that the generalized assumption I have which to me sounds correct is that his life could have either been threatened or he was paid by the Clinton Foundation. Something just doesn't smell right with this situation, and this is why I believe Comey let her off the hook..

    If your life is threatened.. if your family is threatened. You put your family first not the country. In saying this I do not believe I am jumping the gun but rather creating a sound assumption painted with a professional legal decision on my part. There is no way to know if his life was threatened or not. However, he is doing his job, he is trying to do the right thing because Comey has been backed into a corner..

    Another reason why I can clearly assess this without putting this in a radical way is because someone from the UN was about to testify about Hillary Clinton and this gentleman has lost his life due to the clinton foundation. It is not unruly to suggest.. that a person with a vast amount of wealth and surrounded by secrecy to protect herself out of selfishness is outlandish by any means. This in fact is common sense..

    In addition to what I am saying...

    It is unlawful not to prosecute a person who claims to not have such knowledge of what (C) looks like when sending emails of a classified nature.

    This is not a political issue but a serious one which requires the publics decision to take her out of office. She will not be allowed to run for president.

    66% of the public believe that she should have been indicted. 33% didn't think so.

    With all due respect... Clinton "swore to truth" under oath... She lied. It is a crime.

    She needs to go to jail.

  • AINITFUNNY - 8 years ago

    This decision not to recommend prosecution STILL has NOT made sense to the "reasonable person" who might be a JUROR on such a case and who WOULD CONVICT based upon all the evidence presented!!


    The FBI Director is dismissing the FACTS of this case and he has instead ruled on THE CONSTITUTIONALITY of the law which he has said several times he doubts is LEGAL because as read, it appears to OMIT the "mens rea" requirement which he INJECTS into his reading, understanding , decision and potential prosecution standard! He does that because HE BELIEVES IT SHOULD have the requirement of intent, even though IT DOES NOT! Folks.

    That is legislating from the bench or at least legislating by the enforcers of the law!

    THAT is what I can summarize and what I take away as HIS "justification" for not prosecuting......It was based ENTIRELY on not being able to prove her INTENT (mens rea) in spite of the mens rea requirement NOT being part of the law making her behavior criminal!

  • SueNomi - 8 years ago

    Donna, Ricky...the rest of you all prancing about in your high horses; I sincerely hope that you have not spawned.


    Her mistake will cost us ALL dearly in the coming war.

  • Pamela Cosmo - 8 years ago

    Well, gee wiz, I just read that Gucifer (the hacker who revealed how vulnerable her server was to hacking) has just been found dead by hanging in his cell. Coincidence? Yeah, right.

  • The Resistance - 8 years ago

    I guess if leaking classified information isn't a crime anymore, that should be great news for Mr. Snowden. The revolution is on the horizon. Soon people. Very soon.

  • Dr. Judy Meissner - 8 years ago

    With yesterday's press conference, the FBI has lost all credibility in the eyes of the American people and world. Under Barack Obama the U.S. has become another Banana republic. We have all lost all respect for the once great Federal Bureau of Investigations, the Justice Department, and The White House. Ms. Clinton is not above law, so why is she being treated as if she is?

  • Dan Steele - 8 years ago

    Crooked Hillary should be in PRISON!!! I would NEVER vote for her!!!

  • RR - 8 years ago

    Maybe Hillary is a Russian Spy and that makes her untouchable?

  • V - 8 years ago

    Welcome to the banana republic.

  • West_By-God_Virginia - 8 years ago

    The emails are just the tip of the IceBerg ... Hitlery, errr Hillary is as crooked, corrupt and Bought And Paid For as the day is long ... !!!

  • Dr. Michael - 8 years ago

    She should be behind bars.

  • V. R. - 8 years ago

    The Clinton foundation needs to be investigated!!! I'm waiting for that to finish political career.

  • V. R. - 8 years ago

    The Clinton foundation needs to be investigated!!! I'm waiting for that to finish political career.

  • Buck - 8 years ago

    The e-mails are small potatoes, but they point to those who "donated" to the Klinton Foundation. Investigate THAT!

  • Todd Dworak - 8 years ago

    I think she should be indicted for voter fraud !!!

  • Icabod - 8 years ago

    Were one of us have done the same this, would the FBI make the same decision?

  • Army Officer - 8 years ago

    I'm a high ranking military officer, and the bottom line is that if I had even attempted to conduct my office in a similar manner as Mrs. Clinton, I would have been removed from office and prosecuted.

    I know, because I've overseen many internal investigations on much lesser allegations.

  • Rickey - 8 years ago

    If anybody go to prison for breaking a policy with out damaging the company or office than 98% of the people in the United States will be in prison. If that be the case I wonder why Trump isn't in prison and he done stole million if not billions of dollars from the unlimited amount of people in the US.

