Who do you think is at fault in the ongoing labour disagreement between the Nova Scotia Teachers Union and the province?


  • Josh Hammond - 7 years ago

    Dear Mr. MacNeil, please fire the teachers who do not want accept the new contract and are choosing to strike on Friday. In their place, you may hire the many, hard working people, of Nova Scotia who want to work and would do their jobs for much, much, less. They have had it much too good for far too long. It's time to bring teachers salaries in line with reality. What a bunch of losers.

  • James MacNeil - 7 years ago

    The problem I have with the situation is the teachers were fine with WTR. They were willing to take a stand on the backs of the students. They weren't however, willing to take a stand and lose any wages. I would have alot more respect for the teachers if they had of went on strike. Even if the end result was a legislated contract, they would have went out fighting. Instead, the students were the ones that suffered the most.

  • Phonse MacDonald - 7 years ago

    Compensation is what is causing the no votes in the majority to continue in this matter.

    The Long Time Service Award should be eliminated and the money that is saved from this expenditure could be used to fund the better conditions that the teachers and their union are so adamant they want , In the best interests of their students. Would the teachers agree to this? I have my doubts.

    Three contract offers have been voted down even though the union negotiating committee has recommended acceptance. Do the teachers themselves really know what it is they actually want the government to provide to them? if yes, what is it that the negotiating committee does not understand when they meet with the government on these demands?

    The government has negotiated on 3 separate occasions what they were led to believe as acceptable deals with the teachers who have given authority to their negotiating committee to reach a deal with the government. Shouldn't the government then be left with the understanding that the tentative agreements are satisfactory.

  • Barbara Mercer - 7 years ago

    the problem started years ago when our department of education decided that all children no matter what their intellect would be in the classroom with other children their age. then they decided that no child will be held back. so no one fails, everyone is in the classroom with their age group and the teachers are teaching on average 24 children in a class who are at all different levels of learning. then the government decided that teachers couldnt discipline, then they couldnt give homework, then they had to do all this paperwork and reporting... it was hard enough to get the curriculum covered when most kids were learning the work for that grade. now students can be in grade 4 and be doing grade 3 work or grade 2 work or grade 1 work. it is impossible for most teachers to get all these individual programs set up for all these children and control the behavior problems that result when children are not being challenged or when children compare themselves with others in their class and they see that they are different, that they cannot do the same work that others are doing. I am so glad that i am no longer teaching in this broken system , in which the government does not value teachers. every time the education budget gets cut, the teachers and teacher aides jobs get cut. never do they consider cutting those at the top, never do they consider cutting all the administrative jobs, the consultants, the pencil pushers...no, they always cut the people who are in the classrooms, the front line workers. they better wake up

  • Bobby - 7 years ago

    The Premiere for sure , he tried to turn NS voters against the teachers, and it caught up to him, and voters labelled his whole government, this will cost him and his government the next election . I use to be A liberal , and I'm not A school teacher.

  • Gerry Boutilier - 7 years ago

    Be thankful you have a job. I worked for Ford when they had 15,000 employees in Oakville. Every three years, the same thing. More money. more vacation, more benefits, less work more bitching. Ford is still there but only have 2,000 people employed if that. (PS, I quit after ten years.)

  • Ed - 7 years ago

    The mess in our public schools today was caused by the provincial Department of Education. This is who stripped the curriculum of all the useful things students need to survive in life like how to read, write and do basic arithmetic and then decided that all students should be jammed into the same classroom regardless of ability and pushed through without learning the things they need to survive in life. Parents can take some of the blame too for sitting back and letting it happen. Finally the teachers are saying enough is enough and demanding a voice - good on them. Our Dictator / Premier has decided that now is the time for all unionized government employees in this province to accept financial responsibility for all the government trough-sucking and misspending of the past and they are not worthy of a raise of more than 0% for two years to keep up with the cost of living. If the Premier has his way his legacy will be one of burnt out and demotivated teachers shaping the minds of our children and nurses with no morale coming to your hospital bed when you push a buzzer for help. The money he saves can be used to build $100M worth of new schools in Metro Halifax that are not needed and probably one will have his name on it. It should also be noted that our Minister of Education is enjoying a pension that the NSTU won for her, plus the same public service award she wants her ex-colleagues to now give up. She is also planning how to she will use the money from her next pension from the provincial coffers when she is finally booted out of office. Governments like this prove that trade unions are still necessary today - shame on them. Anyone who thinks teachers don't deserve a raise or a summer vacation should try locking themselves in a room with 25-30 of today's pampered and spoiled kids for 190 or so days every year to see how long they can stand it.

  • vernon oakley - 7 years ago

    This poll will end up with the same results, as what is happening with the on-going negotiations between the Province and the Teachers Union. The Teachers will be voting to discredit the Province...Strength in #'s. Discount the Teachers vote in this poll and see what the results will be!

