Will Aaron Rodgers throw a touchdown pass to Jordy Nelson on Sunday vs. Jacksonville?

1 Comment

  • Bucks fan - 8 years ago

    The fact that the Republicans nominated Donald Trump states that there sure are a lot of White trash rural hicks in the USA. They love his sexist, racist, zenophobic rhetoric. They hide in bunkers and horde guns in fear. Constant fear. Always fear. The blacks are coming. The Muslims are coming. They seem to be running the GOP these days. Donald Trump is purely a "Cult of personality" candidate.

    All the black athletes should be taking a knee during the national anthem. This country fights wars to feed the military industrial complex. The politicians give corporations massive tax benefits for outsourcing manufacturing jobs to sweat shops in southeast Asia. The police in the central cities have continued a policy of harassment, incarceration, murder of the blacks.

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