Do you support the proposed legislation mandating all DE schools start after Labor Day?


  • Ralph K. Barrett - 7 years ago

    No one needs to go back to school in the middle of August, which is when the Colonial School District brings back its teachers. It is ridiculous. The kids come back about a week later. The summer is just half over and the kids know it. Even with air conditioning, the schools are hot and parents still are on or taking vacations. The all important Sept. 30th count is messed up with kids coming and going and getting settled in new schools. Let's get back to starting school after the unofficial summer's end, Labor Day. Unfortunately, it will have to be mandated by law or some of our more "creative" and "progressive" districts will not follow through.

  • Cheryl - 7 years ago

    When I attended school in DE, every district began the school year after Labor Day, unless you went to private school.

  • Earl Henry - 7 years ago

    Should be up to the school district

  • Coley Harris - 7 years ago

    Year round school with breaks disbursed throughout. There is significant info loss over the summer.

  • Tom Fowler - 7 years ago

    Tourism is a big producer of jobs and revenue for Delaware. Going back to school after Labor Day
    will add more revenue to the state and all involved in the tourist industry, including state parks.
    Plus, we will save electric by not having lights and air conditioners on in the schools for two to three less weeks a year. The kids will be fine, if by some reason they can't learn what they need to know under the current school year length, two less weeks a year is not going to make a difference.

  • Chris - 7 years ago

    I think it should start after Labor Day. I also don't think that this needs to be decided at the state level. I don't understand why they would start school have a day or two of classes and then close for a long weekend. Doesn't make much sence. If they are worried about getting the "required" days in how about at least in our district don't have inservice days every single month of the school year. In Christiana there isn't a single month they don't have at least one day off. Also let's be honest the last week or two other than in high school nothing is being done any ways just watching movies or playing games. Condense down the school year and get rid of so many useless days.

  • Ron - 7 years ago

    Leave as is, start school before Labor Day. If Cape Henlopen wants to start after labor Day let them do so but don't make the districts do the same. Stop catering to the schools down there an keep the govt. out of it

  • Michelle - 7 years ago

    I'm amazed at the ones who bother to take these Polls and then VOTE......."I DON'T KNOW" !!

    They have no opinion and can't make a decision.

    These are the same morons who, even up to election day, couldn't decide who they were going to vote for also !!

  • Karen Ross - 7 years ago

    I guess you have a choice, kids can sweat in June or September. No matter when it starts, kids have to attend 182 days. The days can be tacked on in June or either Spring or Christmas vacation must be shortened. Regardless, it needs to be the local District's decision. If it it a hardship for Cape Henlopen to open before Labor Day, then take it up with your School Board.

  • Barbara - 7 years ago

    For goodness sake let the kids have a summer. And the teachers too. In the Cape Henlopen District kids work in family businesses, the older ones have seasonal jobs Fortunately most of these schools are newer and have air conditioning but I pity the kids who have to sweat it out on BUSES and buildings without any. Government needs to butt out of education. All they do is make things worse, and Delaware has the stats to prove it.

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