Do you approve of the job President Trump is doing?


  • Diane Neal - 7 years ago

    No you can Not vote multiple times! smh...

  • James - 7 years ago

    It is indeed a reality tv show. We are the laughing stock of the world. The apprentice threatens Russia. Jeez!

    Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, and Beth Harwell stand with Trump and his "Island of Misfit Toy's" who run our White House. They stand with Trump. VOTE THEM OUT. We all deserve better. Middle Tennessee deserves better and America deserves better. Unite! Let's make America Great Again without Trump and his supporters.

  • Ike - 7 years ago

    I love this season of The Apprentice. It's better than Scandal.

  • X - 7 years ago

    The modern usage of 'human rights' is just code for liberalism. you can't push a political ideology as fact. it is an imaginary construct that only exists in the minds of those who hold it as an opinion. liberalism,progressiveism,conservatism and all the others can never be a fact, they are all opinions as are 'human rights'. human rights are a relative concept depending on the culture you are in and are never a fact or reality. I'm not saying they're bad but the ideas can be, and are to some extent, corrupted in my opinion.
    In my opinion one human right should be speaking your thoughts without a bigot coming along and calling you 'uneducated' and saying you don't care about human rights.
    You're stereotyping, being prejudiced and showing that you are a bigot and never actually made a point, only commented to insult people.

  • Quick - 7 years ago

    Whoever voted yes needs to be educated or just do not care about human life or human rights!

  • Eric - 7 years ago

    'scientific' polls like the one that showed zero chance for trump to win? the 'scientific' polls are routinely oversampled to get the desired results, even the most credible ones have been caught doing this. nearly all the polls that were showing hillary clinton had a 90%+ chance of winning had skewed methods. some were sampling as high as 45% democrats 35% independent and 20% republican, it is not hard to see the kind of results you would get. virtually non of them have an even sample ration. the polls coming out now are as accurate as the ones guaranteeing a clinton win. it is just ammo for an echo chamber with no real world meaning. that is why clinton supporters were absolutely stunned at her loss even after many trump supporters called the outcome well in advanced. they were called crazy when they said there is a silent majority being ignored.
    poll results are useful in discouraging voter turnout for the predicted loser, it has been done for a long time but with people being able to communicate directly it is a technique that is losing it's effectiveness.

    tl/dr : don't rely on polls, they have poor track records and there is more motivation for them to find a desired result than an accurate one. this is not a partisan thing, polls are universally skewed. it drives their funds

  • war blur - 7 years ago

    polls done using scientific methodology show the truth: people detest trump, two to one.

  • Ed VanSickle - 7 years ago

    There are obvious pockets of support for this President. They are mostly in KY, WV, OH, AL, MS, SC,GA, and of course TN.
    While I am not and have never been a supporter of Donald Trump, I do realize that many many people , including some personal friend, are.
    There may come a time when we need to decide whether we value the rule of law for all Americans, Not Just liberals, moderates or conservatives.
    I say this because the voices of division are beginning to drown out the voices of reason and civility.
    Make no mistake, a war which would result of this division, would not be a so called civil war. It would be an insurrection. The legal and popular government of the United States of America will decide who is or is not fit to be it remain President of those United States. Threats of force against that Government will be met with the defense of it by all citizens called upon to do so. An insurrection would fail.
    If Mr.Trump is innocent of wrongdoing, the Investigation by the special counsel will reach that conclusion. Do not be fooled into supporting someone who calls you to revolt against that government to which you have always sworn loyalty and patriotism.
    Do not continue to be swayed by a slick New York City Real Estate swindler. He may be found innocent but his words and intimidation techniques indicate that he is not. Just be prepared and for the sake of the nation make no fooolish or irrational decisions.

  • Give it a rest - 7 years ago

    And we have another 'tolerant' anti-trump person here to childishly name call and toss insults around without actually pointing out any facts. you parents must be proud to have raised someone so unable to express themselves like and adult. you are a true example of the bigoted hatred coming from the left. 2 year olds insult and name call because they lack the vocabulary and critical thinking ability to have an intelligent conversation, can we assume the same about you?

