Do you approve or disapprove of Obama commuting Manning's sentence?


  • Concerned Soldier - 7 years ago

    Obama is acting like he fell out of the "I'm a dumbass tree and broke every branch on the way down. WTF was he thinking. Donald J. Trump can't take the office soon enough.

  • Billy Ray Wilson - 7 years ago

    May I ask why no one addresses the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act that funded and directed the President of the United States of America to remove a duly elected President of a sovereign state?
    No, I do not agree with what Manning did but I don't know what attempts he made through the chain of command to address his concern for the needless deaths and injuries.
    The international community could be at peace if we only had Americans in the Congress of the United States of America.

  • Victor Bozic - 7 years ago

    It's despicable. However, the decision has been made and it doesn't matter now.

  • J Martin - 7 years ago

    Manning was a soldier and soldiers are held to a different standard. There was absolutely no way he could have predicted how his actions would have endangered troops on the ground. He had no clue. Period.

    He should have been shot for a traitor.

  • Chris - 7 years ago

    He should get a lot more time, this person is a traitor to our nation, releasing classified information should not be tolerated! The whole deal of being transgender and stuff doesn't mean a thing here, he's a criminal and he should be held as one.

  • D Kennedy - 7 years ago

    I think he should of had to serve the time. He pulled that stunt while myself and my unit were in Iraq too. I take it personal, he had no clue what he sent. Then he wants to be a she and we pay for it while he is being punished? Hell i cant even get the healthcare i need in a timely manner and i got an Honorable Discharge. Civilians wrecked the military.

  • J Gawne - 7 years ago

    I'm torn on the issue. On the one hand, whistleblowers need to be able to confidently report things that they feel to be wrong without repercussions. And that's what happened her.
    On the other hand... nobody made Pvt. Manning take the oath or put on the uniform. Whether or not the whistleblowing was justifiable, it was still a violation of the UCMJ and federal civil law. As a servicemember, that is something I cannot abide, no matter whether the information should've been public.

  • S Peterson - 7 years ago

    The only good thing I see about it is with his discharge he won't get the surgery needed to become a girl. Let him come up with another way of getting that done. I know I have a very unpopular stance on it but I don't agree with the military paying for sex changes.

  • W Palmer - 7 years ago

    I am a supporter of Obama but I think this commutation was grossly wrong ! When George Washington found out that Benedict Arnold was a traitor he said "If he is captured in battle, hang him the same day, the same hour." This country has gone a long way from the example set by GW if we let traitors like Manning off with a slap on the wrist sentence like what Obama did. Their actions endanger the lives of U.S. servicemen and giving such a slap on the wrist sentence will only embolden others who might harbor treasonous feelings to act on those feelings. The primary point that should be considered when making decisions such as these is that the good and safety of the many far out weights the individual. So even if Manning was remorseful for what he did, he should still be rotting in jail or worse to serve as an example to others !!

  • D Haines - 7 years ago

    I absolutely agree. The prosecution of whistleblowers has gone off the deep end during this administration. I'm glad to see President Obama making some strides toward correcting this.

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