What grade should the Packers’ offense receive in its performance vs. the Jaguars?


  • halfful - 8 years ago

    But coach McCarthy stated he is NOT conservative!

  • James Punko - 8 years ago

    Field position dictated a less than aggressive/satisfactory offense.....Punts along with bad judgement on fielding them added to this offensive mediocrity. Special teams must improve in order to become a contender.

  • Bucks fan - 8 years ago

    The packers played pretty well on both sides of the ball given that they got limited reps in the preseason. When you have the ball at the 5, you gotta put the ball in Rodgers hands. No more of this ultra conservative run run run and kick a field goal craplike they did in Seattle. That kind of shitty play calling keeps teams in games.

  • Carl Jenkins - 8 years ago

    Here we go again, year after year! We get a nice lead and then sit on the ball, rather than continuing to try and score. With no offense, we give the ball back time after time and watch our opponent march down the field every single series and hope the defense stops them! This is going to backfire sometime and you know who is going to pay dearly for it!

    When is this coaching staff going to EVER WAKE UP? It make me sick to my stomach.

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