  • Nathan B. - 7 years ago

    @ ChrisG.. Keep drinking that GOP kool's done wonders for your that elected the MOST incompetent, illiterate, unqualified, morally bankrupt, professional con man, perpetual LIAR, misogynist, draft evading TRAITOR to lead this can keep on repeating the same old GOP squawking points about HRC and others..FACTS are that even though HRC has been investigated for the last 30 years, not ONE single Grand Jury has ever been impaneled and even after your OWN GOP witch hunt costing over 5 million dollars, they didn't anything and yet, it's only been 6 months since the orange cheeto has been in office and there is a grand jury in the works!

  • Mark Rosen - 7 years ago

    Donald Trump is well on his way to impeachment. The Democrats haven't had to do anything. Trump has done it all to himself.

  • Dwight - 7 years ago

    Why are you racist, Marc? What do you have against white people?

  • Marc K - 7 years ago

    Otherwise known as the "How Racist Are Our Readers?" poll.

  • Laura Aaron - 7 years ago

    His moral compass threatens every living being already in harms way from industrial consumer capitalism. The economy of rape and take is great, while the environment DIES, oceans suffocate, animals go extinct, and arctic ice melts far more rapidly which will increase storms and flood low lying lands. MORAL leaders CARE about the poor, helping the environment, feeding children HEALTHY Food, protecting the planet which DT could care lass about.
    He's a child with mommy issues and his intellect and wisdom are that of a rock. He delights in violence, cruelty, lust of power ( like Clinton )and confirms that America is just another empire feeding like locust, off the resources this planet can't keep up with....As empires go, and leaders we claim kill their own citizens, the US is right up their but Trump supporters are too content with being entertained, comfortable and full to notice... They need to read Elizabeth Kolbert's book, The Sixth Mass Extinction, which DT's policies hasten.. He does not gove ONE SHIT about his voters. He laughs at them as his cabinet attempts world domination by force and war. I live in a sick nation, manifesting sickness at every turn, mental and physical...and it's business as usual...

  • Riley Palmer - 7 years ago

    There are so many pseudo-intellectual dems posting here. You guys aren't posting issues, you're posting about how unintelligent or uninformed someone is to vote for Trump. What you're really saying is how much smarter and more informed you think you are than the average person.

    Guess what? Your posts are prejudice and you are confusing your opinion with facts. A consequence of living in a society with free speech is people are going to have different opinions than you, if you can't accept that without insulting people you are the intolerant one. Disliking a president is an opinion, not a rule or fact. You are more than welcome to dislike anyone you want but your opinion on the person is no more valid than the next persons. There is no such thing as a correct opinion and your opinion can never be a fact, trying to force it on others, directly or through name calling/insults, is bigoted and intolerant.

    If your argument is that people only voted for him because they are dumb you are being prejudiced. It is obvious to anyone that is not a true fact but a attempt to call yourself better and more intelligent than Trump voters. You are being a bigot. Every hate group that has ever existed thought they knew better than those they disagreed with or disliked. They felt their intolerance was justified. To put it simply, the bad guys never believe there is any way they're the bad guys.

    The actual facts show that the lowest information and least educated portions of society make up a huge portion of the democrats (think inner city dropouts and 3rd world migrants who are 90%+ democrat) so the information/intelligence excuse you make for Trump votes doesn't hold water and is a prejudiced unrealistic generalization of people.

    If you are being intolerant or insulting to others for thinking differently than you, you have no claim to saying you are accepting, tolerant, diverse, inclusive, or any of the other virtues the left claims to have a monopoly on so often.

    People come together effectively when they can agree to disagree or respectfully share opinions and information without being condescending or hostile. It is nearly impossible to truly communicate your point of view if you are peppering it with insults.

    In the end, you're not smarter or more informed. Most people have confirmation bias and consciously or unconsciously go out of their way to only see or accept things they already believe or agree with. If you can't be honest about your own bias you can't share accurate facts, only a skewed opinion. Living in an echo chamber is intellectually stunting.

