Would you be open to the COUNTYWIDE port district proposed by the County Chamber?


  • James - 7 years ago

    The upper county has already voiced it's position on a port district. Why should we be forced into one by the County? If they want one, let them pay for it! We have had problems with a Kittitas County Chamber of commerce and the way funds are distributed between the lower and upper county. What makes anyone think that a county port district will be any different?

  • Greg Barr - 7 years ago

    The last vote on the upper county port district went down in flames by almost 2 to 1! What part of no port district do these people not understand? Hammons (sp) vowed after the failure that he would see to it that the Kittitas county chamber WOULD float a port district and that it would be voted in by Ellensburg. Well, here we are, and the same old thing will apply; the lower county will get it's fair share of our tax dollars, and we in the upper county will get leftovers! All we will get is a few trails improved, and how is that supposed to benefit the upper county tax payers? We are already firewised and that is paid for by other means. We are paying a flood tax, and Eburg is using their fair share of our money! And what is legal about providing boundaries? It means that rural areas will be exempt, while the taxpayers in the cities and towns will be set with the tax burden? How fair is that? If Ellensburg thinks it is ready for a port district, by all means, let them float one. Leave the upper county out of it! We have already said no once, I don't appreciate it being forced on us by another community that will benefit from our tax dollars! Is this port district going to fix R/R street? Will it provide storm drains on 3rd and 4th streets? NO! it won't. I would rather support an extra tax for our own infrastructure. And speaking of taxes, on the same page was an article that pointed to the ability of the KCPR District 1to being a taxing authority. People, we are taking on the same mentality as the City of Seattle: If the leaders want it, tax the people for it! Enough is Enough! NO PORT DISTRICT!

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