Do you agree with President Trump's decision to ban transgender individuals from the armed forces?


  • Karen - 7 years ago

    When Trump was running for president he loved the LGBTQ community and waved a supportive flag just to get into office. He now denounces this community through these types of disrespectful words and actions and shows great overall disrespect to the intelligence of the American people through his egocentric, narcissistic use of what he thinks is reverse psychology. I voted for him because I honestly felt he would turn our country around through intelligent and well thought out decisions and that he'd be smart enough to surround himself with intelligent and honest people. As a 67-year old retiree with children and a new grandchild, I have never felt more fearful, more dismayed, and more angry at myself for having been a part of voting him into the office of the presidency. And for that I openly apologize to my children. As angry at myself as I am, I've never been stronger in my beliefs and convictions that we people if this great country truly love and respect each other for the wonderful uniqueness we've each been blessed to have and that, overall, we don't give a damn about one's sexual preference or one's gender identity but rather the importance of everyone finding happiness within themselves about themselves and being the best human beings we can all be to each other. Mr. Trump, ignorance is not bliss, but rather an enormous burden on a society. I'll be the first one to carry someone who shows an ignorance through no fault of their own, but you sir, I would refuse to help for you have the tools to help this great country in the most productive capacity and yet your uber ego has gotten in the way and in just 7 months you have created more chaos, more uncertainty, and more "I don't beiieve he just said that....again" moments than any other president. BUT, as many times as we all shake our heads, you will never break us as a people, you will never create disbelievers in us, you will never get us to turn against each other, and you will certainly never cause us to not want our family, friends, neighbors, and even those we don't know to not find happiness within themselves, about themselves and reach their fullest potential no matter their gender. Your ignorance will not destroy what we all have to offer this world. It will not destroy our self-worth, our belief in ourselves, our strength as a people, our tenacity to work together for a better tomorrow. And it certainly won't destroy the abilities and desires for those who want to serve this country in the greatest military to shrink for it is the application of their knowledge and their willingness to lose the one life they've been given that has given you the right to stand on your pulpit and attempt to embarrass and destroy their spirits. Irony is so ironic, isn't it?!

  • Lynn - 7 years ago

    How is this not discrimination?

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