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Can the world win the war against terrorism? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 137

  • Jim Bukoski - 8 years ago

    There will always be people that react will violence. On a small scale it's an Allentown shooting that stems from a verbal argument and on a large scale it's bombings in response to political oppression. The actions will never stop, history has shown us that, but the number of events has decreased while the world population has grown. The internet has opened communication that has reduced the number of terrorist actions, and at the same time bombarded us with more information about the terrorist events that still occur. That can leave us with a feeling that the world is dangerous place but if we take a closer look we will find that it's not as bad as we think.

  • Diana Balot Frank - 8 years ago

    The only way to win the "war on terror" is for the western powers to stop bombing and otherwise politically destabilizing the governments of sovereign countries. Random "oopsie" drone attacks that target individuals for murder and kill bystanders in the process are against international law. Killing 500,000 Iraqi children because Madeline Allbright thinks "the price is worth it," is a crime against humanity. Destroying country after country and barbarically executing leaders who were former US allies until they were no longer useful alive is also against international law. Until the governments of the US, the U.K. France and their allies stop terrorizing civilians in the Middle East and other places, all of us are in danger. Since the bombing of Guernica through the London blitz, the firebombing of Dresdon, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, bombing the people of Vietnam "back into the Stone Age", the horrible destruction of Yugoslavia to the present day devastation of Middle Eastern countries, governments have been targeting civilians for the real or manufactured crimes of their leaders. Until these powers stop killing people just like us all over the world, terrorism cannot be defeated. The big powers have drones and bombs. The individuals who are called "terrorists" have only their bodies and the weapons they make themselves. We don't see the dead our governments have killed. If we did, if we saw how many men, women and children have been killed my this Wild West foreign policy, we would be out in the street in droves trying to stop it. Do your job. Tell us the truth.

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