  • terry bigler - 8 years ago

    When you have a president in your corner able to manipulate and intimidate underlings you stand no chance of being convicted or facing ay sort of scrutiny.The sad part iss that there are doxens of ordinary citizens who are not "above the law" sitting in jail as we speak with no chance of appeal or release, many of them were"convicted" of doing the same as Ms Clinton or less,but weremade scapegoats to make people think that the law is bilnd

  • LMA - 8 years ago

    Yes people make mistakes.. but in her position, this was a "mistake" that should NOT have happened. In her position, she knew what she was doing, but since she feels she is above the law and everyone else, she can do whatever she wants.. and obviously, get away with it. Pathetic

  • Donna - 8 years ago

    I want to say he who has never did something through poor choice of judgement then maybe you can cast the first stone against Hilirary. I am not without costly mistakes nor will I or do I have the right to judge anyone. Famous or not we all do things we regret or don't stop to think before we do something. So I think all who are saying negative against Hilary should look at her like a human with faults not a person who used poor judgement. Forget what you have heard because all that really matters in the end is are you really that perfect.

  • michael - 8 years ago

    Killiry saying others used private email accounts is correct But for there own emails all govt related correspondence was carried out on govt servers and networks protected Killiary did everything on her own unprotected server including all her illegal money for her foundation from foreign people who are not liked by are govt like as SOS when putan donated 100 plus million to her foundation as she gave him 20% of our countrys uranium PLEASE thousands and thousands of emails destroyed to cover up all her illegal goings on before she turned over her server like she didn't know like she said you mean wiping it with a cloth like im not computer savvy Killiary has lied been fired as an attorney for illegal stuff in coudt and dis barred been in court for her crap like Bengasi blame it on a video and again looks like she will go unscathed again per the FBI .She even said she wouldn't be charged another fix probably some huge pay offs from the illegal foundation slush fund so various people even Obummer is looking the other way and pimping Killiary to be the next potus to continue this countries move towards extinction.

  • Joe - 8 years ago

    She had several servers!! Why are they going after Trump? You have to be kidding me. TRUMP 2016!

  • Fred Schroeder - 8 years ago

    Well now that the Clintons have bought off the FBI and the Justice Department, the onlt thing left is to see what high level jobs are waiting for Obama and Comey, in the Clinton Foundation

  • R Gardner - 8 years ago

    Hillary For Prison 2016!

  • christopher e riley - 8 years ago

    I see why a civil war is coming. Every arrogant politicians thinks the military and police will control it. Look at syria and iraq living in rubble. That is what the USA will look like if these politicians do not wake up

  • LookandListen - 8 years ago

    TREASON is the correct crime for both of them!!!

  • R. B. - 8 years ago

    Prosecuted? She should be crucified; as should the entire Democrat party and anyone else who'd vote for that goose-stepping criminal traitor.

  • Bill Droll - 8 years ago

    Well, it's corrupted and rigged folks...there you have it. The Clinton's are way above the law...the law is just for the "Little People"!

  • TPW - 8 years ago

    The Fix is in and President OH has a heads up......full speed ahead on the campaign today with Crooked.

  • Colonel Sanders - 8 years ago

    Here's a poll that isn't going the way the media expected!

    Hillary for Prison - 2016!

  • Monica Lewinsky - 8 years ago

    The Oval Office hasn't been the same since the Clinton's crossed its threshold, and the stains they've left on the Presidential Seal can never be removed.

  • Carl Stull - 8 years ago

    The only thing the criminal Hilary Clinton should be able to run for is Cell Block C Princess, and hopefully Bill and Monica ( or whomever the flavor of the week for him is) will visit every once in a while. Hilary for cell block C I would then vote for her

  • jim - 8 years ago


  • Fred Reed - 8 years ago

    Look the facts speak for themselves .Any person who cant see how corrupt the clintons are are foolish . Bernie was the best better choice for the democratic party but it was rigged from the beginning . TRUMP 2016

  • Don L - 8 years ago

    And what result would you expected from this audience?? Where the shoe fits wear it...

  • R.W.W - 8 years ago

    what is the "price of dirt"? Hey, don't laugh... an avid supporter of HRC would surely know...

  • Vonce Foster - 8 years ago

    That's HILARIOUS B.R. , Democrats racked up a 19 trillion dollar debt , unleashed ISIS , and have spent 9 years runningnthis cntry to the ground all the while calling is all a bunch of racists and you think we should vote for more of that ? Donald Trump is not being investigated by the F.B.I. and you want him in prison ROFL ! B.R. You are a straight up undeniable FASCIST !

  • ben - 8 years ago

    You know you are an idiot when you would rather see an innocent man go to jail than a known criminal.

  • B. R. - 8 years ago

    Need to grow up Donald Trump is the only one who needs to go to prison. He is an immature price of dirt!!!--- VOTE FOR HILLARY!!!

  • Vince Foster - 8 years ago

    Pretty sure many of the no votes come from the staff @ WRIC.

  • Vince Foster - 8 years ago

    Maybe the most openly corrupt politician to ever run for office ... HILLARY FOR PRISON 2016 !

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