How will the bailout bill's passage impact your vote?


  • jbdaad - 16 years ago

    More disturbing are the ones who changed their vot at the last minute.

  • Amy - 16 years ago

    We are going to need to overthrow the governmant and START OVER. The people in power are not representing we the people. We need to get them out of power and start over or this country will no longer exit and their will be a one world government of the rich and poor masses.Wake up people bo social security or healthcare.

  • D. Flor Martinez - 16 years ago

    After the big fish from the WS got rescued by us, we need to come up with a plan to rescue ourselves. My plan for the Bald Head would be as follows:

    Let’s say that for a single person making less than 100K/year, and for a couple under $200K/year, the government would offer 2,5K per person, and 10K for the family of four.

    The money should be used to pay the mortgage first, and the credit cards, car loans, and the student loans next. This way the banks would get a great influx of cash, and the people would get some relieve from their debts.

    Since some people, like prisoners, would not be eligible (they are already getting a free ride on the taxpayers’ expense), the rescue package should cost much less than 700B. Some of the funds could be transferred to this plan from the current rescue package.

    10K should be enough to save many families from the foreclosures, and with the real estate market being stabilized, the house prices should go up.

  • Kelli - 16 years ago

    I will not vote for anyone who voted for this bill. I'm a Democrat and Dave Reicart voted against this and now he has my vote. All our sentators that should be looking out for us voted for it. I'll vote for their challengers next time. I emailed them and they sent me very patronizing responses about how 'something had to be done'. Not ever the experts know that something has to be done. Let alone Patty and Marian!! We should have let the weaker players get gobbled up (like they already were ex Wells Fargo and Wachovia) by the larger players. WF and Wachovia? They paide $15B for it. Someone's got money and is is liquid!!! I predict there will be a voter revolt against all of this and those who handed out the cash will pay for selling out the people who elected them! WHAT ABOUT THE LITTLE GUY? Many in congress tried to put something in there for those poor people losing their homes. Guess what! The response by those we sent to look out for us was 'We don't want to bail out those people who borrowed more money than they could afford". But it's OK to 'Rescue' the people who gave them more money than they could afford!!! Shame on you, Congress and Bush Administration for all have done to hurt America. I'm ashamed that the Democrats have buckled and rushed to do something that will put us in dire straights for many generations to come. You sold us out! It's a sad day for all of us.

  • Mike - 16 years ago

    This bailout mirrors a Socialist country, not a Constitutional Republic like the USA. A good portion of the Congress & Senate running for re-election did not listen to the voice of the people. This is your opportunity to vote against them, and let them know what you really think. If Jim McDermott gets re-elected again for the 12th time, we will all know you are really sheep, and you deserve what you vote for.

  • Richard - 16 years ago

    Excuse me, the vote was Friday (correction to previous comment). It's late.

  • Richard - 16 years ago

    This comment is long but worth your time. I am so proud of my representative, Jim McDermott, who was the only congressman to change his vote from "Yes" on Monday to "No" on Thursday. I paid $2.50 to fax him a letter begging him to change his vote and am so proud to be an American, despite being totally down about the overall outcome.

    Friends, nothing less than the future of our democracy is at risk here. As responsible citizens we must take power back into our own hands. Selfishness on the part of both the rich and the poor got us to this critical juncture, and in voting to pass this $800 billion+ bailout Congress has given in to both groups. The new law is nothing less than an existential threat to our democracy.

    Look, the richest 1% control the banks. They control the insurance companies, the lobbying groups, large media outlets, government contractors and think tanks. Their advocates write legislation and store it in office safes, waiting for "crises" to get the American public and corrupt congressmen to vote money and contracts into their hands. They have won by getting their man Paulson to happily give them $700 billion in taxpayer money. A New York Times article today apologizes that conflicts of interest will be "inevitable." Thanks, Tribune Company.

