How do you feel about the two school bonds proposed by Great Falls Public Schools?


  • TV - 8 years ago

    Look at your last tax bill every other line is for schools.Every year oh it's only going to cost this much.Every year more,more,more.when will it end

  • Dee - 8 years ago

    I understand that schools need repair here and there, but why are they left in neglect until they think it's too late, and then ask for money to replace them? Shouldn't there have been money set aside for repairs over the years? Did the public ever get an allocation of where the money went to from the last school levy? And was there ever an official vote tally for that last levy? We were told it passed, but don't remember any numbers given. Before we subject ourselves to yet more taxes on our elderly, our property owners, our small businesses, etc., we should be sure that our children are receiving quality education before we give the administration the over the top want list that will cost our citizens nearly one hundred million dollars. One Hundred Million Dollars. That's a lot of money!

  • Jean - 8 years ago

    I am against the school levy. I understand that schools need to be repaired, but why hasn't the school district kept up repairs all this time? Building a new dining and gathering space for students at GFHS will not keep them at the school for lunch. And the Administration needs an attractive entrance like a whole in the head. Could it be that they want new, expensive offices instead of the ones they have now? I keep hearing that school enrollment is down, but all of a sudden we need all these additional rooms like a Hub. Why? Why are three one-way streets suddenly a safety hazard? Why didn't they close Roosevelt and move the students to Lowell. Instead they used it for grounds headquarters. Now it cannot be remodeled partly because of that use. KRTV, Channel 3, reported on Wednesday, May 4, 2016 that Governor Bullock was proposing $200 million in an infrastructure plan that included schools. Why are we not waiting to see how much of that is coming to Great Falls for infrastructure of our schools? We keep hearing about the large reserve the School District has, but refuses to tap into for any reason. Ms. Lacey learned very well from our prior School Superintendent from California. I would be willing to bet there is a raise in the works for her and others in the Administration. Then they will be back again next year to ask us for another levy. The fact that Ms. Lacey wants to spend an extra $25,000 for a special election on the levy should tell the voters something. Is she afraid that when we all get our tax bills we will be more unlikely to vote in the levy? Somewhere along the line, the people of this city need to tell the school district to live within their budget. We have a lot of seniors in this city who are struggling to make ends meet and Ms. Lacey wants to take more from them and make it harder for them. Seniors did not get a raise for 2016, but that doesn't mean everything didn't go up. Does Ms. Lacey care about the seniors? I doubt very much that she cares about much of anything except spending someone else's money. Remember, she is a politician first. Taxes and Levies should have to be approved by 2/3rds of the voters instead of a simple majority. That would make all the politicians live within their budget, which we the taxpayers have to do year in and year out. We have no one else's pocket to pick.

  • Lynne V - 8 years ago

    NO! Too much money and too much of a wish list after the last bond they begged for, and lied about. The money that was voted on last time was supposed to go to the children- from what I hear- the money went for administration raises....... not the kids.
    How can we trust them now?

  • Jason - 8 years ago

    I'm not sure being undecided

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