Do you care if America pays for the wall?


  • pam cardone - 7 years ago

    How many presidents have promised us a wall. There was never a mention of Mexico paying for the wall so it was understood that the American taxpayer would probably foot the bill. They didn't care they wanted the wall. Now there are those in opposition to the wall who keep focusing on the minors, that being that Mexico refuses to pay for the wall. I don't think the American people care they just want the wall and now they have a president that not only has said that he will billet he has begun to build it. That is good news .thank you President Trump, and congratulations to the American people and our country.

  • lee - 7 years ago

    Stop putting my taxes on abortion an put it on the wall,,if others want aboration let them pay for abortion,not me. Have a check off box on tax form for yes an no for abortion.

  • Jon Rasmussen - 7 years ago

    Let's just use the $221 million that Obama was releasing to Palestinian terrorist like Hamas. Lets not be naïve. Hamas runs the government in Palestine and that money would never be used for humanitarian efforts. Just like the concrete Israel provided to rebuild their cities was actually used for underground tunnels to attack Israel. Obama's secret last minute release of this money just shows once again his pro Muslim pro terrorist efforts. Obama's actions of aiding and abetting Iran and America's sworn enemies reveal him as a traitor to this country. Stop all money going to Iran, Palestine and Muslim terrorist countries that have sworn to wipe America off the map. Let's protect America first and rebuilt this country. Hamas is anti- Israel and anti- America. They are terrorists and sponsors of terror. Let the oil rich Arab countries help their fellow Arabs/ Muslims. Let them also house the Syrians. Yet the refuse to do so. No more Muslim/ Arab/ Syrian refugees. We need to build the wall at all costs to secure our country before we can start deporting anyone. Without secure borders they just walk back across. I know I live in Southern Arizona and see the result of no border and no border enforcement everyday. Trumps executive orders yesterday addressed these critical issues. We need to return to a country of law and order... because otherwise we will have more of the chaos that began under Obama.

  • Linda Jensen - 7 years ago

    Even if the US pays for the wall, the fact that we have fewer people coming in illegally that our tax dollars are virtually supporting is a no brainer, think about all the money and services that they are receiving that cost us daily!

  • Linda Jensen - 7 years ago

    Even if the US pays for the wall, the fact that we have fewer people coming in illegally that our tax dollars are virtually supporting is a no brainer, think about all the money and services that they are receiving that cost us daily!

  • Debra Westcott - 7 years ago

    I believe that whether the wall is paid by American taxpayers originally, and then repaid over time by tarriffs, or some form of tax on goods coming from Mexico, that's fine. The American taxpayer needs to see our government acting in a fiscal manner that respects our hard earned tax dollars! I believe President Trump will do this, and I'm so very proud that he's my President.

  • Michele Coatta - 7 years ago

    No one has a right to be in America being here is a privilege and they have been allowing people in that hate America there are too many people coming here and using America we do not need comprehensive immigration reform that's just code words for amnisty Regan made that mistake Trump will not Regan amnisty what 30million Mexicans who then brought their families relatives etc gave them citizenship they promised a border wall and border security never happened we'll never again we the people have spoken and we have our President we say who gets to come here who gets to stay here who gets to work here period we are not the women's battered shelter of the world these are different times we need safety and security and prosperity no we deserve safety security and prosperity AMERICA FIRST believe that

  • Michele Coatta - 7 years ago

    No one has a right to be in America being here is a privilege and they have been allowing people in that hate America there are too many people coming here and using America we do not need comprehensive immigration reform that's just code words for amnisty Regan made that mistake Trump will not Regan amnisty what 30million Mexicans who then brought their families relatives etc gave them citizenship they promised a border wall and border security never happened we'll never again we the people have spoken and we have our President we say who gets to come here who gets to stay here who gets to work here period we are not the women's battered shelter of the world these are different times we need safety and security and prosperity no we deserve safety security and prosperity AMERICA FIRST believe that

  • Kenneth Lanford - 7 years ago

    The same people worried about who is going to pay for it, are the same people worried about his tax returns! Americans don't care! Just get it done!!!

