What should premier-designate John Horgan work on first?


  • Beverly Ryder - 7 years ago

    Min wage increase needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY!!! We are people of all age groups (including several adults responsible for trying to pay rent and survive, etc of which there are MANY MANY OF US!!! We are people who pay taxes and, if min wage is increased, will contribute to local economy, pay more taxes and, thus, need special primary attention. This is what will bring money into BC more than any other inititive

  • bet - 7 years ago

    proportional representation

    I note that the poll does NOT include some key issues...1) banning corportate, union and out of province donaations out and 2) proportional representation

    they both ought to be included in any poll

  • Amber van Drielen - 7 years ago

    Proportional representation.

  • Irene - 7 years ago

    Raising PWD like Andrew Weaver proposed is my first choice, and the housing crisis is second. You ignored both of these

  • Ann Remnant - 7 years ago

    Proportional representation.

  • Housing Crisis - 7 years ago

    Why isn't making housing more affordable in the poll? Horgan needs to cool the housing market not make more social housing. Working families should be able to buy a house with land.....a real back yard.

  • Brad Beattie - 7 years ago

    Proportional representation perhaps? Coming just shy of 40% shouldn't mean you almost win a majority.

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