    If you ever wonder who to believe, it is my opinion that you look to see who is sharing information in a respectful way and who is insulting/virtue signaling/name calling and it is easy to realize who is trying to discus/debate an issue and who lacks the emotional maturity/information to do anything beyond having emotional outbursts.

  • Alex - 7 years ago

    Suzie and Hunwald are bigots and don't even seem to realize it. I pity people so uniformed and intolerant

  • Hunwald Leofwine - 7 years ago

    59% yes... 59% are ill informed, uneducated or just plain ignorant.

  • Suzie - 7 years ago

    These people who voted yes are either really uninformed or don't want to admit what a moron they voted for. This idiot is a embarrassment to our country. He's done nothing, but showed how ignorant he is and the amount of ignorance we have in this country. Those that voted for him don't even care that he and the Republicans want to screw them as long as he keeps his racist bigoted promises and they can keep their guns. Well when they can't put food on the table and their Medicaid is cut off let's see if they feel the same. As the Republicans say, "keep them stupid to the facts and they will follow." Grow up and get educated on the facts.
    No I didn't vote for Hillary. I vote for the best candidate, and not the lesser of two evils. Trump and Hillary are both pure evil.

  • Pam - 7 years ago

    If you did know, HJilgard, TN is a red state but Nashville is a blue city. Trump lost Davidson County so I would say >50% is pretty good

  • Hilgard Peak - 7 years ago

    Only 50 some percent think Trump is doing a good job in Nashville. Trump must be in bigly trouble because in places like New York and California his good job ratings are more like 20%. Overall his positive ratings are dropping into the low 30% range.

  • Dan - 7 years ago

    Thanks Demont. We had some folks over for dinner last night and we're discussing the same thing. We don't see racial division in our neighborhoods. It seems to only be an issue where democrats are in charge. It is their go to issue where they push the buttons and sew the seeds of division for their own gain. The entire left/right paradium is laughable. No one is full left or full right. I tend to think that the majority of people are moderates who just want the government out of their lives. But so long as they are able to keep people distracted and arguing over these "hot button issues", the political establishment is free to continue their enrichment scheme without fear of reprisal. If people realized that the real enemy is in the state houses, congress, and the senate, we might see meaningful change. Instead we get lip service and hateful comments thrown about like that is the way it is supposed to be.
    The leftt wing and right wing are attached to the same bird that is flying us all to hell.

  • Demont - 7 years ago

    Well said, Dan. Democrats are pushing conspiracy theories and propaganda. Most probably mean well but lack the critical thinking skills to form their own opinions, every thought they have comes form the media. They never seem to realize the heavy ties the media has to the dnc or the fact that they exist to sell advertising, they get more money from getting emotional responses from people than being honest. So many dnc scandals not being touched by the msm while they push unfounded russia stories. trump/russia has to the most investigated issue in political history and still not one shred of evidence after all this time.

    I am black and have lived in the south all my life, i have never felt attacked or oppressed by racists but when I say i voted for trump the "tolerant" left berates me with no mercy. i have had my vehicle vandalized over a bumper sticker. a bigot is someone who is intolerant of others for having a different opinion. that sums up the anti-trump crowd very well. look through comments anywhere, they devolve to name calling and insults when trump supporters point out facts. you not liking trump is your opinion but it does not mean he is bad, it only means you think he is bad, when you attack others for disagreeing with that you are a bigot. an opinion can never be a fact

  • Dan - 7 years ago

    I am amazed at the lunacy of these comments. "Eleven intelligence agencies" was not only debunked, it was retracted by the AP and the Washington Post. I guess CNN forgot to give yall the memo.

    "Vilifying teens"? How? By organizing to take down a criminal gang? Just because they are technically "teens" doesn't lend your argument any credence. I wouldn't arrest or deport ANY MS-13 bangers, I would just kill them. Maybe you should be happy that President Trump is more moderate than the people who elected him.
    If you are so blind that you can't see an orchestrated effort from the media and political establishment to undermine this president, you are a sheep.
    If they all hate him, he must be doing something right. The more you attack him, the stronger our resolve becomes. You have already sealed your fate in the 2018 midterms. I don't think there will be a Democrat left. Kid Rock is going to win Michigan because yall have done nothing but whine and complain for a year. Keep it up though. You are guaranteeing President Trump's reelection in 2020. I'm thrilled with it. So long as liberals are having a meltdown, I don't even care what he accomplishes. I will vote for him again in 2020 while you drama queensure are all "literally shaking and fearing for my life" again. Priceless!

