Should marijuana be legalized in Delaware for anyone 21 or older?


  • Amanda - 6 years ago

    I def agree I think Delaware should legalize marijuana... Everyone dont see it helps people, to cancer, seizures.. Stop looking at it as a bad thing. It helps MANY MANY PEOPLE so open your eyes please n see it help n not kills them. Like the drugs cocaine, to herion, n meth on the street that KILLS EVERYONE.. Please legalize it.. Its better for state money sense that's what delaware likes is $$$$, n everyone to keep of the harsh drugs n the streets!!! LEGALIZE MARIJUANA N SEE HOW GOOD IT CAN DO FOR EVERYONE!!!

  • Betty - 6 years ago

    I have also smoked since I was 15, I went through my career problem free, Im 64 now and still smoke daily. I dont have diabetes, or high blood pressure, I believe pot is great for everyone. Considering who first grew it in the garden of eden. I also believe it was in the PEACE PIPE, get it PEACE!

  • Steve Klein - 7 years ago

    I have used it since age 15. I'm 63 now. I've been a successful corporate trainer, business owner and manager, husband, father and grandfather. I'm still married to the same wonderful woman for over 40 years. My health had been on a major nosedive since my late 40s. I have been diagnosed with many autoimmune diseases that there is no cure for. Various doctors had me on opiates and two other pain killers. That and drinking alcohol at amounts that I thought were moderate nearly killed me. I was able to get in nearly total remission with the sole use of MMJ. I got my card in California where my parents live. I no longer take any pain meds, I'm in great shape and get out every day.

  • Donna Powell - 7 years ago

    It could reduce crime also and create a multitude of millions in revenue it was done in the 1960's and people were happy go lucky.

  • Richard Will - 7 years ago

    I'm alive today because of marijuana, I have Cirrhosis, Alcoholic, Liver. My last test in April showed after 10 years long fight, but my liver is now functioning fully. I smoked Marijuana against my Doctor's wishes, but with the new results was just told if it is what helped cure you then don't change anything. I'm living proof that marijuana does have health benefits. Carney what's your problem do more people have to die before you wake up?

  • Tia Morris - 7 years ago

    I really believe that if weed was legalized things would be a little better for everyone

  • Ashley Kennedy - 7 years ago

    This is common sense-- all the evidence indicates that marijuana is far safer than alcohol and tobacco. Legalization would be a win-win for Delaware, helping us to get out of our budget crisis, especially if we can beat our neighboring states to the punch and increase tourism revenue.

  • Lori Newcomer - 7 years ago

    With all the recent restrictions and outrageous regulations being put on subscription pain meds It is leaving a tremendous number of pain patients unable to get the meds that they have been prescribed and using properly. The pain Dr. that I had been seeing for 15 yrs and had been completely compliant with recently retired. I cannot take opioids because they don't work within the prescribed amounts and also make me very sick. I had been prescribed a very low dose of Methadone with only one 5mg increase over the 15 yrs I took it correctly. It worked beautifully for me. It relieved my back pain along with my arthritis pain that I cannot take anti- inflammatory drugs for without giving me any type of high or euphoric feeling. Since my Pain mgmt. Dr. retired in December I have been unable to find any other Dr. willing to prescribe me the Methadone I desperately need to be pain free enough to take care of my autistic child. I was not weened from my medication but left to go cold turkey and suffer through serious withdrawal symptoms along with dealing with the return of the extremely debilitating chronic back pain I suffer with that is a result of a near deadly car accident I was in. Without any options to control their pain many people will be forced to turn to whatever means necessary to alleviate their chronic pain just to make their pain bearable including turning to illegal street drugs like heroine or purchasing pain meds illegally. I don't believe the new regulations and restrictions recently put on pain meds is going to do anything to stop those who are already abusing them and obtaining them illegally. They will continue to do them regardless. By cutting off those who are using these meds. responsibly and are compliant with the rules you are only hurting these people and creating an even bigger and worse problem with people using illegal drugs to get the pain relief they need. Marijuana is a proven pain reliever and gives people another options to try instead of going the illegal route. I have always believed that Cannibas is harmless to adults and has the same up potential to help so many aleviate the need for prescription pain meds for a great many. At the very. Least let's Stop creating an a bigger illegal drug crisis and re-evaluate these new regulations and give those that want another choice of not using pain meds the chance to try cannabis without having to go through yet another Dr. to get a MML. By doing this you will have people dealing with pain who don't or can't take opioids pain meds the options of using cannabis.

