Who Do You Think Is The Daddy, Liam or Wyatt?


  • Nance - 7 years ago

    Do the writers think the viewers are STUPID. There is No way Steffy is carrying Wyatts baby. They haven't slept together for a long time Steffy lived with Liam , Thomas, and back with Liam before the wedding. Steffy am Liam were together way before Christmas.

  • Donna teal - 7 years ago

    It has to be Liam she hasn't been with Wyatt for months now please don't try and say it's Wyatt that we're say the viewers are stupid I mean like he you don't sleep with someone for months how you going to get pregnant by them

  • ariel c - 7 years ago

    i love steffy and liam im team steam all the way but i still really don't see it being wyatts child that sound crazy they havn't slept together in a long time she moved out into thomas place then moved in with liams she would be showing by now that would be so dumb i hope they dont do that i would have to stop watching for a while

  • Be Cooper - 7 years ago

    The storyline is a bunch of messiness. It won't even make sense for this to be Wyatt's baby Steffi would have to be pregnant and showing at the time of her wedding. Enough with this storyline I won't be watching anymore if it goes in this direction

  • Robyn Moore - 7 years ago

    I think the baby will be Liam's but if not there's no reason Steffanie has to leave Liam. They can co parent the way they are!

  • Kathye - 7 years ago

    Common writers!! Enough already with over the top unnecessary drama. Steffy hasn't slept with Wyatt in a month of sundays (soap time).... REALLY- y'all wanna go there-REALLY??? Lame storyline. I'm done watching this soap if that's where you're going with it.

  • Janet Clevenger - 7 years ago

    I have watched this show for almost as long as its been on. If the writers of B&B make this baby be Wyatt's, I will absolutely STOP WATCHING this show. Liam and Steffy deserve to finally have some peace and happiness. Find something else for Wyatt to do. I never liked him anyway. He is not good for Steffy. This show will lose alot of viewers if they go with this stupid storyline. Please let Liam and Steffy be happy for awhile.

  • Frankie Lemons - 7 years ago

    Steffy is a ...... brother after brother

  • Erainer Garrett - 7 years ago

    Noway it's wyatt

  • Nicole - 7 years ago

    There is no way its wyatts it been way to long since they have been together. As much as i hate seeing Liam and Steffy together just let it be.

  • Mimi - 7 years ago

    There is no way it can be Wyatt's. It's been a few months already since​ she left him, she would have morning sickness a long time ago. It would definitely be Liam's.

  • daniellen27 - 7 years ago

    Steffy lived with iam at least one month and a half to two months before they wed. Also, they went through he'll and back to be together. Let Liam be the father. They finally get to be happy. Let Liam be the father! Enough strife and anguish, please!

  • Deborah Jones - 7 years ago

    Liam needs to be the father they deserve that happiness. Wyatt and Steffy have been separated for awhile so paternity shouldn't even be a question. Don't mess things up Steffy and Liam have been to hell and back let them have this child

  • Deborah Jones - 7 years ago

    Liam needs to be the father they deserve that happiness. Wyatt and Steffy have been separated for awhile so paternity shouldn't even be a question. Don't mess things up Steffy and Liam have been to hell and back let them have this child

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