Have you forgiven Ryan Braun for his PED use?


  • George Klein - 7 years ago

    Yes forgiveness is good; he didn't kill anyone

  • Richard Graf - 7 years ago

    I HAVE to forgive Braun for everything. I am NOT the judge of judges. Christendom teaches to forgive yet it so hard for so many of faith to forgive. It didn't hurt YOU. And besides I believe that he honestly didn't understand that an "ointment" that "many others" who consulted that "clinic" could be adsorbed into the bloodstream and leave with their urine.

    Yes, I believe that he believed that he was not using a PED, even though, as it turns out, he was. I do wish that I could afford myself the luxury of "male enhancement" products. And Ryan Braun is, actually, a 'human being'. Frail (as we all are) but he never meant harm. And did he "throw a man under the bus?" I can ALMOST think that but then again these "specimens" should be treated with extreme caution in every case.

    The damage that Ryan did was to himself and his team and his fans. But try to tell me that, given a similar situation, if YOU truly believed that you did not "cheat" according to the letter of the law, I cannot blame him for trying to maintain his innocence. It's what we humans do.

    No matter what you or I think of this situation, the damage has been done and I ask, "would there be much difference had he just plead guilty while still believing that he had not intentionally done anything wrong? He had lawyers, just as Bill Clinton did, like O.J. did, lies are lies only insofar as the unknowable man in the sky sees; and that is NOT us. I believe that he believed he was innocent and eventually realized that the ONLY way out of the situation was to sit down, shut up, and suffer the consequences. Ryan Braun is still my man!

    And this entire escapade is more about hatred and mistrust than it is about truth and meaning.

    Hit lots more homers, RB! I know you didn't intentionally cheat. Besides, his performance didn't seem to change much after his suspension except for his thumb issue. And it is possible that dealing with that could have been why he used steroidal topical medicines in the first place.

    I don't like people so quick to judge when they are unarmed.

  • Dennis Sell - 7 years ago

    Yes, I have forgiven him. After all, the incident occurred five years ago. What I find interesting is that the same fans who refuse to forgive Ryan Braun eagerly support players for the Green Bay Packers who have been suspended for either PED's or drug use. In my judgment, this is just another example of the double standard that fans apply to the Packers and Brewers.

  • Bob Britten - 7 years ago

    I voted NO not because of the PED use. I voted NO because of his lies especially when his lie about the person who transported his urine. Basically throwing him under the bus. Has he ever personally apologized to that man?

  • Michael Curley - 7 years ago

    Yes, I have forgiven him. He cheated, he lied, bad enough in itself, but throwing the innocent collector under the proverbial bus, was the most serious of his mistakes. However, he did apologize, he was suspended, he lost millions in endorsements, was stamped with the scarlet letter(L), for the rest of his life. His actions were regrettable, but are forgivable.

  • Danny - 7 years ago

    I agree with Jim, he flat out lied and threw someone else under the bus. It is hard to cheer for the Brewers, much less go to games, as long as he is on the team!

  • Jim - 7 years ago

    Please....of course I gorgive him. To those still not forgiving him I ask you to take a look at your own life. No one is a Saint. On top of that...it's baseball. Move on folks.

  • mark - 7 years ago

    yes i have forgave him. we all make mistakes and lie. if the the collector can forgive him then we all should.

  • Jim Henderson - 7 years ago

    I don't care what he uses. It's when he lies to the fans is when I care. Kinda like looking the camera squarely in its face, wagging the finger, and claiming he didn't have sex with that woman. The lie is always bigger.

  • Mark Schoenfeldt - 7 years ago

    Can forgive him for the PED use but can never forgive him for throwing the innocent sample collector under the bus. I don't think I really heard a satisfactory apology to that person. For this reason his legacy will always be damaged in my eyes.

  • Ben kordus - 7 years ago

    It's the lieing about the PED use that I don't forgive him for.

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