    The poor are just as dangerous as the rich. I refer to those behind on their mortgages, perhaps, in general people who take more out of our social welfare system than are able to put in. Make no mistake, if your net worth is negative, you may have a nice house but no longer belong to the middle class. These people are also dangerous, if they decide to make taxpayers bail them out just like the banks. Indeed, parts of America just forced their fellow Americans to pay $100 billion for their bad decisions, and while this is rational (if selfish) behavior it is just as dangerous to our democracy as that richest 1% that seeks absolute power through the erosion of checks and balances. Barack Obama was influential in the House vote because made a compelling case that he will "stand up" for the poor by making sure their mortgages get paid. In this sense Obama (bless him) is just as dangerous as Paulson, there are few good guys. Maybe McDermott is as good as they get, he seems to listen to his constituents and sponsors life-saving HIV legislation for Africa.

    John Locke wrote that democracy requires a strong middle class to survive, because the middle class require social services such as police and health care but can't pay for it all by themselves. And Aristotle also wrote that democracy can only survive as long as the people don't realize or decide to just vote themselves money. When that happens those with talent have less incentive to work and may even leave the country. What has happened now is that the rich, who control powerful lobbying groups and the bankers, who control access to credit, just duped Joe taxpayer into giving them $700 billion, and the poor chose to make Joe taxpayer pay $100 billion more to cover their mortgages, car loans and credit card debt. We're bleeding from two different self-inflicted wounds, my friends, and we have to swallow some bitter medicine to save ourselves.

    Fortunately there are enough educated voters that we still have options. Write your congressman! Tell him / her to stop our bleeding at $250 billion in bailouts! If they voted "yes" for the bailout, vote them out of office on November 4th! Regardless of who becomes President, make sure they have to listen to you, the taxpayer, by becoming an activist! And pay your taxes.

    I love our country and am ready to fight to keep my freedom. Join me! Get engaged, vote but don't just wait for November 4th. Do it with a letter, do it with a sign, do it with a blog, do it over a beer. Nothing is inevitable, nothing is impossible in our great country. God bless you, let's take responsibility and take back our future.

    Today. Our situation is desperate.

    Richard, graduate student

  • Dan Farrell - 16 years ago

    The bad mortgage deals were signed by people, people, your neighbors. Actually, they're not your neighbors anymore, because they've bailed out and moved back into an apartment, or with their in-laws. Somehow personal responsibility has to be an issue here. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, but we've lost sight of that reality. Home prices spiked because people with bad credit were in the market playing with funny money. Yes, the lenders were pushing the ARMs, but people have a responsibility when they're signing on the dotted line.

  • Dave - 16 years ago

    If this was all about the economy, why did this plan have lobbyists? Such a crock, and Patty Murray voted for it. This 'plan' is only going to exacerbate the inevitable crash. Too late now... so begins our downward spiral.

  • John Richards - 16 years ago

    Kucinich!!! Everybody write in Kucinich!!! A third party is our only hope for the future. The Dems/Repubs have been in bed together for the last 60 years...

  • tony - 16 years ago

    Like everyone else here, I am quite upset. Despite the people that study economics warnings, they passed this anyway. and now the national debt is 11 trillion dollars. that means every american owes about 35,000 dollars. that is insane. and to think that this is caused be stupid bankers that took on too many risky loans and stupid people that just HOPED the value of their house would go up. how ludicrous. I will not be voting for McCain now, I will be looking for a financially responsible third party.

  • jon - 16 years ago

    Like the iraq war, the bailout is another bush/cheney scam. How many more will the US fall for before the people wake up and take action???

  • Angry voter - 16 years ago

    How could it have come to this? Has our country really decayed to such a level of ethical and (soon to be) literal bankruptcy? Please, PLEASE someone tell me I'm going to wake up soon and this nightmare will all be an unpleasant memory. I work for a smaller bank that was very responsible in its lending. We are being punished for this through higher rates on federal insurance we must carry (FDIC needs to be ready to buy up the next big failure). I have a two-year old at home who will be paying for these fiascoes for most of his adult life. I'd love to have one of our "leaders" from D.C. explain to him how making his future so grim was the right thing to do.

  • BIGRED1 - 16 years ago

    McCain will beat B. Hussein Obama by 7% nation wide. B. Hussein Obama is a marxist and he can't hide from it any more. It has been on the news that B. Frank should be in jail right now for having sex with a Fannie Mae bigwig ? He is who got us into this mess. Also how about all those illegal democratic voters that were found? Pelosi and the democrats should all be in jail for sedition.

