Who should be elected as the 45th President of the United States?


  • Trump - 8 years ago

    trump. trump. Trump. Trump! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUUUMMMPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • This is He - 8 years ago

    I want freedom for all people. I don't want any religion pressed and told they cannot be practice even if I am a Christian. I want everyone to be giving the will to do whatever they want. Want people don't realize is when they say that they can have an abortion because it is their body, they're wrong. That is not their body. If it was they would be the one to die, not the child.

  • Dark Horse - 8 years ago

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I don't think I ever really participated in any sort of debate with #argumentative, more of an open discussion involving two parties.

  • Ummmm - 8 years ago

    It might just be me, but I'm really curious as to who #argumentative and Dark Horse are??? Like I've never seen two people debate like that?? Idk...

  • Dark Horse - 8 years ago

    #argumentative You're absolutely correct in that it is always about the lesser evil - unfortunately that is the nature of the institution. I think I might have strayed too far from the point I was originally attempting to make in my first comment. Basically, if the American machine functions as it was intended, there will be some form of rebellion following this election (regardless of who wins). However, there are considerable design flaws, which have reared their ugly heads as of late, which may interfere with the American people's ability to do so.
    One thing is for sure though - I've never sat through an election cycle this terrifying before.
    Also, This is He, it would be incredibly hypocritical to use your freedoms (religion and speech) to advocate for taking away the freedoms of others.

  • #argumentative - 8 years ago

    US politics are alway about the lesser evil. Vote for who you think is less evil, but know that your vote directly affects the kind of county America will be. If you don't vote, you can't complain. Thank you Dark Horse and This is He for putting in your ideas. It was very interesting to hear from other points of view.
    Also, if anyone is reading this, please vote if you can. The future is up to us, and a lot of people brush off the youth, and don't campaign towards us because we don't vote. Break the cycle, change the game. VOTE TOMORROW.

  • This is He - 8 years ago

    #argumentative I apologize for my grammatical errors and yes you are right. I'm sorry for women raped and for women with health issues during pregnancy. I have a deep sorrow for them but according to operation rescue.org less than 1% are because of raped incidents. That's a really small number compared to those of people simply not wanting the child or not wanting to take responsibility. I know it is a tough decision and it's wrong for the men who violate women just for the pleasure of sex. I damn those men and they have no right to that. But just because that child is born of a rape incident does not give the right to abort it. My brother is adopted and his biological father has a warrant and his mother did not care for him and his two sisters. She left him naked and put him in my mother's arms. If she had aborted my brother, he would not be the wonderful and intelligent middle schooler he is today. I understand when hardships come but and it's horrific for what happens but that's not the majority of the case. The case are people neglecting the responsibility of a child because they wanted to have fun in bed. I have held that kid from that situation and know that every life is precious, no matter how it was born.

  • Dark Horse - 8 years ago

    Also, because there seems to be some confusion, there are plenty of Hillary scandals besides the emails. Tell me, if a scandal breaks and the media doesn't report on it, does it make a sound?
    EXAMPLES : the death of Vince Foster and others of the Clinton Body Count (some of which is possibly coincidence, some of which is most definitely not), pay-to-play politics funding Hillary's campaign, Benghazi, improperly steering money in the Clinton Foundation (among other missteps), for-profit speeches (criticized by Sanders as having compromised Hillary), and many other accusations soon to follow resulting from NYPD's seizure of Anthony Weiner's laptop in an unrelated case.
    This is not to say that I support Trump (I most certainly do not support either leading candidate). I'm simply interested in maintaining a more balanced discussion,

  • Dark Horse - 8 years ago

    The funniest part is that you have yet to realize that, in playing the "who's worse" game, you have conveniently ignored the fact that Hillary and Trump are two sides of the same corrupt coin. Both are cut from the same cloth of tyranny, and would love to see your personal freedoms restricted to fuel their political/corporate interests. Both are hypocritical, sleazy criminals who have deliberately mislead the
    American public in order to fuel their agendas. Wake up and realize that the two party system is one of the biggest failings of American "democracy." Our one hope is that following this election, the people will finally be angry enough to spit on their hands and hoist the black flag - if you will.
    Why do you think the most popular genre in YA literature is dystopian sci-fi? The American people know something is wrong - now act on it. Read Animal Farm and see your government for what it truly is - a necessary yet inherently evil institution that, by its very nature, is simply incapable of self-regulation. Government is a tool of the people. When a screwdriver is beyond repair, sometimes you must throw it out and buy another - no matter the cost.
    Side Note : Both are criminals, my sweet delusional darlings, they just haven't been convicted. Hillary (or one of her assistants) deleted emails while under subpoena (YES, read the FBI report). Trump thinks "grabbin em' by the p***y" is an endearing way to show affection (read : sexual assault and tax fraud).
    And with that, I leave you with this:
    "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."
    -Gerald Ford

