Do you think that the state should continue to allow EBT card users to make cash withdrawals?


  • Koala - 7 years ago

    I would like to see photos on EBT cards and I would also like to see only food purchases!! NO NON FOOD ITEMS!!! After all, since when did it become the tax payers' responsibility to house, clothe, feed and provide medical care for you and your kids?? I did a home visit one time and not a single stitch of furniture or bedding in the house, but there on the wall was the biggest large screen TV I've ever seen along with the newest video game system!!! That's what I'm talking about!!! I won't even go there with there with the stripper bars!!!

  • Deanna Berger - 7 years ago

    I've worked hard my entire life (I'm 50 now). Due to medical conditions beyond my control, I've not been able to keep a job and while I applied for SS almost 4 yrs ago, I just had my hearing 3 weeks ago. I do NOT have any children, and I receive $303/month in "welfare" which doesn't even cover my rent. I don't drink and I don't use the money on anything that is not allowed by the State. That said, I understand there are so many that abuse the system and it makes me just as angry as I'm sitting here barely able to eat 1 meal a day, and I see others right in my own neighborhood who are on welfare and have lots of things (motor bikes, cars, SUVs, 5-7 dogs, etc). I wish the system held recipients more accountable, but you know there are those who would work around it regardless.

  • Lenny - 7 years ago

    When I saw the news, I think that it is messed up that the welfare people who are getting EBT are spending their money on alcohol and lottery tickets.

  • Lenny - 7 years ago

    I don't think its right that people can pop out a lot of kids and live off of welfare. Also people who have welfare live better than we do because they get shit for free and don't have to work for their money. Us tax payers, at lease we work hard for our money. Its hard to live paycheck to paycheck.

  • Laura - 7 years ago

    I am not in support of this kind of story. It evidences implicit bias in news reporting, and encourages passing judgement on people whose lives and needs we know nothing about. I work full time, always have worked, and I consider it my social responsibility and priviledge to give my tax dollars to help others without requiring an accounting of their personal situations or purchases.

  • Candice - 7 years ago

    It's pretty sad how welfare really works.. Let's be honest a lot of people on welfare have a lot of kids and don't work.. They live off the government and US tax payers.. They do not go without they live a lot better then people that actually work.. I think they need to start seriously thinking about who they give welfare to, if they can have a lot of kids then they can get off their behind and work.

  • Lisa - 7 years ago

    Its pretty sad that I work all day, too tired to cook and don't have money to order a pizza since I don't get paid until Friday and its only Tuesday, however, ebt users can order a pizza after sitting at home all day.

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