  • Christy Smith - 7 years ago

    By the way, on the healthcare, I prepare taxes and see all sides of the "Obamacare" failures. I see the people who can't afford the premiums, those who pay the premiums and get no benefits because the deductibles are so high, and those who have lost their company insurance because of Obamacare, not to mention those who were cut to part time so the company doesn't have to furnish health care. I myself pay over $400 a month for myself and still had a tax penalty because I don't have pediatric coverage ( I don't have children at home anymore) healthcare is broken and the insurance companies are pulling out because they are losing, big time under the current healthcare. It needs overhauled in a big way. The only ones I've seen that truly benefits are low income and the retirees that are between 62 and 65 and can't get Medicare yet. I have over 700 clients and only about 60 people are happy with the current healthcare. It HAS to be fixed!

  • Robin - 7 years ago

    Christy try real news not Faux he is under criminal investigation. 11 intelligence agencies all agree but of course Trump is innocent because he takes no responsibility for himself. How are you going to pay for your healthcare if there is any. I thought ISIS would be gone in 60 days he has done jack shit but tells you he is doing a great job and you believe it. By the way congress is majority Repukes who also do not support the mentally unstable lunatic. The man need a mental health exam because I think that they will find he has Alzheimers like his dad. The guy gets lost going to his limo wanders around aimlessly.

  • Christy Smith - 7 years ago

    President Trump is not a politician and therefore unorthodox. But he is a worker with the best for our country in mind. The Dems just can't get over Hillarys loss. She has major personal problems and is part of lots of illegal transactions. The fact that she sold uranium to Ukraine and Obama gave all that money to Iran, which is now being sent to North Korea, isn't even talked about. Not to mention all the classified e-mails.... If congress won't work with him to get things done, we need new congressman.

  • Robin - 7 years ago

    Hell no this man is a disgrace to the human race. Gave him a chance and has been a complete and utter disaster. Now he is on another fucking holiday on our tax dollars. Had to pay for his mail order bride to live in a separate state (now we know why) and putting money in his pockets every time he golfs. Of course he can only stay at his resorts so he makes money. Isn't he the president who was not going to take vacations or golf because he will be too busy? Well he has golfed more than Obama and is on track to spend more on vacations in less than 4 years than Obama in 8 years. I am outraged that he has conned and lied so blatantly. He does not give a shit about anyone but him and then his family and of course Putin.

  • jim wohlgemuth - 7 years ago

    Look at the comments. As Trump and the GOP tries to take away health care, tries to privatize the VA, sells weapons to criminal nations, allows the world to continue to pollute and rape our resources, harasses our neighbors of color, vilifies teenagers and tries to privatize our schools, yet in Tenn he has nearly sixty percent approval. That is so disappointing. That is so demoralizing knowing that as I go to Kroger or walk down broadway in Nashville that I am surrounded by people who do not read, who do not care, who do not know the teachings of Jesus. If they would only read and actually try to understand Matthew 25.

  • Mandy - 7 years ago

    Trump is doing great. Typical liberal talk accusations of cheating. Libs can not stand loosing. #MAGA

  • Jim - 7 years ago

    You find it strange that White House employees would be expected to obey the president? Whoever is president is the boss, of course people should obey. The same went for Obama, Bush, and every other president.
    At least have a valid complaint....

  • Rick - 7 years ago

    BS Trump controls everyone in the WH, Everyone have to obey him, if not they will be fire. They all afraid of him

  • Jim - 7 years ago

    JYO - It uses cookies to prevent multiple votes. You are a sad little person if you're on here cheating at a news poll. Your logic fails to take into account that if you can do multiple votes voters that would work for either answer and any multi-votes would cancel out.
    In the end, you told on yourself for cheating and when you couldn't rig a news poll you decided to blame it on some ability to cheat you found. The left loves cheating at polls though, no one is so sad they have to cheat at an unofficial poll except for trump haters like yourself. I new the left was low but that is just embarrassing

  • JYo - 7 years ago

    In case you haven't noticed, you can vote multiple times, which is the ONLY reason the 'yes' votes are so high.