  • Michael - 7 years ago

    Me again, by the way, I'm holding a 3.12 G.P.A. which is due to go up after this term as I'm holding A averages in my present 3 classes and I smoke everyday. I'm an ex heroin addict whose been clean along with my wife, who is also a college student, for almost 4 years. We use marijuana for our pain instead and weed hasn't made me brain dead, obviously. Do the right thing Mr. Governor. You do this, and it may overshadow that horrible incident that happened at Smyrna Prison. It's a win, win, situation. Have a nice day.

  • Michael - 7 years ago

    We need this law passed for so many great reasons. The pros definitely outweigh the cons here. We stand to gain 22 million in tax revenue annually, let alone all of the out of staters since we will be the only legal place to purchase marijuana in 7 states. It's a no-brainer and marijuana is way safer than alcohol. How many violent crimes, D.U.I.s, etc. are linked to marijuana use. Can't think of any? My point exactly. Vote Yes...Your vote is important.

  • Anna - 7 years ago

    Marijuana was legal, for both medicilnal and recreational use in the late 1920's - early 1930's until alcohol prohibition was over THEN marijuana was outlawed. Its time to legalize again!!!

  • John finney - 7 years ago

    If we can drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes we should be able to smoke weed if we chose without consequences from the legal system.

  • John - 7 years ago

    It's time to shed that shell, marijuana and it's benefits health wise are far to great to ignore. Mr. Carney, more study? How much more is needed? Opiates destroy people, young and old, ban them. Well above 50% say it's time, do the right thing, legalize it, let the people who need it, have it, and remember, it'll benefit the state of Delaware. We are ready.

  • Carol - 7 years ago

    After brain surgery, I was partially disabled for 1.5 years with severe fatigue and insomnia in which I could not sleep more than 2 hours a night. The doctors did every test imaginable and prescribed medications, none of which helped and I was finally after 1.5 years told it was depression. IT WAS NOT! Finally, I began smoking marijuana at night before bed, and the insomnia disappeared within a couple of nights. Within weeks, I was back to work full-time. Med free, no more appointments and/or tests! Marijuana is a plant, a healer and natural, and it changed my life around enabling me to once again get back to being a fully-productive, self supporting individual

  • Joshua Kinney - 7 years ago

    Just because your belief system says you don't want to smoke cannabis doesn't mean you should stand in the way of some one else doing so. Vote yes. Cannabis has been demonized by groups and organizations for so long that people actually believe that can be harmful. Look at the facts. Yes it can cause some complications but no where near as much as prescribed narcotics. There are only 3 side effects of use. Happiness, hunger, and sleep. God gave us many things including free will and marijuana. We have delta 9 THC receptors for a reason people. 100 people will die from aspirin or Tylenol this year, another 100 from caffeine. Marijuana has never killed one person from use, not even people who are allergic! Your government has lied to you and me for far too long. The fact is marijuana makes them more money illegal . It feeds the prison systems who receive state and government funds as well as police agencies, FBI, DEA, etc. Don't let the government dictate what's right for its people. Oh and by the way, any state that legalized weed and says you can't grow it is as bad as the corner dealer. Delaware wants you to spend your hard earned money on heavily taxed, shitty quality cannabis. This ain't Monopoly MFers! God didn't intend you make a profit off of his creation! Let us grow!!!

  • Jay - 7 years ago

    I used Marijuana cream on my arthritic knee while in Colorado last summer. It relieved the pain and didn't get me high. It really is a miracle cure for the pain one gets as they grow older.

  • Kim Petters - 7 years ago

    There are many veterans in this state, including myself, who'd like better access to cannabis.
    It's helped many of us safely treat PTSD and other war related injuries. HB 110 wil allow for better access. Can't wait for legalization!!

  • Boop - 7 years ago

    To those who believe the gateway myth, the DEA has even removed that from their website because it is not true. It was removed in February this year. Just like DARE removed it from their program last year. If you are against legalization I suggest you do some actual research instead of being close minded and brainwashed over the years. It's 2017 and you have the world of information at your fingertips. Use it.
    There is little to no risk of addiction (none physically at all).

    It is not a gateway to anything except the fridge.

    In over 6,000 years in the history of its usage not a single person has died from it (unlike most things you can buy at a store).

    It actually helps people addicted to opiates to kick their addiction.

