How do you feel about the next 4 years?


  • mimita - 8 years ago

    I'm very worried about our future under a Trump Administration. I would have been relieved to have Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or Bernie Sanders as president. I think the super rich will get richer, the planet will get warmer and Americans will continue to be divided. The increase in hate crimes between my fellow citizens makes me super sad. I just pray that we can avoid another war or devastating financial crises like we had during the GW Bush years. If we can get out of Wallstreet's grip we might be able to start manufacturing things again.

  • Shelia Crouse - 8 years ago

    I'm very happy and have complete confidence in our newly elected President Donald Trump. I am also very sad that so many people wanted someone ( Hillary Clinton ) to lead our country. She committed crimes, lied about them and will probably get off just because of who she is. Any one of us would have already been arrested from the moment our supeoned emails were distroyed. She also believed in murdering full term babies. That is just inconceivable to me that so many people agree with her about this. As far as racism, I am not racist and a white woman. Caucasians are the minority now. How can there be a newspaper for blacks only not be racist and a museum of blacks only. If there was a newspaper for whites only and a museum for white people only there would be a burning and a riot or at least a protest. I do hope that President Trump can somehow stop all of the crazy protest that disrupts so many lives and often get distuctful. If I were in charge, the first one that stooped traffic, distroyed property or anything of the sort would be jailed along with the others doing the same. Immediately!! There would be no more laying in the highway or on railroad tracts to get attention. Go to school, go to work, get a job and do something in life that matters, no one is stopping anybody. SO READY FOR CHANGE FOR THE GOOD!!!!!!!! I have wanted to protest for the last 8 years but I was to busy taking care of my family as I should have. Shame on you.

  • Shelia Crouse - 8 years ago

    I'm very happy and have complete confidence in our newly elected President Donald Trump. I am also very sad that so many people wanted someone ( Hillary Clinton ) to lead our country. She committed crimes, lied about them and will probably get off just because of who she is. Any one of us would have already been arrested from the moment our supeoned emails were distroyed. She also believed in murdering full term babies. That is just inconceivable to me that so many people agree with her about this. As far as racism, I am not racist and a white woman. Caucasians are the minority now. How can there be a newspaper for blacks only not be racist and a museum of blacks only. If there was a newspaper for whites only and a museum for white people only there would be a burning and a riot or at least a protest. I do hope that President Trump can somehow stop all of the crazy protest that disrupts so many lives and often get distuctful. If I were in charge, the first one that stooped traffic, distroyed property or anything of the sort would be jailed along with the others doing the same. Immediately!! There would be no more laying in the highway or on railroad tracts to get attention. Go to school, go to work, get a job and do something in life that matters, no one is stopping anybody. SO READY FOR CHANGE FOR THE GOOD!!!!!!!! I have wanted to protest for the last 8 years but I was to busy taking care of my family as I should have. Shame on you.

  • Heartbroken - 8 years ago

    I am sad as a 55 yr old African Female that Tennessee still shows division among the different races and you know we were not even talked about on the other National channels because we show how we treat each other in this State sad whether you vote for her or him hate has no place in this State!

  • Don Pratt - 8 years ago

    I am so relieved that Mr. Trump is President ! Now maybe this Country can crawl out of the socialist oppression that we have been under for so long . Law and order can be restored . This disaster called Obama care can be repealed and our enemies will quit looking at our nation as weak and passive. I cannot believe how hard people in this nation tried to put a criminal and incompetent person with obviously corrupt ties in office .
    It's obviously evident that the biased media is upset this morning . What's wrong news anchors? Not so bubbly this morning?
    Thank you God for answered prayers! Looking forward to rebuilding this Country with the Winners!

  • Gail Hardy - 8 years ago

    I'm not concerned; I'm terrified. If we don't learn from history, we're bound to repeat it; and no one pays any attention to history. The majority, those uneducated blue collar workers, have elected a new fuhrer. I expect Trump to get us into a nuclear war, unless Putin talks him out of it. We will see an escalation of troops on the ground in the middle east, and a resultant increase In the deaths and injuries to our young men and women who serve. Right now I am doing research to see where the best place to live is to avoid nuclear fallout; and the volcanic activity that will follow.

    I would advise everyone to buy stock in Trump's enterprises since he will bankrupt America, but channel all the money into his enterprises.

  • Issy Carney - 8 years ago

    Remember when President Obama was elected and people (mostly racists and bigots) said he's not my President. Well let's flip that around and I'll say this sexual predator, misogynistic, homophobic, bigot is not my president. Shame on all the women who were afraid to vote for Secretary Clinton. You are allowing and enabling this rape culture running rampant throughout the United States.
    It's a very very SAD DAY!

  • Issy Carney - 8 years ago

    Remember when President Obama was elected and people (mostly racists and bigots) said he's not my President. Well let's flip that around and I'll say this sexual predator, misogynistic, homophobic, bigot is not my president. Shame on all the women who were afraid to vote for Secretary Clinton. You are allowing and enabling this rape culture running rampant throughout the United States.
    It's a very very SAD DAY!

  • Steven Douglas Saunders - 8 years ago

    People now embrace pride and bigotry, America is turning away from God and Christ Jesus, we have no moral values, the Bible predicted this, I believe that my chances to witness the Rapture are greater now.

  • Nancy A. MCGill - 8 years ago

    I am concerned and a little afraid. The lack of knowledge of international affairs, is my first worry. He is going to need a great many prayers.

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