Are You Happy With Windows 10?


  • Kris - 7 years ago

    Window's 10 is NOTHING like XP or Vista (which I didn't even like)... sure not better. They do everything for the user now, probably because the average user has no knowledge needed. Like the government... trying to protect too much!

    My Outlook Express is gone, I wrote to Microsoft as you suggested, way back, telling them I love making my own email stationery, they answered me and told me I'd love the email stationery in my Vista. When I seen what they had... I wrote back and told them they lied and it stinks! My stationery background moved any direction I wanted... had so much more to it. Surely miss this. Yes, your email stationery was great also!

    I've got your recommended email stationery again with the Thundercloud email. Your doing great giving us different types of the email stationery. But I do miss making my own too.

    Thank you for everything you have done to help everyone to more computer savvy. I've been with you since December of 1999.

    May God Bless, Kris

  • Robyn Fleming - 7 years ago

    Anniversary update froze my computer neither Microsoft nor Acer could help Microsoft wiped everything off my hard drive so couldn't go back to an earlier edition. Acer decided hard drive problem, installed a new hard drive Windows 10 still didn't work, so now they have installed Windows 8.1 and advised not to try and down load 10 as Desktop was designed for Windows 8. "Not Happy!!!

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