Do you agree with the removal of American monuments?


  • Craig C - 7 years ago

    Removing monuments is no different than burning books you don't agree with.

  • Caroline McGilloway - 7 years ago

    Monuments are history, trying to change US history. Won't work..

  • P Mazzola - 7 years ago

    We live in a Robotic generation where Robots DO NOT THINK, they work and produce for man. All it takes is Hi tec engineering and a program. World powers have found a way to program man to achieve it's goal. In the past it was called a form of Brain Washing. This country that was built on mans ability to think and move forward on his own has been hampered. In my eyes THIS IS WHAT PRESIDENT TRUMP IS FIGHTING AGAINST !

  • Connie - 7 years ago

    "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Winston Churchill.
    We must always look forward, but we have to understand our history in order to not repeat the mistakes of the past. I have seen too many instances where people continue to pursue wrong courses of action because they do not take the time to think critically about what has happened in the past.

  • Terry Gupton - 7 years ago

    It will be a very sad day if our history is allowed to be wiped of this planet, Terrorist like to do this so their way of life is the only thing showing.

  • Jim - 7 years ago

    One can not choose what parts of history one wants to remember. History is history! Remembering the bad along with the good helps us to not repeat.

  • claudia - 7 years ago

    if they are tearing down shit lets take lady liberty down too bunch of flippen jackwads

  • Susan Miller - 7 years ago

    I am appalled that all of a sudden these monuments are being removed! And why,is our political leaders,allowing this! Our Herratage..our history.. our proud display with these historic monuments belong right where they are. Those who can..stand guard and protect them if you can. There must be a way to stop this.

  • RickP - 7 years ago

    It is despicable that these monuments are being removed. History is a thing to be cherished and remembered. To wipe it off the earth like it never happened is a travesty.

  • Deb - 7 years ago

    These statues are a part of American history. The people that are trying to destroy the history, should go and live in another country.

  • Shirley Blanchard - 7 years ago

    All of a sudden they are offended...ludicrous! Soon it will be other symbols---Liberty Bell, Lincoln Memorial--- they will find a way. What's sad are the officials caving!

  • Geniece Kirtlink - 7 years ago

    Definitely NOT! Everyday I am shocked & amazed at what is happening in our country. A country that is supposed to have freedom of speech, freedom of expression & to be considered a FREE nation. All because a person or group of people disagree with our speech or expression or for displaying monuments of historical figures which were meant to be honorable to those who who were engaged in battles they never even wanted to be in! But they did...for our country. No one culture is anymore to blame for anything than another. This is so ridiculous and those states that cow down to the pressure should be ashamed of themselves. We should all band together & voice OUR opinion to these city councils, representatives & organizations who are influenced by such bigoted cry babies. This is history regardless of anyone's 'twisted' view of it!

  • Andy - 7 years ago

    Why would you want to get rid of historic stuff? We should keep them to teach our young ones about the histories. There are bad and good side of the histories, but they are worth knowing. If they doing this, might as well get rid of history class.

  • Mary Mitcham - 7 years ago

    Absolutely not. They are trying to rewrite our history, to appease the Muslims and state that they built America. Good or bad, none of history can be rewritten nor should it. What about the Fort Sam Houston, where millions of Army soldiers were trained? Including me! Allowing one piece of history removed gives way for all of our History to be removed.

  • Sandi Aschoff (email) - 7 years ago

    That would be a resounding NO … our history is our history good or bad. Remembering our history should help us not to make the same mistakes. The Taliban did the same thing so they could take control. Never lose your heritage not matter what it is

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