    There are an extreme amount of things this is good for. Just do your research on your own.

  • Dee Hastings - 7 years ago

    I was on percs, patches and injections. Now just Medical Marijuana. Why can't we knock all the drug dealers off the street and supply the people of DE with Meds that are legal and safe. Delaware could benefit financially, help out education, help us get out of debt and stop the deaths and opiate abuse in our State and abroad. It is common sense. Call your state office and push your opinion. Flood the phone lines and then and only then shall we win the decision. It takes no more then 10- minutes of your time to help.

  • Being a patient in the Medical Marijuana Program in a decriminalized State did NOT stop me from being charged criminally for selling Cannabis to a Veteran who happened to be a cop.
    Legalization is absolutely needed to rescue Delaware from economic collapse. Cannabis may just be our only hope to survive the storm of the century that is the Trump Administration.
    I hear many people say that Carney is not the man to legalize Cannabis. I say we give him a minute to get his proverbial toes wet because I believe he might just surprise you. I don't know why, but I have faith in him.

    With a name like Carney.......he would be the leader of a Carnival. Cannabis helps to stop my vertigo so I can ride all the rides!!! What kind of Governor would he be to not let all adults ride the rides. You just shouldn't have to be chronically ill to have a little bit of fun in the State of Delaware.

  • Luke - 7 years ago

    Look at how much better Colorado has become. Not only will you cut down the number of offenders busted on simple possession charges, the revenue the state would make is astronomical. At the same time the pharmaceutical companies will lose money and so will members of the state government I'm sure, why help everyone in the state when you greedy fucks can line your own pockets? No matter it can help hundreds maybe thousands in this state with cancer we would rather give them pills made by Astra Zeneca that are way worse then the legally grown Mary Jane.

  • Abby - 7 years ago

    I dont see y it shouldn't be legal. It helps with pain, cancer, diabetes, etc. But because people think its a gateway drug it isn't legal. Any thing can be a gateway if u let it be,

  • Richard Turek - 7 years ago

    the only reason its not already legal is because the drug companies pay our politicians off.. Chis Christie the new Drug CZAR under Trunp was paid half a million dollars by drug companies in 2016 alone ... Delaware politicians were paid 500k last year as well... 13th highest in the nation by drug company donations... Barbieri and Bethany-Hall have taken their money... why? the drug companies dont want you relieving your back pain with THC they want you hooked on opiates and then when your hooked on opiates you have to go back to them for suboxone or methadone...

  • Ryan - 7 years ago

    there are virtually no reason for it not to be. if people want to fear monger over gateway, try alcohol as the true gateway. Marijuana is proven to reduce things like cancer by pushing your body to be more alkaline than acidic, it is a better form of medicine for people with depression, nausea, etc... let's also not forget about the positive affects of CBO from the plant which does not give the same effects as THC... o and hemp is a much stronger product than trees or cotton.

  • Jeff Brothers - 7 years ago

    I don't smoke, but I have never seen a person become violent from it.

  • Barbara - 7 years ago

    My husband smokes it for his Cancer. Not legally because his insurance is in another state then where we live. It should have been legal back in the 60's

  • Anthony - 7 years ago

    This should have happened years ago nation wide!!

    Marijuana can help with my crohns but since its federally illegal I can't have it for my job. Hopefully enough states vote yes and we can have some real change!

  • Joey - 7 years ago

    No victim no crime

  • Zach - 7 years ago

    Look at what it's done for Colorado and Washington, it could solve our budget issues pretty rapidly.

  • Crystal - 7 years ago

    It is about time!!! The people who say that it is a gateway drug, that is your opinion but you should do some research on that. My family has been detroyed by these bandaids (fda approved drugs) that are handed out like they come out of pez despensers. I have had family and friends pass away because of opiate or haroin overdose! Marijuana is less potent and less dangerous then alcohol yet... Alcohol is legal, Percocet zanex clonazepam etc... Are all legal yet the opiate use and abuse is at an all time high! I am 100% in support of legalizing it! FDA will lose out of millions and they should... They are creating a world sorrow. About 7 years i had a miscarriage and my doctor recommended i use marijuana because of the depression that followed. I seen want these so called antidepressants do and refused to take them. I took his advise i am doing great!