  • All men (but not ALL MEN) - 8 years ago

    When women make a hashtag to show their concern, the refuting evidence is that "not ALL men do that!!!" But when Donald Trump, a rich white man in a position of power casually talks about 'grabbing women by the pussy' then, oh, yeah, ALL men do that. No biggie, it's whatever. Except it is? Why do the standards suddenly change? It just looks like people are trying to defend the crude and disgusting actions of this man so they can justify voting for him.

  • #argumentative - 8 years ago

    Hey, This is He! First off, I'm going to pretend that any of that made grammatical sense. You just said that women should not be able to save their own lives? If a woman a raped she has no right to free herself of the attacker's child? If there is a chance that both she and the baby will die in childbirth, that's not her decision to make? I'm sorry, but it IS her body. What a woman wears doesn't make her any less of a person, and neither should what medical procedures she goes through. Don't make a monster out of a human faced with a hard choice.

  • This is He - 8 years ago

    Both candidates have strengths and weaknesses. The both are not perfect and they both make mistakes. What I do not approve is a person who supports abortion. It does not matter when you abort a child, it is wrong at every moment it's thought of. And it is not right for women because it's her body. It's not her body. That is an innocent person that cannot choose for themselves because does not give the parent the choice for them to die. You rob a person's life and ability to live on this Earth and Clinton supports this. There are times when it is life or death for the woman and child. But those happenings are rare compared to the thousands of abortions that happen all the time only because someone does not want the child. Clinton is for this and it is wrong. The political system is corrupt and she knows the system far too well. She knows what she is doing. She's being doing for 30 years. She knows how to use and be that political corrupt system. Trump is outside it and knows that we need to make changes to this nation if we want to the best again. We are not the best nation but we still are the greatest. We have mistakes but now it's our job to correct our mistakes and put law and order in the system. We have been so freely given in everything. We give food stamps, money, free education, a lot of free stuff where we just hand stuff to people and that's find at certain times when people struggle and so on. But it is better to educate people then to just give it to them. We need to stop baby feeding citizens and instead train them up to get a job and make a living for themselves. That is why Trump wants to build a wall. Not to keep people out but to let people in through a system. If you let everyone come in freely, that is our you get terrorist to sneak, that is how immigrants come in and do what they want. There's nothing wrong with people coming into our country but if there is not set or rules, there will be chaos and confusion. Trump is not 100% great. Clinton is definitely not 100% great but it is time for change and Trump will give us the change that we need

  • Sam - 8 years ago

    It's amazes me how Trump is leading in this poll, despite the immense amount of support Hillary is receiving in these comments; there are essentially no arguments against Hillary, excluding her deleted e-mails. Hillary has little to nothing against her, while it's very apparent what Trump has on his plate. Hillary is the better choice in this election because she has plenty of experience as a politician- and if you watched the debates, far more prepared- while Trump is nothing more than a rich man, dreaming that he can change an entire country to submit to his own personal opinions... a bit like Adolf Hitler, actually.

  • I mean, just click on the blue link

  • Vocabulary - 8 years ago

    I almost forgot to include this helpful link, that really helps to underline the key idea of my speech: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/01/28/upshot/donald-trump-twitter-insults.html?_r=0
    Try to count the number of times Trump calls Hillary "crooked". I've given up at this point, but I got about halfway with a total of 146.