  • mary bird - 7 years ago

    Trump needs to resign and go to Russia to live with his perverted mentor....

  • Gary L Wright - 7 years ago

    I don't believe the results of this poll. There simply CANNOT be that many people who thinks he's doing a good job. Just not possible.

  • George - 7 years ago

    Actually lenaBean, you don't seem to understand what racist means. You clearly are the racist

  • LenaBean - 7 years ago

    Oops, I left off racist, but denying that they are racist because they do not understand what racism means.

  • LenaBean - 7 years ago

    A poll of people who live in the south shows that southern people approve of a republican president. Shocking. It is people in the south's default mode to support republicans, it is part of the religious, sexist, under-educated culture.

  • Moira Twomey - 7 years ago

    Sad!!! Unfortunately people can't or won't see what he is doing is wrong and how unprofessional, politically inept and what a bad business man he is. They excuse his lies, when most of his base are the very ones he had defrauded. History will show him to be what he is. So many are now regretting that they voted for him. Seriously what did they expect? He himself has called his base sheep. Personally, I feel for them, to be so duped by this con man, unfortunately for the rest of them it's going to take a major cut in their pay ito realise the damage he has wrought not only to them but to this great country. I have family in the UK, Germany, Italy and Australia and they are completely blown away by his ineptitude, lies and childlike behavior.

  • Nathan - 7 years ago

    I hope that "Rev" part of your name has nothing to do with 'Reverend' because you are the literally the textbook definition of a bigot. You are in no place to make make a moral judgement when you are an intolerant hate monger.
    Here you go:
    noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots

    a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.

  • RevBren - 7 years ago

    I find it gut wrenching to have to believe there are so many truly stupid & pathetic people out there blindly supporting this #TrumpFraud. You can not claim to b e "Christian" and still support all the garbage associated with Trump. "Faux Christians".

  • Thruth - 7 years ago

    It is funny that people who kept quiet through 8 years of a president who was caught running guns to mexico that resulted in deaths then ordered the investigation shut down, ran guns to isis, overthrew sovereign governments, illegally spied on the nation, ran the government like an organized crime ring, went down in history as the only president to spend his entire time in office at war, worst economic growth, highest percentage living in poverty, highest amount of shootings, spent more money than any other person in the history of the world, and increased the national debt more than all previous presidents combined (to name just a few of the many things he did) lose their minds because they think a president who in months has broke economic records over and over and brought unemployment to pre-9/11 lows because they are too bigoted to accept him expressing his opinion on twitter.....

  • Fred Lord - 7 years ago

    I guess this poll is about as scientific as the current administration. What's that? You like it when the President of the United States attacks the Attorney General on Twitter? What the hell is going on in this country? The White House is like a really bad episode of Beverly Hills 90210. I guess that's ok with 55% of America. I refuse to believe it.

  • Will - 7 years ago

    If Trump wins this poll, it will only be because of Russian interference.

  • Jan Steinberg - 7 years ago

    If it weren't for white privilege Hillary would have won.

  • Bob Mueller - 7 years ago

    not even over and there are already conspiracy theorists trying to call it rigged. goos grief, this isnt a scientific poll and if your poking around for security holes you're pretty pathetic

  • Jimbob - 7 years ago

    So you're using a bot?

  • Daniel Quinn - 7 years ago

    How is this "poll" remotely accurate when people can vote multiple times and there is no security feature to prevent bots from voting?

  • Trev - 7 years ago

    People call him corrupt but he is the most thouroughly investigated president in modern times, thanks to democrat bigotry. They can find nothing on him. All this crap these windbags talk about him but if there was evidence something would have happened by now. Ita just liberal conspiracy theory. Dont make the accusation if you have no evidence.