  • ... - 7 years ago

    Why is there such a huge discrepancy between polls like this and what "official" polls say? Official polls say 60% of people support marijuana legalization but this poll says 91% support it? Similarly, I've seen polls saying only 70% of college students support legalizing weed and I'm like what? It is actually uncommon to meet any college student who doesn't think weed should be legal, where the hell are they finding this 30% who still think it should be illegal?

  • Mr Tint - 7 years ago

    With all of the studies about the positive outcomes medical marijuana has had fighting cancer, curing kids with seizures, parkinson's and people with Lyme disease ITS ABOUT TIME. Sure there are going to be the individuals that become burned out stoners, really no different than the raging alcoholics in DE but think of how taxing it will impact the state budget. I'm sure when the politicians figure out how to line their pockets it will be legalized. Face it the gambling didn't work because the state overtaxed them to death and now the casinos are looking for a bailout. We could even eliminate the Rt 1 toll from MJ tax. Wait no that will never happen because that's a money maker.

  • David - 7 years ago

    Marijuana has not physically harmed anyone, those that experience negative effects or move on to other drugs (the "gateway" drug misconception) and or become addicted do so as a result of lack of self control or discipline or possibly other underlying disorders. Don't blame the substance, YOU are in control of your life. Much like alcohol (a legal, more dangerous drug with very serious addiction and withdrawal symptoms) if you can't handle, recognize, and control yourself. But don't ruin it for those who actually can handle themselves and blame it on the drug. Take responsibility for your actions.

  • Frank Sims - 7 years ago

    To allow selected members and friends (cabal) to arrange the rules to benefit those involved at every level.

  • Sylvester - 7 years ago

    Its about time. Damn! Delaware the first state and the last of everything. It's about time we live up to our name. The First State

  • Dave Bonar - 7 years ago

    I'm sorry, but after seeing all of the damage done by drugs, and firmly believing pot is a gateway drug, I don't believe this is the answer. If supporters think legalizing it will be the answer to our budget woes or that we will come close to netting what Colorado and Washington do, they're smoking something far stronger than marijuana.

  • Charlie - 7 years ago

    With Delawares location the regional customer base would allow the state to tax it to the point that it would be rolling in cash. To maximize that impact it is better to pass it before the surrounding states do.

  • Mrs J. - 7 years ago

    FYI you can only vote once on through your FB account, for those who are accusing voters of voting twice. Legalize, Regulate, Tax!!! Looking forward to seeing profits pour into our public schools-just take a look at Colorado!!!

  • Melissa - 7 years ago

    Delaware should capitalize on the sales before surrounding states jump on board. The $389 million dollar budget gap would be eliminated and I am sure the state would have a surplus for future years. And the excuse that I see that it is a gateway drug is not true. When it is illegal everyone is still using it and driving on the roads etc. Lets wake up and get it out of the hands of criminals and make a profit that can be used for positive things in our State.

  • John - 7 years ago

    Yes! Should be handled like alcohol. No one under 21 and no driving under the influence. This is a huge money grab that the state of DE is missing. Pay for better schools and road repairs. No brainer

  • Angela Miele - 7 years ago

    Living in a state, that borders on Delaware, I say HELL YEA
    It is no secret that the sounding states who have to pay tax will & do their shopping in the TAX FREE first state. We out of state consumers tend to top off our tanks, even if we don’t really need fuel, even the 2 or 3 gallons you can squeeze in your tank is anywhere from 25 to 40 cents a gallon cheaper. When attending events with friends in Delaware, well…all the more reason to let that gas tank get low & fill up, since you will already be in Delaware & save some dough !!
    Not to mention, high end electronics, cigarettes & alcohol, since you are already there, and of course, if you consume, get your Cannabis. Remember, Delaware is much closer to Colorado. Namaste

  • Angela Miele - 7 years ago

    Living in a state, that borders on Delaware, I say HELL YEA
    It is no secret that the sounding states who have to pay tax will & do their shopping in the TAX FREE first state. We out of state consumers tend to top off our tanks, even if we don’t really need fuel, even the 2 or 3 gallons you can squeeze in your tank is anywhere from 25 to 40 cents a gallon cheaper & if we know for sure, we are doing something with any friends in Delaware, well…all the more reason to let that gas tank get low & fill up, since you will already be in Delaware & save some dough !!
    Not to mention, high end electronics, cigarettes & alcohol, since you are already there…so as we leave the first state, with all our necessary supplies, don't forget your cannabis...remember, Delaware is so much closer than Colorado...