  • cheri coffey - 7 years ago

    We already pay for illegal immigrants housing, food, and medical. This would off set that. BUILD THAT WALL MR. PRESIDENT TRUMP!!

  • Patrice L Puckett - 7 years ago

    With all the money Trump is recouping, we can pay for the wall. Then, Trump's imortgage tax will more than recoup the money fo the wall.

  • Eric David - 7 years ago

    If we would put a tax on trucks and rail to crossing the border like New York does crossing the George Washington and the other bridges we would have the funds in no time

  • Jill Travoss - 7 years ago

    If we would just defund Sanctuary Cities that alone would pay for the wall. Those cities are costing us approximately 40 mil per city times over 400 cities. Do the math!

  • Lisa - 7 years ago

    BUILD THE WALL !!!! The money was allocated for it years ago. TRUMP can't help the past PRESIDENTS refused to build it. Putting AMERICA FIRST will itself pay for it. I would gladly throw in a little extra.

  • Marilyn - 7 years ago

    America is already paying billions for NOT having the wall!

  • Toni Sellers - 7 years ago

    Build it now!! The longer we go with an insecure border, the higher the probability of radical Islamic terrorists getting in and eventually killing thousands and causing untold millions of dollars in damage. If American's safety isn't secure, it won't matter how much we have to pay in taxes, we'll all be done for!

  • Gail Anderson - 7 years ago

    Here's some numbers for the funds that go to Mexico, at least in 2016.

  • Kristen Thomas - 7 years ago

    I know Trump will extract what presents itself when time presents that opportunity. We need to get it done as soon as possible. We need to protect our country, set a strong statement to the world that in the US, rules do matter, and there is a reasonable process people can participate in if they want to become a US citizen. Other countries have exhibited NO tolerance for illegal immigrants. Why should the US be any different than any country that holds its national and economic security seriously?

  • Karen Moore - 7 years ago

    I don't care if we pay for the wall ,we'll be ahead in the long run. We can quit sending aid to other countries and use that money here. Start helping our own people for once.

  • Dianne - 7 years ago

    Not really, We have a choice pay for the wall or pay for illegals and the children they have once illegally in the United States until the end of time. If, we have to I'd rather pay for the wall than continue watching the number grow and then getting benefits that Americans and Our Veterans barely get and deserve as true American citizens and Heroes (Vets) of Our Country. I believe in the long run they will pay (Mexico). For now just get it done.

  • Susan Clason - 7 years ago

    The wall needs built, no matter who psys. We will be money ahead plus safer. Im thinking of my children, grandchildren. BUILD THAT WALL!!!!!!

  • Lanette Helmuth - 7 years ago

    As long as we get reimbursed somehow, some how, some way from Mexico. GO FOR IT

  • Suzie Jacobs - 7 years ago

    Maybe we can get back the money that Obozo sent to the Palestinians in his last few hours on duty.. honestly I just want it built and worry about the money later ????????

  • GABRIEL SHULTZ - 7 years ago

    I like the idea of the American people donating to a "fund the wall" account and then I also like the idea of taking some or all of the money we give to Mexico for aid and putting that towards the wall as well. There are other creative ways that we can come up with that won't add a crazy amount to our national debt. Let's see those master negotiator skills Mr President and let's get that sucker built!

  • Ron - 7 years ago

    Wasn't funding already authorized in 2006?

  • Glenna Barnes - 7 years ago

    President Trump is getting rid of alot of unnecessary spending that Obama has been paying for. And stopping payments to the UN and other countries. He is making America first. He will come up with most the money. He is a
    negotiator. America just wants the wall built! Will give Americans jobs!!

  • Gary Pate - 7 years ago

    I throw in on it too. Get it built. America first!

  • Arizona Kalde - 7 years ago

    Build first recoop later. Put our people to work building it then subtract it from their aid bill.

  • Arizona Kalde - 7 years ago

    Build first recoop later. Put our people to work building it then subtract it from their aid bill.

  • joshua sox - 7 years ago

    We give around 55 mil in aid to Mexico every year, I'm sure that would help pay for most of it.

  • Alfred Todd - 7 years ago

    I'll send $100 right now. I'll donate a week of my own labor. Let's just get it done.

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