  • Linda Beckman - 7 years ago

    Forget about Hillary; this is about that train wreck, Trump! He is the most corrupt person ever to hold the office if the presidency. Personally, I don't care how he goes, just THAT he goes; and he will. Hopefully, soon!

  • Poop - 7 years ago


  • James - 7 years ago

    Yes Gary! Sadly, Trump is the worse president in the history of the United States. Even his GOP Constituents DO NOT agree with him. The White House is in crisis. We are in trouble. American has never been more vulnerable in presidential history. Impeachment soon! Sadly, look what will take the reins. Sit back and watch ya'll and pray Russia doesn't take over. He sold us for cheap. Can't wait to see his tweets from his millionaire golf course these next 17 days. Jeez!

  • sp - 7 years ago

    President Trump is doing an EXCELLENT job - it's the RHINO Republicans and the hate filled demorats tearing the country apart. MAGA-

  • Patrick - 7 years ago

    The hatred and anger expressed by the Hillary voters never ceases to amuse me.
    I wonder if when they go to bed at night they first look under the bed to see if any Russians are there....
    Seriously speaking. If you are still harboring that hatred inside it might be in your own long term best interest to discuss it with a qualified physician. Anxiety of that type is certainly treatable and can be controlled. Avoiding treatment is detrimental to your health well being.

  • Gary - 7 years ago

    Trump is awful. Vote no, unless you are in total denial.

  • Marilyn - 7 years ago

    To all the Trump haters...have you checked you 401k lately? That increase is called WILLING WITH DONALD TRUMP!

  • Don - 7 years ago

    Evidence pitched to grand jury - Trump ,and Russia- Impeachment proceedings will begin soon. Stand by and watch as we rid the White House of the rich, corrupt Trump mafia. It's all going down! ????????????????????

  • Janice - 7 years ago

    "Dems need to get a grip'??? Dems HAVE a grip,, DRumpf is a MORON.

  • James - 7 years ago

    We are living the nightmare. Trump is the worse president in the history of the USA. I pray. May God help us all. The White House has been sold to Russia. So sad!

  • Don - 7 years ago

    Trump is undoubtedly The Worse President in United States History. Here in Middle Tennessee let's not ever forget Diane Black. Marsha Blackburn, and Beth Harrell all stand with Trump and his disarray of of American values. Impeachment soon - let's vdrain the swamp in Washington AND here in Middle Tennessee yawl!

  • Christopher - 7 years ago

    Maybe this is another example of how polls don't really capture America's pulse., only the liberals.

  • Pat Pulliam - 7 years ago

    Joseph Richardson, Trump has never won any Congressional elections. The Republicans have won 5 since Trump became President - all in very red districts and all were much closer than usual. As for the Governor of West Virginia, he was a Republican until he ran for Governor and then 7 months later went back to being a Republican so as best I can tell, he is just another lying Republican.

  • ChrisG - 7 years ago

    I reluctantly voted "Yes" 'cuz I didn't want to give the Progressive Communists any credit by voting "No".

    I am VERY disappointed in POTUS Trump: Hillary, Obama, Sosor, Juan McCain, Podesta, Susan Rice & all of the rest should be IN JAIL at this very moment....& what does AG Sessions do? He gives them a pass while wanting to crack down on marijuana smokers in States where marijuana has been made legal again. POTUS Trump had added CFR globalists into his administration(HR McMaster & Elaine Cat Chao, for example): it is IMPOSSIBLE to Make America Great Again when you surround yourself w/ people who promote the growth of global government & destroy the sovereignty of the US as a free & independent nation. POTUS Trump needs to put the hammer down on these traitors, arrest them & throw them in jail.

  • Joseph Richardson - 7 years ago

    I see a lot of phony polls paid for by the liberal media. However, Trump has won 5 straight Congressional elections since becoming President. And the Governor of West Virginia just switched parties to Republican. Those are real polls and real facts. America loves Trump.

  • Robyn dayle - 7 years ago

    Dems need to get a grip. Senate and Congress need to do their jobs and the President needs to stay focused on the goals. I like that he uses twitter, but wish he would not do it to criticize his staff. Want him to keep to the important stuff.

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