  • Vincent Deskiewicz - 7 years ago

    Might just as well legalize it. Tax revenue for Delaware is needed. Courts don't punish anyone now that gets caught. People that want to purchase it have easy access to it. Might as well tax it and reap the revenues.

  • Donna - 7 years ago

    Legalize...not a gateway drug, safer than alcohol. It also helps with pain and it can help others. Tax it and reduce our deficit.

  • Justin - 7 years ago

    Anyone who says marijuana is a gateway drug is 100% uneducated. Theres no one who's smoked marijuana who didn't try alcohol first.

  • Sue - 7 years ago

    Anyone who thinks marijuana is a gateway drug is out of touch with reality. Educate yourself. Facts are not based on your feelings. This plant has been used for medicinal and recreation purposes for thousands of years all around the world. It is only illegal due to propaganda, racism and greed.

  • Grandma Patti - 7 years ago

    keep your dang opiates ... I vape THC oil and smoke joints to help my arthritis, fibromyalgia and's a shame we have to go to DC to purchase items

  • Mike - 7 years ago

    I have been diagnosed with PTSD and my doctor tried me on all these terrible drugs. I was addicted to Xanax and painkillers thanks to the FDA. Marijauna has saved my life got me off of street drugs and worse of all drugs made by the FDA. I am not alone in this and have seen countless lives saved from this natural plant. I am a war vet and now I am helping my brothers and sisters in arms.

  • Jake - 7 years ago

    Marijuana is extremely profitable, as seen by the states that have legalized already. It's physically safer than alcohol, not a true gateway drug (read studies people, come on, stop going blindly by the scare tactics you see plastered everywhere). Also it destroys the need for prescription painkillers, which are the true killers and what makes junkies. Big Pharma is what makes junkies, not this "gateway drug" safe plant.

  • Yeah right - 7 years ago

    Its very obvious that people are voting more than once. Almost everyone I speak to does not want this drug to be legal. Its a doorway to worse drugs and that can easily be proven by asking the current addicts. Stop cheating and voting more than once. I can be ok with medical use but thats it. We have enough problems with drugs and drinking and driving. Why would anyone want to encourage children to do drugs that are going to ruin their lives. Nothing good will come out of this.

  • catherine - 7 years ago

    My body doesn't accept man made chemicals easily. I was in a car accident and am in constant pain but can't get a medical card cause of the six month law. My own doctors said I should use cannabis but they can't prescribe it to me. I and others need pain relief

  • Tia Morris - 7 years ago

    I really hope that you legalize marijuana in our state soon I just voted for it to happen it's already legal for medical use now we need it to be legal for recreational use must be 21 or older to smoke it please.

  • Tia Morris - 7 years ago

    I really hope that you legalize marijuana in our state soon I just voted for it to happen it's already legal for medical use now we need it to be legal for recreational use must be 21 or older to smoke it please.

  • Tia Morris - 7 years ago

    I really hope that you legalize marijuana in our state soon I just voted for it to happen

  • Jim - 8 years ago

    speaking from personal experience, prescription painkillers, while very effective in certain cases, are often a doorway to hell. I find it tragically amusing that "pain management" doctors have no problem prescribing the keys to this doorway, while we continue to face stigma in the prescription of a "weed" that has never resulted in a single overdose death.

  • Dana - 8 years ago

    The difference between Holland and the US is while taxing marijuana it removes the ability for young people to be in negative situations around the drug trade such as exposure to stronger, lethal drugs such as heroin and cocaine. If the drug is taxed this will be stopped. This is a great idea..

  • Donna - 8 years ago

    They could tax it then use it to pay for treatment for addicts who are dying at record rate, pay for mental health treatment and solve the homeless problem.

  • William Farmdale - 8 years ago

    The reality is if you oppose the legalization of marijuana and would not support legislation outlawing alcohol then you are uninformed. There is no discussion to be had, alcohol is worse in every way than marijuana is. I'm not saying that is a reason to legalize it per se, but I am 100% criticizing you if you oppose the legalization of marijuana and still drink alcohol.

  • Danielle - 8 years ago

    I'm a chronic back pain sufferer and I have been on pain meds for 17 years. I think making it legal would be a big help. Its great for pain and let's face it. It would help cut down on the narcotic being abused. Pain management Dr. Should get on bored with this.

  • Catherine - 8 years ago

    It's possible it could help some people I know who are not responding to their medication

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