  • Vocabulary - 8 years ago

    "I know words, I have the best words..." -Donald Trump, 2016

    As an Honors English student with an A (currently a 96.49 average), I would love to take time to talk about the language being used in this election. Language is everything. It is how we portray our thoughts and feelings, emotions and ideas. What kinds of words we use reflects how we think, how we see the world. In Hillary's case, she has obviously put time and effort into her speeches. They are cultivated and groomed to perfection, they emphasize her meticulous nature, and her hard working strive to get things right. Donald, on the other hand, doesn't seem to think things through, if even thinking at all. He uses a wide expanse of two syllable words, and unarticulated fragments of thought to convey his politics. He blurts out words, trips of accusations, innturrupts instead of waiting and rolling over his ideas. Hillary polishes every jagged stone tossed from Trump's mouth. She rolls things over until she is ready, and then calmly emphasizes her points. She is calm and collected when Trump is quick-paced and impractical. She stops herself, gathers her thoughts and goes on; Donald Trump accuses her of heinous crimes. Is a great divide when you talk about how they speak. It's astounding how many people don't realize this train of logic, when you get down to it. I with people would stop- just stop- to think about this.

  • Wrong - 8 years ago

    Ummmmmmm did u jus kall trump dump??? Li,key I knot stupit

  • Hello darkness my old friend - 8 years ago

    Everyone's so talking about how Hillary supporters are "obstructing Trump support rallies", but honestly, they are just exercising their rights to petition and assembly. It's our amendments, guys. Read the laws that we abide by.

  • I'm With Her - 8 years ago

    Hello, brave souls willing to comment! I'm sorry to break it to you, but Hillary Clinton didn't do anything illegal. She answered e-mails from her high-tech, super secured smart phone in line at the grocery, instead of on a government encrypted laptop. (Kind of like millions of Americans across the country do. This was just as safe a method, and she didn't open anything important or labeled FOR WORK ONLY - which a top secret email would have been.) And if you don't believe the FBI now, what makes you think they'll be any different under Trump's reign? While not the best method for doing her job, it wasn't illegal or even immoral. She knew what she was doing and she has admitted it and gracefully accepted responsibilty (unlike some people). You might want to complain about how she won't talk about it in the debates, and I personally think this is wise considering there are much more important things to hear in this election than Mr Trump repromanding Mz Clinton and confusing voters who don't have the means to educate themselves (or the brains). What is the scandal there? And some of you may have seen the video about Hillary Clinton's supporters "sabotaging" Trump rallies. Those people simply showed up to protest. Donald Trump's supporters showed their true colors by responsing with horrifying mantras of oppression and physical violence; and Trump showed his whilst cheering them on. As for her cooperation with super pacs and grand money schemes... I can't blame her. She's taken advantage of the system to help people. I would be doing the same thing. She has made some tough decisions, but in the end these decisions rang joyous for those who need us. She has taken the hit for a greater good. Through and through, she has strong values that I am proud to say I stand behind. Don't belive me? The majority of her funds go to charity. (Donald Trump has obviously done no research when it comes to the Clinton foundation, so I beg, please do not fall for Trump's misinformed repromands of Mz Clinton. He is merely trying to take advantage of communities without access to up-to-date resources and fact checking- aka the impovershed, unemployed, and without formal education that make up the majority of his supporters.) As a woman (the first to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate) she needs all of the help she can get. I fail to see the problem in the big guys standing up for the little guys. I'd hardly call this corrupt.
    Forget the scandals and look at this apathetically, America is doomed if we adopt Trump policies. At least Clinton is trying to help. She needs us to stand together.
    The last time someone like Trump was in office, we needed a black man to fix it. Let's keep our "minorities" on a roll and give the first female a shot. ;)
    ps Name a different scandal. I dare you to do your research and try.

  • Sam is right - 8 years ago

    This is one of the greatest nations in the world. In 1776 we declared our freedom from Britain and built ourselves from the ashes of the war. We have been around for 240 years, growing, expanding, and learning. We have evolved beyond violent accusations and arguments. This is 2016, and there is no room for sexual assault in this day and age, and I can't else ever that I have to say that a front runner in this election was accused of it. This man has admitted to not paying his taxes, which are used to pay for public education, the very which WE are being taught from. Taxes also supply money for our troops, our government, our law enforcement, everything. We function because we can receive funding through tax. It's that simple. Don't let America be run by a man who causes our country's basic functions to be halted because he is greedy.