  • Gig Harborite - 16 years ago

    This is just a precursor to what will happen if we have national healthcare. The politicians want you to believe that a single payor system will cut waste and that insuring everyone will reduce costs, but if we have such a system we will be bailing out the national healthcare debt of $1-2 TRILLION in about 10 years just like we are today with Wall Street. Mark my words.

  • PM - 16 years ago

    If I follow the numbers of those that voted in this poll, most say they will not vote for those who voted in favor of the bailout. From a House standpoint, that would be excellent in that most Democrats voted in favor and most Republicans voted against. Remember that the next you vote. Of course, I rarely expect Liberals to keep their word. I keep waiting for the Julia Roberts of the world who promised to leave if President Bush was re-elected. It could be tougher for the Senate in that both candidates voted in favor. Guess I will stick with McCain/Palin vs. Empty Suit/Creepy Guy.

  • Freed - 16 years ago

    Black Friday. 200 leading economist pleaded for sanity, but these fools passed this "bail out" anyways, the only people getting bailed out are rich speculators, this doesn't even go to mortgages, and much of it goes to foreign banks and speculators. Beyond stupid, and we will be paying heavily for it for years to come.

  • Mark Smith - 16 years ago

    If a tax provision needed fixing then put in a seperate bill, one that isn't being rammed through Congress. To give out earmarks in the already painful bailout bill is no different then looting after a natural disaster. I am livid about this bill AND it WILL change my vote - I will not vote for anyone who voted yes. This was too blatent of a rip off.

  • TC - 16 years ago

    Golly...what can be blame, now, for our continued economic melt-down?

  • Jenny - 16 years ago

    The passage of this bailout plan is a monumental betrayal of the American people. McCain and Obama both just put a nail in the coffins of their campaigns. How can Americans trust either of them when they both put the interests of their corporate sponsors before the interests of the American public? I hope this sparks the outrage needed to shake people out of their complacent acceptance of the blatantly corrupt two-party political system. Now it is more important than ever to vote responsibly, for the candidate who really has OUR best interests in mind, not Wall Streets!

  • John - 16 years ago

    Remember, Obama, McCain and Biden all voted FOR this bill. If you are one of the ones who said they will not vote for those who voted for it, vote for a third party candidate. Patty Murray also voted FOR this bill, vote against her too.

  • Joe - 16 years ago

    Whatever happened to the concept of a free market? If we can't fail, we can't prosper. If the government is always there to catch those who make poor decisions, it punishes those who make good decisions. I'd propose letting the banks fail if they weren't smart enough to make good loans and let the ones who were more conservative (and less profitable) take them over cheap if they like. I also do not like the idea of paying my neighbor's mortgage. It's just not right.

  • Robert - 16 years ago

    Re-electing incumbents gives them the 'It's OK to use and abuse us, ANY way you and the Party want!' We, are voting against ALL incumbents, for THEY have brought us an endless , painful and prohibitively costly war, and endless bailouts for financial contributors to BOTH me when I say, AFTER the election, the politicians are SAFE to use and abuse us all, for another 2, 4, 6 years. Is THIS want you want, or deserve? Vote more wisely, instead of mindlessly, for 'your' party. YOU, DON'T HAVE A PARTY!

  • Susan - 16 years ago

    I meant $100,000,000.

  • Susan - 16 years ago

    This is a very sad day for America! I also want to know how this is paid for. The country is already trillions of dollars in debt, and why oh why should the big wigs that caused part of this problem, get away with $100,000 separation packages is beyond me.

  • brian - 16 years ago

    This marks the end of the McCain run for the White House. How sad that a little pork added here and there sweetened the deal. I'm for throwing them all out, and a pox on their houses too.

  • John N. - 16 years ago

    Hopefully this shameful episode in our history has been a wakeup call for America's citizens and politicians.

    We'll see...

    We can't afford another bailout ever again (financially or morally).

  • John - 16 years ago

    This is a sad day in this country. Welcome to corporatism...aka National Socialism...aka...the Nazi Party.

  • Scott - 16 years ago

    Sad day in America. This country truly is run by special interests. How on earth are we going to pay for this?

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