  • Kathleen Green - 7 years ago

    My mentally challenged 2 sons were in a special ed classroom - but intergrated in some regular classrooms with a teacher aide and it worked well. They also received help from a wonderful resource teacher. This is the way to go. They went on overnight school trips and took part in all activities. They have long graduated- the oldest is in a group home and loves it. The youngest attends a work shop and it on a waiting list for a group home. I take him to events- especially involving music. SAERC provides a wonderful program for special needs.

  • Jean - 7 years ago

    The government isn't listening to anyone but themselves. To me they are becoming dictators, their way or the highway. As long as they receive their bonuses and increases in pay and pensions they do not have the children's education in their mind at all nor the people of Nova Scotia. We have resources in this province which they will not try to use. One wasteful use of taxpayers money is being used to fund these ridiculous committees to give their views on what should be done. Anyone who has common sense knows what's wrong!! The head of the union is out of touch with the teachers and students. They have to go back and really listen to what they are saying not what she wants. The education system is broken. The students should be made accountable for their schooling also. The Education system has to bring back failure, taking attendance, and the old system of reading, writing and arithmetic. You have teachers who are teaching subjects they are not qualified to teach. If you have math as your main subject, that teacher should be teaching math, not someone who has English.. No wonder our students in this province have no knowledge of their subjects when they graduate. Just saying.

  • Pat Reid - 7 years ago

    The union leadership over the years have failed teachers miserable. Teachers are too too passive. You have allowed yourselves to be exploited for decades to the point you are expected to do more than teach without any rewards; other than some self satisfaction. Unfortunately that has become expected of each of you. Volunteerism is over rated! May be nice and may help you feel involved and proud of it, but it can lead to exploitation. It is long overdue; get back to t aching. Fund raisers, collecting money, and many other non-teaching functions are an uneccesary distraction. The day needs to be spent teaching, marking, and helming the children prepar for life through education. Motivate them, don't baby sit and entertain. Sports is certainly important, but that belongs in the gym. Parents expect too much from teachers, and teachers caused this themselves. Teach and say no to the many other things you do. You are grossly exploited and your union leaders have failed you! Clean that executive out. Stop saying yes! I wish you well. You have a long tough road ahead undoing the mistakes of the past and keeping public support through this transition will be tough because people are selfish and will expect you to continue to do what you are nit paid to do.

  • Bill - 7 years ago

    I feel that money is the real deal breaker . It would be a big difference on the last 3 votes if the teachers were offered the monies they wanted . This hold thing can be sum up with one word GREED.

  • Bill - 7 years ago

    I feel that money is the real deal breaker . It would be a big difference on the last 3 votes if the teachers were offered the monies they wanted . This hold thing can be sum up with one word GREED.

  • Judy Doyle - 7 years ago

    People do may not realize that the teachers are on salary and that all the extra time that they give to your child is there own time. Example, cheerleaders,hockey,basketball,proms, Xmas concerts and all the other things that no one notices. Let's not forget all the home time to make up an exam and then correct them. They to have family and sometimes have to do things that require them to be away from home. And when all is said and done the school board doesn't even have their backs. You also must remember what they are looking for is to benefit YOUR children not there POCKET.

  • marie - 7 years ago

    the problem began many years ago when all students were placed in the regular class ,perhaps because that
    is where the parents wanted them.

  • laura campbell - 7 years ago

    I think the province is to blame here

  • Storm - 7 years ago

    All Nova Scotians are at fault. Our education system is very broken. Teachers, politicians, parents and students are doing the best they can given the situation. Once the bar is raised, consequences put in place and adequate resources readily available our children will thrive. To succeed we all need to be on the same page.

  • Walter Bond - 7 years ago

    Perhaps the problem is blaming either. Makes better sense to resolve the problem between June 30 and August 30 so as to avoid disrupting the system both sides proudly serve. There is always a better way than this present morass of stalemate progress. The us and them ritual is counter productive and a clear indication that maturity is on the verge of extinction.

  • Joe - 7 years ago

    To be honest teachers get enough as it is they get to work few months yr summers off storm days work at home stop complaining go back to work...

  • Elaine White-Walker - 7 years ago

    Please let the teachers teach their students. There are so many students today who need extra help because of learning disabilities. Teachers should not be baby sitting students at lunch time. Let the parents act as volunteers to do this. This is really causing burn out for teachers. Plus teachers should not be paying out of their own pockets for craft materials and other hobby items for children.

    If parents are not able to prepare their children for basic reading and writing skills prior to entering Grade Primary, then we need to devote all teachers time to teaching. Hire more employees for crafts, lunch time supervision and anything not relating to teaching.

  • Tracy - 7 years ago

    Trump and Trudeau for sure!

  • Damian - 7 years ago

    I blame Russia and that damn Putin

  • Reid Nicholson - 7 years ago

    As a people our most important job is to prepare the next generation for life.. When the Government tries to balance it's books by short changing our children we all loose.

  • Andrew - 7 years ago

    The province should drop bill 148 and ask for binding arbitration. They should do it today.

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