  • Gays for Trump - 8 years ago

    *if you don't understand sarcasm and satire, please turn away* I mean, who DOESN'T want to vote for Trump?!? I mean, after all he's said, slandering Hillary on a factless basis, yelling, screaming and arguing throughout the debates, criticizing Mexicans and Muslims alike, how could you resist voting for him??? He believes in equality, that's why he hates women AND children. He doesn't believe in descrimination, which is why he's insulted both Hispanics and African Americans. And I just can't get enough of a man who doesn't believe in Global Warming!!! Who isn't enthralled by his meaningful commentary? "Wrong!" Rigoring. "Crooked!" I can feel the emotional depth of that comment. "It's rigged!" I can't help but feel enlightened. And what's better is when he sounds like the human equivalent of a vacuum, trying to suck up the microphone by inhalation, like can you believe the amount of sniffing that came from his mic?? It's amazing. Anyways, I can't wait to vote in 4 days!

  • A quick comment - 8 years ago

    Come on guys, Wow makes a good point. Why shouldn't we let our country rot and crumble in the hands of a liar and a crook? I mean, Wall Street loves him, the millionaires adore him, let's give it up for the corrupt, the ostentatious, the loud and PROUD poll runner, Donald Trump.

  • back at it a again with my new Argumentini - 8 years ago

    I would love to hear about how corrupt Hillary is, as long as you leave of the email scandal. Honestly, you don't really have much of a debate if you leave that subject alone. I know she can be shady at times, and it seems like she changes her opinion often, but I would like to believe that she's just grown as a person and realized her mistakes. And at least we know whether opinions are. I still have no clue what Trump stands for, even after 3 debates, and almost a year of campaigning. All I can tell you is that he's very judgmental for someone who's walking on a thin rope of immortality (via tax evasion) and greed (via the millions of dollars he has gained and how he's donated.... Wait we don't know how much he's donated because he won't file his tax returns). I think that man is shady, and an unsafe bet our greedy, gambling country is trying to make.

  • Sam - 8 years ago

    Why would you want a sexist, woman-violating, racist, and agreeably rude man to lead the greatest nation in the world? There have been multiple accusations against Trump for harassing different women in a verbal and sexual manner. He has called various women: fat, pig, slob, and even "disgusting animal." As Hillary said, Trump is most definitely not fit to be a president. Trump's proposals are not beneficial to America as a whole, essentially rich, white males.

  • I don't want to be "grabbed" by an orange - 8 years ago

    Wow, I never said Hillary hasn't done anything wrong. I know she has done things wrong but she has owned up to what she did and acted responsibly. Trump is acting like a child and will not admit to any of the terrible things he has done. All I'm trying to say is that Trump shouldn't be th leader and representative of our country. Him being president wouldn't be the best choice for us.

  • Wow - 8 years ago

    Y'all are bashing trump but are we even gonna comment on how corrupt Hillary is?!?!?!

  • I don't want to be "grabbed" by an orange - 8 years ago

    Do you not understand that Trump has been convicted of sexual assault on many accounts? Do you understand he has called women pigs? You really want a leader that is going to degrade women and have our country not advance, but go backwards with public rights. Unless you are cisgendered, white, rich male born in America, Trump honestly doesn't care about you. Hillary may not be the best option but at least she is admitting to what she has done and is owning up for it. Trump, the self-claimed billionaire, hasn't payed taxes in years yet he refuses to admit that. Trump refuses to admit all the wrong things he has done and continues to claim he respects women. How can you respect women when you talk about them like that? Have some common sense and please if you can vote, vote for someone (I'm not saying Hillary Clinton) that will respect all people no matter what and wants to advance our country.

  • #argumentative - 8 years ago

    Trump#2k16, you realize that, according to Trump, he wants Muslims to wear badges that mark their faith. He wants to deport Mexicans, and Muslims, and basically anyone who isn't a straight white man. I don't know about you, but it sounds a lot like another ruler who used fear mongering and antisemitism to create one of the largest mass genocides in our history. Ever heard of Nazi, Germany? Look, I know you love a guy accused of sexual assault, but please question his motives and consider what an America run by him would look like.

  • Trump#2k16 - 8 years ago

    Sam. He does not want to deport all Muslims he wants to deport all illegal immigrants. Learn the facts not what you hear on the media

  • Sam - 8 years ago

    Trump wants to deport Muslim people, which is a direct contradiction of the First Amendment; the American people have the freedom of religion.

  • Gezuz - 8 years ago

    I have never been more concerned for the future of the American public. R.I.P. Democrocy

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